
Seven years

After Junsu had collapsed and the rest of TVXQ got to know what had happened to him, the mood in the apartment had been terrible. Each of them was worrying about him. Yoochun couldn't sleep even if he stood by Junsu's side at the hospital all the time. He refused to go anywhere until Junsu's condition got better. Of course Yunho had been worried too but he had too much to do with trying to calm Jaejoong down. Jiyul was bading a cake for Junsu and Jaejoong helped her. It seemed like she exactly knew what she had to do to make both of her fathers feel better. Changmin had also been in the hospital the whole time. He didn't want to let Yoochun alone there. The doctor had said that Junsu just needed to rest and get some sleep. Changmin was relieved about that. They had been so scared and frozen, not able to move a single muscle, just feeling the fast heartbeat and the running blood in their veins. Changmin shook his head to stop thinking about horrible that moment.

"Changmin....you can go home if you want. I'll stay here until he wakes up" Yoochun sounded so tired. It broke Changmin's heart to see his hyung like this.

"No hyung. I'm okay. It's you who should get some sleep"

"I tried to sleep .....but I just can't Min ....I simply can't" He tried hard to sound normal. Silence filled the room and Changmin was really thankful when his phone rang.


"Changmin, how is he? Ah, did Yoochun sleep yet?" Jaejoong kept calling Changmin in a one hour rhythm.

"Hyung...I told you that I'd call you if something new happens"

"Just answer me....please" He sounded nervous and terrified at the same time.

"Yoochun still doesn't want to go to sleep"

"No! I just can't!" Yoochun interrupted him.

"Okay! He still can't sleep and Junsu didn't woke up yet"

"Oh....okay. I'm sorry Min"

"It's okay hyung. I know that you're worried about them. Where is Yunho hyung?"

"He's talking to our manager. Aish....he's taking all the responsibility and blame onto himself.

"Hyung...he's the leader"

"I know that!!" Jaejoong shouted and he startled even Yoochun.

There was silence again. Just Jaejoongs heavy breathing was audible.

"Sorry Changmin I have to pick Jiyul up...See ya"

"What was that about?" Yoochun stared questioningly at Changmin who was confused by Jaejoongs reaction.

"Uhm ...I really don't know" Changmin suddenly got a message.

Get out of the hospital! 
There is someone who wants to see you!

Changmin's heart started to beat faster. He immediately ran downstairs as fast as he could, not caring about letting Yoochun there like this nor about the people who wondered about his behavior and started to chat behind his back about him. Changmin tried to run faster and to keep his balance while running. He also tried to inhale as much of air as he could, putting all his strength into the running. A single moment took his whole strength when he saw her outside after slamming the front door open. She turned around and smiled widely at him "Changmin. It's really you"

Changmin took one last step and hugged her tight.


"....Don't say anything. Just for a minute"

She felt so warm to him. Changmin realized how much he had missed her. Micha slowly his back while she hugged him and after a while had passed she stopped to hug him and his cheek gently "Changmin"

He looked deep into her eyes and tried to smile, while being hurt and angry at himself. If he just could turn the time back to when he had broken up with her, he would do stop himself from braking up with her. "Micha, I am so sorry"

"For what?" She was smiling but Changmin knew her well to know that she hid her true emotions from him. He could see the disappointment, the pain and the sadness he had caused her. Micha hadn't changed at all, at least not for Changmin.

"I should have fought for our love. I should have done everything to see you as often as I could and to tell the whole damn world that we were in a relationship when I got into TVXQ. I just shouldn't have broken up with you to protect you"

"Minnie....what you did back then showed me that you had grown up"

Changmin was totally confused and sort of disappointed "Huh? What do you mean?"

Micha smiled at him again and Changmin could see that this time it was a real smile. It made him so sad.

"You put my happiness over yours. You wanted me to be happy even if it had to be without you. You broke up with me to not hurt me more with being absent the whole time. I am so happy cause of that Changmin"

Changmin let go of her and looked horrified at the trees  which were surrounding the hospital. Micha was still looking at him and tried to calm him down with her gentle voice "Changmin...."

He couldn't hold hack anymore and started to shout at her "No! I don't want to hear what you want to say! No, do you know what? Just say it and let's get over with this conversation. Aish!" He kicked the dustbin "I am still in love with you! God I'm so stupid!"

"Changmin listen to me"

He glared at her "What?!"

"I didn't mean it that way. What I was talking a bout was that I'm happy that you wanted to protect me. To be honest I would have lost my job if someone would have found out about us and I wouldn't have even cared. You were happy the last couple of years right? You didn't have to worry about me and you could just enjoy the time and the music you are living for. I just wanted you to be happy Changmin"

"Do I look happy?" Changmin looked serious.

"Not really"

He sighed "Of course I enjoy the time I'm spending with TVXQ and it's fun to be a singer but I always felt that something was missing" He looked back into her eyes. She was hurt and he could see that.

"It....had been the same for me"

"Really?! But you got married didn't you?"



"No, I didn't get married cause I didn't fall in love with someone else than you"

"Micha.." Changmin's heart started to beat fast again. He wasn't sure if he'd explode or not "Do you....still love me?"

She got silent for a while and took a deep breath. "So what?! I do love you and that was the reason why I couldn't have another relationship after you broke up with me! So what if I still love you?!" Micha seemed to be so helpless at that moment. 

Changmin felt an impulse which also made him stop thinking about everything. He stepped forward, pulled her face between his palms and kissed her. There was nothing that could have interrupted them anymore. The world stopped to move and they just enjoyed the moment. Changmin had definitely missed her. 

"Changmin?" Yunho smiled at him.

"Hmh?" He kept kissing her because he didn't want that moment to ever stop. Micha was the one who broke the kiss. Changmin made a disappointed noice which made Yunho and Micha laugh.

Changmin actually didn't want to pout but somehow he couldn't controll it anymore.

"You're too cute Min" Yunho couldn't stop to laugh.

Micha giggled and pecked Changmin's nose "Don't be sad"

Yunho smiled at both of them "You're back together huh?"

Changmin didn't even think about Micha's answer "Yes!"

Jaejoong appeared and he was walking to the front door, hand in hand with Jiyul. He saw Micha standing there and smirked "Well, well. What do we have here? Hello songsaengnim Moon"

"Hello Jaejoong"

Jaejoong rose an eyebrow amusingly "You still remember my name?"

They all started to laugh, even Jiyul. Jaejoong didn't laugh and he seemed to get pissed off. "What?! Stop laughing!" 

Yunho tried to calm down but he was still laughing lightly "Yah! It's just....you're asking her if she still haha remembers you but on the other hand you're Hero Jaejoong the famous singer of TVXQ" Yunho couldn't hold back his laughing anymore.

Jaejoong got really mad and Jiyul squeezed his hand "Jaepa, it's okay. They're just stupid" She smiled at him.

"Let's go Jiyul-ah" He smiled back at ther while the others kept laughing.

"Yay! Let's visit Susu oppa!"

Yunho immediately stopped to laugh when Jaejoong and Jiyul had disappeared through the front door of the hospital. "Yah! Wait for me!" He ran after them.

Micha and Changmin were still laughing. It felt so good to laugh with her again and after about 5 minutes had passed they finally calmed down. The laughing had exhausted them. Changmin looked at Micha who was smiling widely "What?"

"I missed you Micha..."

She looked seriously into his eyes " I miss you too but what now Changmin?"

"What do you mean?"

"What kind of relationship do we have now? Do we even have one?"

"Huh? Hm...I will show you what kind of relationship we have"

"What?" She was totally confused.

Changmin took her hand gently and looked into her beautiful eyes. She was still confused but before she could get to her senses and ask him what he was doing, he asked her "Micha ...do you want to be my girlfriend again?"

She was shocked "Uhm....what?"

"I asked if you'd be my girlfriend again. I know it's too fast cause we just met each other again but for me nothing changed between us.....I still love you as much as I did before"

Micha smiled warmly at him "Okay Changmin...of course I love you too and I want to start over with you too"

He kissed her again. It just felt so right to both of them but this time it was Changmin who broke the kiss "Come on. Let's go"

"Huh? Where to?"

"Don't you want me to show you that I love you?"

"What?" Changmin was confusing her all the time.

He grabbed her hand, went to his car and both of them got in.

"Where are we going to Changmin?"

"A hotel"

+++++ to be continued +++++++

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Chapter 10: oh noo, now jaejoong died too
Chapter 9: aaaaa, why stopped there...???
Chapter 8: I already am in love with this story. I can't wait for the future chapter.
Chapter 3: you are reuploading old chapter right??
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I want to know how yoochun's deal with devil end