Chapter 1

We're Sorry, Hyuk



It was actually a very beautiful day. The sun shone brightly and birds chirping. Just like the usual, normal day for the family of 6 brothers. Until one of them got their heart broken by a girl. Getting cheated hurts, and finding about it ourselves, that’s a lot more painful.


That day, Ravi broke up. He was just walking around trying to find some new inspirations for his new song. He was walking around the park when he spotted his girlfriend. He skipped happily to approach his girl when suddenly, a random guy he doesn’t know ran up to hug his girlfriend. Ravi saw how her eyes twinkled when the random guy cupped her face then started to kiss her rather passionately. He froze in his place, no matter how much he wants to look away, he can’t. The two kissing couldn’t even notice his presence.


When they pulled away, Ravi couldn’t hide his face anymore. Tears that have been streaming down made his eyes sore. He felt so pathetic. Ravi sniffled, and that is when his supposed-to be- girlfriend noticed him. She was flustered, but she did nothing, she clings to the guy even more while she stare at Ravi. Ravi was speechless, his words stuck in his throat refusing to come out. The random guy glared at him.


“What are you looking at? Huh? Are you a ert? Staring at my girl like that,” he said harshly.


Ravi stayed quiet. Slowly, he stared back at the guy. Ravi knew what he is capable of. He’s not normal anyway. Ravi creepily smiled to the guy, tears finally stopped. He looked at the guy from head to toe before he smirked evilly. They guy flinched. He took a step backward when Ravi was getting closer. He cowered when he saw how Ravi towered over him. Even jumped when Ravi spoke.


“Half-breed huh?”


The guy snapped, he looked up and his eyes met a pair of unusually red eyes. “I’m sorry?” suddenly being more polite.


Ravi chuckled, not amused. “Half-breed… it’s rare to see your kind around here…” Ravi put his hands in his pocket. “You know… around this area.” He said emphasizing when he said area.


The guy gulped. He was scared, even almost piss himself when he asked Ravi another question. “Uh… uhm” he stuttered. He cleared his throat before he speaks again. “Are you… uh… uhm…  from around here? Or… u-uhm… are you a hy–“


“Oh of course I am… I thought someone like you would know. Considering you’re a Dhampir… ” Ravi stared down to meet the guy’s eyes. “Some advice… you should definitely be polite to someone above your rank you know.” Ravi glanced to the forgotten girl on the side. “By the way, she’s my girlfriend.” He cockily said with a hint of sadness.


The Dhampir widened his eyes before immediately prying the girl’s hands from his. “I’m so sorry sir. I don’t know at all. She’s the one who flirted with me first so I thought she was single.” He blabbered. But Ravi calmly shushed him. The guy fidgeted.


“I suggest you scram. Now.” Ravi flatly said. The guy, not missing his chance to run away, fled from the scene leaving Ravi alone with the girl. The girl only looked down, not daring to look at Ravi. Ravi finally broke down. “Why?” he choked. But she doesn’t reply. Ravi continued to cry. “Hey.” She said. Ravi looked at her. “You know that I still like you right? Stop crying, it’s pathetic. I still love you, you should know that.” She said. Ravi stopped his sobbing. He looked at the girl straight in her eyes. A smile crept up onto his face, and the girl smiled too.


“See? You look better when you smile. You know I’m just playing around. I still love you!” she said sweetly, while putting her hand on Ravi’s. Ravi smile turned to a frown. “Don’t touch me, .” He hissed. The girl paled. But Ravi doesn’t care. “You’re a , a gold-digger. A . Don’t you ever show your self in front of me ever again.” With that Ravi walked away.


His walking got faster, as his tears threatened to fall again. After a while he ran to his mansion, letting his tears fell down freely from his eyes. When he arrived home he stomped his way to the library as he slammed every door he opened, close. His eyes were puffy and red. Face crumpled and hand curled into a fist. He paced around in the library. Heart hurting and head in pain. He was so mad, and unknowingly he started to throw things, trying to calm his raged heart.


The brothers heard the commotion downstairs. They assumed Ravi has come home. It was weird though, Ravi is not the type to make so much noise, since he’d rather go to sleep, he once said. They were playing around upstairs, or reading. They were planning to continue their activity, like usual. But a very familiar voice let out a scream that is very hard to ignore when most of them had a very sharp hearing.


Their shoulders tensed. They looked at each other before they sprang up and immediately got out of the study room. The five brothers paced to the library where the scream came from. They always thought it’s annoying to have such big mansion since it’s not very practical to reach another room quickly. Their pace quicken when they heard a frustrated groan.


"What the hell does that kid do again?" Leo muttered. 


"What's going on?" Hyuk asked his brother. Worry clear in his voice.


Hongbin grabbed his little brother’s hand "I don't really know hyuk-ah. Lets just look at it ourselves..." Hongbin said with a confident face though his voice is shaky. It’s obvious; a mad Ravi is no better than a pregnant dragon.


Ken started to pace even faster as he heard something being thrown to the floor from the library. "N, come on we need to be fast. Something's going on with Ravi." Ken desperately said. Begging for his brothers to be faster.


N curtly nodded, he started to run. Right in front of the library door, again another scream was let out. Without hesitation N slammed the door opened, revealing Ravi in a crying mess. N momentarily stopped at his tracks, Ravi bawling? It’s definitely not the usual Ravi they knew. Ravi is always the cool one, the tough guy; it’s rare and almost impossible for Ravi to be like that. 


Ravi had no care for the world. He messed up his hair and grabbing it slightly after he wiped the tears from his eyes harshly. He looked terrible indeed. His eyes were red and puffy. The iris of the eyes was not the usual warm brown color. It was blood red. That is a not a good sign.


Ravi literally threw things he saw, yelling, screaming, and crying. Hongbin, Ken, and Hyuk froze by the door. Leo was quiet, but there’s an obvious light of panic in his eyes. N, being the big brother he is, stride confidently to Ravi, even growled once or twice. N can’t stand him; he can’t stand his brother to do such reckless thing right in front of his eyes.


N approached Ravi and gets hold of his hand. He tightly grabbed it, but Ravi simply slapped them away. Which got him even more pissed.


"Don't touch me," Ravi hissed. His words are like venom for N’s ears.  


"Ravi, calm down.” N spoke with much authority in his voice. Their parents are long gone. N, the big brother took control of the mansion ever since. And his brothers, loves him so much, never once they complained. N is amazing at leading everyone in the mansion, giving him more authority and respects more than he had.


Unfortunately, right now, Ravi doesn’t give a damn. Ravi swept a whole table with his hands and furrowed his eyebrows "calm down? Who are you to control me? " He mockingly said.


N growled. “I’m your brother you little brat!” he spat with a deadly tone.


N was not in a very good mood. Usually he’s the loud, annoying, and cheerful brother. He understands his brothers the best, he always knows what to do when his brothers is upset. But lately, something happened to him and it made his emotions unstable. He got annoyed more often, and became harsher. Well in short, no one should ever mess with him right now.


But Ravi being an insensitive brother he is, he doesn’t really notice. He’s very slow sometimes, always sleeping. Not to mention his head is as hard as a rock. Also, his bad mood got the best of him.


“Brother? Yeah right. You sure are my brother. Annoying, old and bipolar brother.” He mocked.


N curled his hand into a fist, and then gave Ravi a little push to his shoulder with his other hand "don't start it with me..." He said dangerously. 


Hongbin stepped up trying to calm down his twin, but is held back by Leo. It was going to get dangerous for sure. Leo is not the type to get involved with fights and bad situations; he prevents all his brothers from that kind of mess. If the brothers argue, he usually makes sure the 3 youngest don’t get involved. Since Ravi and N argues the most in the house, he at least protected Hongbin and Hyuk so that they won’t get the blow.


Ravi ignored the plead he saw in N’s eyes. "She hurts me okay? And I am broken right now, it hurts and I'm pissed. " Ravi said. “That little brat cheated on me with a Dhampir. A Half-breed!” Ravi snorted in disgust. “It’s also about my pride.”


Ravi babbled. Ken was trying to calm him down from the side. Hearing his voice, Ravi’s blabbering came to a halt. Ken is usually calm and collected like Leo. The difference between them is Ken is a lot more active and, well, more hyper. Ken fidgeted nervously, trying his best not to sound nervous. "But you can't be out of control Ravi. You have us, you can tell us. Don’t be so childish." He said in his calmest tone he can get. ‘Childish’ wrong word. The word definitely made him angrier.


 N's glare pierced into Ravi's red eyes, "Ken is right. I want you to stop this immature act.”


“Tsk like you know how it feels” his eyes turned orange.


N chuckled coldly, getting even more raged, his eyes turned orange too. “Believe me, I do. I’m older than you, I’m a lot more experienced than you, and you have no idea about what I’ve been through, –“


Hyuk had a bad feeling about this situation. Oh god who is he kidding? In fact he always had the same bad feeling that comes when his brothers argue. That feeling when something crawled up on your spine, making the hair on his neck straighten. He seriously needed to cut their ‘conversation’, “um… hyung–“


Hyuk shut his mouth immediately when an old and heavy book landed right in front of his foot. Ravi just threw it, and if he were closer more than 10 centimeters, it would have hit his head, hard.


N can’t hold his anger any longer, he finally let out his pent up frustration with a yell. “Like I said” N clenched his fist harder. “STOP THIS IMMATURE ACTS!” his voice went up. Anger in his voice can be heard.


Ravi growled, he doesn’t like to be yelled. His eyes turned yellow. "NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!" He cried out. His ego got the best of him; another person inside his body took over his mind and heart. Covering it with his ego and greed.


Ravi's wings sprang out, he transformed into his Hyde form. Hyde is one dangerous . A monster that lived in the brothers body, made a comeback after a few years sleeping. All the build up anger, the pent up frustrations, jealousy, pride, and hurt woke the monster fully from its years of deep sleep.


"NO!!! RAVI!!" Hongbin screamed. Trying his best to stop him. But too late, Ravi is out of control. 


N that was boiling in anger is even more furious seeing his younger brother transformed. ‘How dare he?’ was the first thing he thought. N transformed too. Not realizing he’s slowly, but surely killing all living things near him. It’s very hard to be able to turn back into a Jekyll form. They need something or somebody to triggered them back to reality.


The others widened their eyes. In the house it is taboo to transform into Hyde. Because of one reason and only one, it is because of their brother, Hyuk. The normal human, the boy they treasured so much.


Hyuk was adopted when he was still a baby. But everyone loves him dearly. Hyuk was not meant to be like his brothers. His brothers are not normal. And for normal human, living with creatures with unpredictable powers, means life or death. 











I'm such a crappy writer :/. sorry for not updating for so long. 

this is supposed to be a oneshot. I'm targetting a very long oneshot but the story is not done yet :/

and since i don't want you guys to wait too long i decided to post some of it.

sorry for the long wait. and when the story is finished, i'm going to put all of them together in one chapter :)


oh. and the photo is not mine :3

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Sternchen #1
Chapter 3: Please update. The story is so amazing and sweet.
emtaehyung #2
Chapter 3: please update soon (ಥ_ಥ)
Chapter 3: This is good... hope you csn update this beautiful story
sellyafida #4
Chapter 3: so sweet, please update soon.
I like it, This is very touching.
Please update this fic •-• it's amazing^^
Daniiiiii #6
When will you update this fic.... I'm waiting.
Chicandy #7
Dear you,
Please UPDATE this awesome story.
Chapter 3: Update soon please~
I need to know what happened to Hyukkie!!!