Another Joke

Home Is In Your Eyes

Minsoo walked Heeyoung home that day. He left after giving a light peck on Heeyoung's forehead. He left with a bright happy face which Heeyoung had never seen before. It amazed her somehow. That's the real Bang Minsoo. She shook her head as she chuckled.

Heeyoung's mom hadn't arrived from work yet. Heeyoung decided to tidy up their apartment a bit since she was in a good mood after taking a shower first. She was singing happily, although she's not a good singer. She thought it's funny to realize that she just became a real couple with Minsoo after all the things happened between them two. It seemed unbelievable. She remembered when the restaurant owner said that they're a lovely couple when actually they're not a couple.....yet. Minsoo was her very first boyfriend. Well, boyfriend as a couple.

Then Heeyoung stopped in a sudden. She suddenly remembered about Changjo. Her first love. And then she was happily becoming Minsoo's girlfriend. You're so mean, Park Heeyoung. How dare you. Since when you became a bad person. You abandoned the one you had loved easily. To choose a guy whom you hated the most. How dare you. Just think about how hurt Changjo is right now. Then you think about how happy Minsoo is. Think about the difference. It's all because of you. You, yes you, Park Heeyoung-ssi. Heeyoung shook her head. Her mood changed 180 degrees. She felt guilty towards Changjo. But she just realized the reason why she rejected him today. The reason why she said no to him. The reason which confused Heeyoung heart when she was sure that she only loved Changjo. It's Minsoo. Her hidden feelings for him had confused her heart unconsciously. She sighed.

Heeyoung's mom arrival startled her. She put on her happy expression again so that her mom wouldn't worried and interrogate her further. She smiled at her mom. "Hi, mom."

Her mom smiled back at her. "Hello, my dear. Oh, before I forgot, I'm going back to US tomorrow for a week. There are some documents I need to fix. Is it okay for you to be alone for that long? You may ask Chunji and Ricky to stay here if they don't mind."

"What?! Why aren't you taking me too?!"

"I'm sorry, my dear. Our money wasn't enough if we're going together. That's why I didn't take you. Maybe later if we have more money. I'm really sorry." Her face showed guilt.

Heeyoung sighed. "Okay then. Take care." Then she left to her room.


Heeyoung smiled at Minsoo who was sitting on his chair as she arrived in their class. He waved at her. She went away to her seat.

"Morning, handsome." Heeyoung teasingly greeted L.Joe whose seat was beside Heeyoung's.

He didn't say anything but smirked. L.Joe saw the interactions between the new couple. So it's all real.

"Seems like you're closer with Minsoo now, eh? The project's after effect is quite massive." L.Joe asked in sarcasm, pretending not knowing anything.

Heeyoung blushed. "What? Ah.. Uhm.. Not really." She stuttered. "Uhm... L.Joe-ah. Actually there's something I want to tell you. Do you mind to go out after school?"

I already know what you wanted to tell, girl. "Okay." He answered shortly. Their conversation didn't go further as the lesson started.


"Yah! Choi Changjo! Say something!" Ricky shook Changjo's shoulder.

"Mwo?!" Changjo yelled at Ricky, disturbed by his activeness.

"You seem lost these days. You're hiding something from me, aren't you?" guessed Ricky. Changjo shook his head. But his best friend knew him well. "Don't you dare lying to me. Tell me. I'm your best friend for years, how come you don't trust your own best friend!"

"I confessed to Heeyoung." Changjo finally spoke up.

"WHAT?! YOU DID IT ALREADY?!" shouted Ricky. "Then why are you seem.......Wait. Don't tell me......" Changjo nodded like he knew Ricky's guessing. They're best friends, they could guess each other's mind.

"Yes, she rejected me." Changjo was staring blankly.

Ricky's jaw dropped open. "But... but.... She loves you, Choi Changjo!!"

Changjo smirked. "She told me that too. She told me she loves me."

"But wae?!?! If she loves you then why she rejected you?!" Ricky emotionally asked in disbelief.

"Ask her!! Not me!! I don't know anything!!" Changjo once again felt annoyed by his bestfriend. "Maybe she loves someone else more than she loves me."

Ricky's expression turned into a serious one. "Who is it?"


"Uuuu Choi Changjo you scared me~ Choi Changjo turned into a monster~" The innocent best friend teased Changjo. "Don't worry, my brother. If she's meant to be yours, she'll be yours." Ricky patted Changjo's shoulder.


"So...." Heeyoung tried to start. L.Joe and her went to a small coffeshop after school as she promised. The two had been sitting in silence before.

L.Joe crossed his arms. "Go on."

"I'm dating Minsoo now." Heeyoung said in one breath. She showed an awkward grin, worrying about his responds.

L.Joe gulped. I knew it already. "Really? Since when? How come? Tell me everything!" L.Joe pretended to sound excited when actually he just threw himself into the hell of truth he'd get burnt in.

Heeyoung told him everything shyly. But she didn't tell him about Changjo's confession. She just wanted to keep it to her only. L.Joe acted great during Heeyoung's storytelling. He didn't want to hurt her with his cold actions like before. All he could do left was making her happy while she's with him.

L.Joe didn't heart to ruin Heeyoung's happiness with his selfishness to confess to her. Otherwise, Heeyoung was Minsoo's. He had to accept the truth. Although it was the bitter one.

They talked for hours, talking about everything happened to them while they couldn't meet up during the project days. L.Joe slowly felt relaxed and opened. He was trying to act normally, purely. He wanted Heeyoung to see him that he was really happy for her, without acting.

"What do you think about Minsoo?" Heeyoung suddenly asked out of nowhere. L.Joe startled with her question. He didn't expect it at all.

"He's a good guy. Maybe his first impression wasn't really good. But yeah, he's quite cool. I've talked with him a few times." He shrugged.

"Did he have any girlfriends before?"

"I don't know. But I don't think so. I never heard about him dating any girls from our school. I don't know if he ever dated any girls from other schools." Heeyoung nodded at L.Joe's answer.

"How about you? Are you dating someone right now?" Heeyoung's question jabbed L.Joe.

L.Joe choked. "What? Me? I'm not dating anyone right now."

"Really? You're a good looking guy, though. Hmm how about Soo Jin? I think she's interested in you."

L.Joe laughed a bit. "I rejected her."

'What?! Really?!" Heeyoung unconsciously shouted. L.Joe nodded. "So, is there any girl you're interested in right now? Maybe I can help you."

L.Joe's facial expression changed. It's you. You're the one I'm interested in, if you really want to know.

"Tell me! Well, I might sound funny since I didn't have any love experience before. I'm just looking forward if I can help you with something."

"There's one girl I've been interested in. But she just got taken before I could even confess my feelings to her." He hissed.

Heeyoung gasped. "Oh my God! Really? Why didn't you confess to her?"

"I was a coward. I felt like she's already mine because she's always there around me. I just realized it when she had taken by someone else first."

"For God sake, Lee Byunghun why didn't you just confess to her! Now you lost her!" Heeyoung drowned into L.Joe's case without even thinking about the story.

"It's too late. She's already taken. All I can do is wishing that she'll be happy with her guy." L.Joe stirred his drink.

"Well, you should be moving on as soon as possible then. There's no other way." Heeyoung tried to advise L.Joe.

L.Joe scoffed. "I don't think I can. I fell way too deeply for her. It's hard. It might take years for me to forget her, or maybe forever."

"If you don't mind, who's that girl? That lucky girl to be loved by Lee Byunghun." Heeyoung innocently asked L.Joe.

L.Joe's heart was beating faster. Should I tell her? Should I? "Do you really want to know her?"

"Well, if you don't mind."

L.Joe inhaled deeply. "I'll call her. You'll know who she is."

L.Joe took out his phone and dialed a number. Few seconds later, Heeyoung's phone which was on the table between them started ringing.

Heeyoung innocently grabbed it, but her heart dropped when she saw the dialer identity. Incoming call - L.Joe.

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I finally got the ideas. Please wait for the extension okay? I'm not abandoning this fic, don't worry :-) please kindly wait. Love you all x


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Chapter 56: Finnally....i finish read thia story. This is best story ever. You are really good to make the twisted of the story. I really can't expexted. In first i think Heeyoung will end with Minsoo. I love all the character here. And I rarely find teentoo story without their individual story. I mean usually the will be team up

Thank for you invited ^^
meowsam #2
Chapter 60: Ohmygod this is my favorite Teen Top fic I've read. Pleeeaaase add additional chapter soon! I NEED IT.
This was one of the best fanfics I have ever read in my life! I'll keep an eye on for your additional chapters :)
falalalvV #4
Chapter 56: Omg i love this story so much *cries* it's wonderful!! One of the best fics i have ever read. *cries again*
DreamRainbow5MK #5
Chapter 56: gaaaah finally I finished read this before major exams lol your story was great!!! I cried so much ;___; I was so upset when Hee Young didn't give a chance to minsoo for explain everything LOL and if Changjo didn't confessed AGAIN, she would end up with minsoo *i think xD but after read the ending idk but Changjo deserve her.... lmao you've done a great job! thanks for writing this wonderful story <33 I'll read your other teentop story ^_____^ FIGHTING!!!!
kaorichild #7
Chapter 56: Yay! Everyone's happy now! *smiling*