Rec Room II

Redefined Chemistry between Oil and Water

Sorry for taking so long! It was hell week in school. My exams are already next week and I also had to prepare my application form for the CET, and not to mention the essay that had to be submitted along with it. My mind was completely blank when I was writing my essay, so I decided to continue this chapter instead.. Haha! I added a bit of “I Hear Your Voice” in it. (SOOO sad that it ended! But I haven’t had the time to watch the last two episodes. No spoiling please! XD) And I put some RicJin in there. As brothers, I mean. I just love how close they’ve been, especially with their couple bracelet and stuff. Hahaha. So anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!! As usual, a lot of cheesiness, especially from Eric. XD


"You okay?" Eric asked Hyesung as he broke off their kiss. "No. I can't believe we just did that. Can you just call them already?" Hyesung replied, feeling both irritated and embarrassed in front of Eric. And grumpy since he was starving.
"Okay, okay." Eric answered, laughing at the crabby but blushing boy as he dialled Andy's number. As soon as Andy answered, Eric said, "Put me on speaker." Andy did as he was told. "Hey, guys!" Eric exclaimed as he waved to the CCTV. "How's that for a show? Hyesung's getting a lot better at acting, don't you think?"
"What the hell is going on?" Minwoo asked, confused.
"I heard you telling your manager about your plan. I was within hearing distance. I didn't name you 'Special Stupid' for nothing." Eric laughed as Andy and Dongwan started laughing as well. Minwoo and Junjin were both still shocked at what they had witnessed. "I decided to play along. Hyesung surprisingly agreed to play, too." Eric added as Hyesung waved to the CCTV.
"This isn't funny." Junjin joined in with a serious face.
"Why isn't it? Minwoo started it. We just added the fun." Eric replied.
"Eric hyung, meet me at my place. Now." Junjin sternly ordered with obvious anger in his voice, and walked briskly out of the restaurant without uttering another word.

"What the hell, hyung? You whine about your pathetic unrequited love for Hyesung hyung, then suddenly you guys are together? Thanks a lot for telling me!" Junjin complained with sarcasm and felt immature, but he didn't care. He was always there for Eric, and he felt betrayed when Eric didn't tell him what was going on between the two. He should've been the first one to hear about it.
"Are you crazy? We're not together, Jin-ah. Hyesung and I were just teasing you guys." Eric replied as he put his arm around Junjin's shoulders.
"I don't believe you. Hyesung hyung wouldn't just kiss you for fun. That'd be just..wrong." Junjin answered but didn't shrug Eric's arm off. He probably wasn't that mad at Eric after all.
"I couldn't believe it either when he agreed. Weird, right?"
"That is definitely weird. Whatever, I'm still mad that you didn't let me in on your little plan." Junjin sat lazily on his couch. "I wanna drink. I have soju in the fridge." Junjin said, wanting Eric to get it for him.
"Fine. You're such a kid." Eric walked to the fridge as he smiled at his tall best friend who was supposedly 'mad' at him.
He could never get mad at Eric. Eric was like a brother to him. He admired everything Eric did. But knowing the leader all too well, Junjin could sense that Eric wasn't completely thrilled with what happened earlier. But he decided not to push it if Eric didn't bring it up first.
Eric came back with a bottle of soju along with two shot glasses and sat beside Junjin.
"So what did Hyesung hyung say?" Junjin asked while opening and pouring soju in Eric's glass. Eric drank it all in one shot and slowly felt the sting in is his throat. He got the bottle and poured a shot for Junjin.
"He was shy, of course. He has always been. But he said he had an appointment with his father or something. And his face was all red and sweaty. He looked pretty nervous or scared about something. Then he suddenly ran out." Eric answered as Junjin drank his shot.
"That was it?" Junjin poured another shot for Eric.
"Yup, that was it. How were the others?" Eric asked as he drank his shot again and started tracing the ring of the glass.
"Minwoo was pretty upset; probably because his plan was a failure. But the remaining two had fun, I believe." And with that, they left the topic of RicSyung's kiss and continued to talk about other random stuff while drinking.
After sharing just one bottle, Eric stood up and said, "I better go. I don't wanna drive drunk. Sorry Jinnie!!" Eric jokingly kissed Junjin on the cheek and ran out the door.
On his way home, he felt like a love-struck teenager. The love of his life finally kissed him. But he still felt uneasy about Hyesung agreeing to it. Or maybe he was just disappointed that it was just for show. He wanted something real. He didn't know what to feel anymore. He just shrugged it off and played one of their CDs as he drove.

As he was walking along the corridor to his apartment, he found a man in front of his door, about to type in the code to his house. But the man kept hesitating ang pulling his hand back. Eric realized who it was and silently laughed to himself. He took a picture of the said man and sent it to him with the caption: "Do you have something to say or were you just gonna steal ramen from me?" Hyesung looked to his right and his expression was like of a teenager caught shoplifting from a department store. The corridor was poorly lit so Eric decided to walk to his door and invite Hyesung in. When he could clearly see Hyesung's face, he noticed that the singer's cheek was red. Eric's first instinct was to touch Hyesung's cheek. How predictable. "What happened?" Eric asked, but he sounded angry rather than sounding worried. Hyesung just stood there, looking confused. The butterflies just suddenly decided to fly around in his stomach all at once.
"Uhh, my dad slapped me." Hyesung replied, not really thinking before he said it.
"What?! Why?" Eric got even angrier after hearing what Hyesung revealed. The latter felt a bit scared, so lying to the leader was out of the question. He decided to get straight to the point and answer as briefly as possible.
"I told him I was gay." Eric's face suddenly softened. He didn't know what to say, but what he did notice was that his hand was still on Hyesung's cheek. He abruptly removed his hand, and Hyesung's heart just fell to the ground. What did that mean? Out of impulse, he kissed Eric on the lips. He, himself, was even more shocked than Eric. "Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." was the first thing that Hyesung said after coming back to his senses. He looked so innocent; like a kid who accidentally broke a vase and had to face his mother. Eric laughed at how cute Hyesung looked. He laughed at Hyesung's reaction. He laughed, simply because he was happy. "What’s so funny?" Hyesung asked, looking pissed and embarrassed at the same time. Oh how adorable he looked. Eric once again held Hyesung's red cheek.
"You are." Eric smiled.
"What's so funny about me?" Hyesung felt like he was about to cry. He practically confessed his feelings towards Eric and he was just taking it as some kind of funny joke.
"You're too adorable for your own good. So don't get mad, okay? You might get more wrinkles, especially here." Eric kissed Hyesung's forehead. Hyesung's face was awfully red, meanwhile Eric was smiling like an idiot. Out of nowhere, Hyesung ran out of Eric's apartment. Eric was about to run after him, but decided to give him space, so he walked after him instead.
Hyesung reached his apartment first, just a mere floor above Eric's. Eric entered Hyesung's passcode and went straight towards Hyesung's locked bedroom door. "Open up, Hyesungie." Eric requested as he knocked.
"Trespasser!" Eric heard a muffled shout from inside.
"C'mon, you can't stay in there forever."
"Go away!" Hyesung shouted.
"YAH!" Eric shouted back, trying to sound angry, but the smile on his face never disappeared. The door slowly opened revealing an adorable creature with his head bowed down as he tried to hide his face with his bangs. Eric placed his hand once again on Hyesung's cheek, as they were now face to face at Hyesung's doorway. "Rule no. 1, don't run away when I kiss you." Then suddenly Eric gave Hyesung a quick kiss on the lips. "Rule no. 2, don't lock your bedroom door." Eric gave him a second kiss. "Rule no. 3, don't leave me, ever. Please?" Eric gave Hyesung a small smile as he engulfed the shorter man in a tight hug. Hyesung loosened their hug and faced Eric.
"Urgh, I can't believe how cheesy you are." Hyesung smiled and kissed Eric. Eric had to interrupt their kiss as a sudden thought entered his mind.
"Sorry Hyesungie. This'll just take a second." Eric reached into his pocket and took his phone out.
"Who are you calling in the middle of the night?" Hyesung didn't want to sound like he was possessive of Eric or anything, but he was curious and couldn't help but ask. But Eric just ignored the question.
"Hello? Jin-ah, Hyesung and I are together. Don't be mad, okay? It just happened now. You're the first one I called. Good night!" Eric hung up without even giving Junjin a chance to react.


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MizzPeel0007 #1
Chapter 4: Loved the ending line " from the moon and back". Love the back and fourth bickering that is so lovey.
Chapter 4: I love school AU too ^^ it was a nice chapter to read.
Hope everything will settled down soon, take care and stay safe.
Chapter 4: Cutttteeeee kyaaaaaaaa
hehehe I can see flowers blossom around me kkk
Chapter 4: aigoo, Eric can't you wait until Hyesung graduated from high school? hahaha.

Ouh, stay safe. how is Philipine condition right now?
Chapter 4: OMG cute story... Hahahaha Hyesung dating his English teacher... PUAHAHAHAHAHA... Btw can you write the story about how they can be together? lol lol it will be cute, the teacher & the student fall in love with each other :p

Btw, stay safe... I pray for you ^^
shintahahaha #6
Chapter 4: Wow, Hyesung dating his english teacher? o_O

I pray for you and all Philippines, Dear..
Chapter 4: awwwww sooooo fluffy and pretty and hearts and flowers everywhere!! hahaha I'm vomiting right now!! x3 looovely!!
Chapter 4: yay! another Ph-SHCJ <3. hope all pinoy shcj's are safe and dry.
this fic is so adorable. thanks for updating! galing! kilig much!!
ramyunfave #9
Chapter 4: awww...this was cute as well. i like the way you light and fluffy:-)
most of the filipino shinchangs that i know are ok...i hope the others are as well:-)
ramyunfave #10
Chapter 3: omg! this is soooo fluffy!!! cheesy eric! ...and cute hyesungie:-)