

In which Taemin is a (very famous)(secretly a fairy) singer and Minho is the new intern (fanboy) at the company.


"We call them faerie./We don't believe in them./Our loss."- Charles de Lint
(Silver) this will be updated tomorrow.


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Chapter 16: It was really sweet i read in one go ....... I love it
Chapter 10: Aaaaiii so sweet
Chapter 6: Hahahaha taemin don't care
MightiestHeroes #4
Chapter 16: That was very sweet I feel like I just ate some cotton candy.
supergirl1901 #5
Chapter 16: Nice. I just can say this only word. Thank you for your beautiful writings <3
Chapter 16: Nice one... Very unique. This fic made it two my 2min list of favorite fics.
pinkyume #7
Chapter 16: "I have my wings to fly" will never mean the same to me anymore!!

I loved your story. Taemin has grown, but he's still a fairy~~~
marimpar2 #8
Chapter 1: was amazing reading this story
Chapter 16: i remember this being one of my favourites from you and re-reading this makes me realise just how much i love it and omG i seroiously love this so much <3333 thank you for writing this <3333 i love fairy taemin *^* and i'm happy key could experience love in the end ;u; and jongyu~
lil2min #10
Chapter 16: Amazing story !! Love it so much