Just a Dream

There are bright lights of different colors overhead. The place where I'm standing on seems to be made of tiles of frosted glass where lights of pink, blue, red and green burst from. But since the glass is translucent, their color is milder than the ones coming from the overhead lights that I start to identify as spotlights. It's loud around me. I hear the distant cheers, squeals and claps;  I hear the distinct music overpowering all of the other noises.

"Jeonjaengiya oh~!" The music blasting from the speakers say. MBLAQ? What am I doing on the stage where they're performing?

Then I remember, I'm supposed to be a back-up dancer who only does bunny gestures at the background with my hands. 

The song is "It's war" by MBLAQ, so why am I doing bunny gestures with my hands?

It seems highly inappropriate.

Nonetheless, I continue with the pointless routine of pressing the side of my thumb to the side of my ring finger and making my index and middle fingers look like bunny ears. I wave my hands to and fro to accentuate the bunny gesture that I still think is highly inappropriate. A sigh and a frown comes over me and I couldn't be thankful enough that my shadow is the only thing being utilized here. The gesture seems to be really stupid and pointless.

Then I suddenly feel a presence beside me. I turn to see a guy, I assume who's taller than me. If you compare him to my bland ravenette features, he's leagues more... beautiful, in the right word, than me.

Clearing his throat, he does the same bunny gestures I do as he smiles at me. At that moment, I believe that not only laughter is contagious; even a simple smile is very contagious. Or is it just because it's someone like him who's doing it?  Either way, his smile makes me smile too.

He continues doing the stupid bunny gestures with me and suddenly those inappropriate gestures seem to be the most engaging thing in the world to do. I want to ask him his name instead of just standing there beside him, but he might not hear me because of the loud music blasting from the speakers. Left with no choice, I simply revel in his silent company.

He turns to me fully and I return the gesture a split second too late to anticipate him grabbing my right hand by the small hole made by my ring finger and thumb with his left thumb. He makes it look like two bunnies intertwined together. In one swift move, he closes the distance between them and I stare incredulously because I didn't think it was possible. As the hand bunnies come together he smacks his lips, mimicking the sound of a kiss shared by two people.

I stare at him in disbelief towards the vulgar action and I'm pretty sure that I would be blushing right now if I were a serial blusher

Then he winks at me.

It's a bit surprising and irritating but my inner girl is squealing and jumping like mad. No matter how hard of a girl you are, you can't deny the ridiculous flips your heart will make at the sight of a male (an attractively beautiful one at that) winks at you. Especially if he grabs you by the waist afterwards with one arm and stares intensely into your eyes, like he's seen nothing more engrossing and more captivating than them.

And that's exactly what he's done.

So at the moment, I register nothing. Notihng except his proximity. The music fades into nothing but a dull buzz at the back of my head.

A name suddenly pops into my head. "Chunji" from Teen Top comes into mind but then I don't even kno who he is or what he looks like. Does he have a contagious smile? Does he have a pretty face? Does he have such captivating eyes?

He closes the distance between us and suddenly everything, the stupid bunny gestures inappropriately brought into MBLAQ's "It's war" song, is so far away. I'm not a back up dancer anymore and the metaphor 'in another world' is so right in this situation.

The same contagious smile graces his lips and I feel like floating for being graced with the mere sight of it. As he stares into the depths of my eyes again, I find my eyelids dropping.

Am I losing consciousness? Is he a vampire who's hypnotizing me so he can drink my blood dry? Call me insane, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's so. He's so beautiful and attractive anyway.

He leans towards me and I wonder if my inner girl is coming out and it's telling me to faint because this guy, with a contagious smile and a heart-shattering wink is about to, more or less, kiss me.

My eyes are getting heavier and no matter how hard I try to keep them open, I can't seem to find the strength to keep them open. Useless thoughts like, if I faint in this performance would I be kicked out of being a back up dancer? I hope not because I don't know if I'll be able to see this person again.

Everything turns black and I feel his breath at the shell of my ear. I'm surprised that I can even shiver at the sensation.

He then says, "Infinite's maknae..."

So yeah after that, I woke up... =D

I find it weird that MBLAQ's song is there and I think Sungjong is Chunji from Teen Top when in fact he's actually Lee Sungjong from Infinite... =D

I was so troubled by his identity when I woke up because I knew I've seen him before and I knew that he's not Chunji because I've never seen Chunji before... =D

I saw Infinite in a Korea talk show before at KBS and they were talking about this maknae who always seems to be winking when he (the other member) looks at him (the maknae). I remember him being pretty and being the maknae so I asked some of my friends about the identity of 'the pretty maknae of Infinite who likes to wink'. By the end of the day I find out that it's Lee Sungjong... =D

So yeah this fic is wierd but it's based on a dream and I just narrated it accodring to my writing style... =D

But please do leave a comment... because it makes me happy...

And if you haven't heard the song "It's war" by MBLAQ here's the link... =D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DzbsTMu9Eo

And you'll find out why bunny gestures are so stupid and inappropriate for the song... =D

Thanks for reading and again please do comment... I appreciate them a lot! =D



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minyoungunnie #1
Chapter 1: This is kinda cool.
I wish I had dreams like that T^T