Special You

Special You

      "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." The crowd was singing in perfect unison that they all were as a SHINee World. SHINee was amazed, but mostly TaeMin as it was all for him. On this small him, thousands of people gazed with loving eyes, knowing they would jump in fire for him. The song ended with a wonderful applause that lasted for minutes. TaeMin was trying hard to hold his tears, he never cried in the concerts. Wasn't he one of those who are always cheery and happy? Bouquets of flowers lied on the stage, he picked some of them up and left as the last one of SHINee, waving and smiling at the cheery fans.

SHINee was coming off the stage into the changing rooms. Managers and other idols gathered close to TaeMin making a circle around him and not letting him out. Without any real choice, TaeMin stood there bowing to everyone in order, until a familiar voice broke through the crowd.

''TaeMin-ah~ You're finally twenty-one right? You're doing well as for your old age.'' Kai grinned with an evil face, as a revenge for filming him when he was crying after EXO's win; he took out his phone and got some pictures of TaeMin.

''You're the same age as me Kai.'' TaeMin laughed nearly face-palming himself,  at the same time trying to dry his tears, so Kai didn't had any more chance of embarrassing him. Everyone said their wishes to TaeMin. His eyes were smiling to everyone, still brightly shining from the tears of happiness that he finally let out of himself after entering the dressing room.

Still, there was something wrong. Where did other SHINee members disappear? Did they just left? TaeMin could keep his mind on a single thing, everything was so sudden. Where are they? He began looking for them. They were meant to go to the dorm together as always, but they were not here.

TaeMin looked around for several times around the building to make sure they definitely weren't anywhere inside. Then he left. His car was just outside the building, the SHINee bus was gone, everyone left without him. He got into the car and started heading towards the dorm. His minds were overwhelmed with thoughts. He drove past the park and stopped, he decided to go for a walk. And just like that he was wandering around the gloomy and dark park where trees swung their branches to the rhythm of the wind. He got out his phone and adjusted his headphones. The music began flowing in his head, the beating of his heart changed depending on the song. This one was slow, he liked it much. It was one of his favorite songs, even though it was a ballad. He preferred catchy songs with a clear beat, something to dance to. This was different, it was slow and soothing.

He closed his eyes. They became teary again, this time it wasn't the tears of happiness. He missed his mum and his family; somehow, he also missed SHINee, even though they only left a minute ago. He was twenty-one now and he felt different again. Like he was changing into another person with every birthday. This birthday was nothing special, he already became an adult, he was already a man, this birthday wasn't so special, not like the last years. He felt cheerless. Just simply felt lonely.

Mum I wish you were here today, it's nothing special, but I just want you to be here today.

He though with tears falling down his rosy, pale cheeks.

Is this where I'm going to be in years’ time? Am I still going to be the shining maknae? This time, it's too quick, I swear just yesterday I turned twenty, I had long hair and danced to Lucifer. We're changing so much these days, it's like we're became distant, back to being only members of a group. And I'm supposed to be the positive one.

He smiled to himself pathetically and looked up in the sky. The moon was full and the stars we're shining brilliantly, their light shimmering on his face.

TaeMin was going back to his car, which he left on the nearest parking lot; he had to go to the dorm now. He walked slowly, sliding his feet one by one. HIs eyes were wandering off in all direction, even though there was nothing there. Unexpectedly he saw a girl sitting on the bench. She was hiding her face in her sleek hands. He glanced at her and when stepped closer heard the sounds of her sobbing. He sat down next to her without a word. The girl, shocked from someone's sudden appear, turned her head up quickly and tried to dry her tears with her small hand.

"Why are you here alone?" TaeMin asked her softly and gazed into her swollen and dark eyes.

"My boyfriend forgot about our anniversary, again.'' Her voice sounded reserved and husky from crying. She looked down on her feet and took a deep breath.

TaeMin, who was still holding one of the bouquets that fans gave him, took out one of the most beautiful flowers he could find and gave it to her, placing it in her palm. He stood up smoothly and said.

''No one should be alone on such a special day'' He smiled at her, his heart feeling sore from loneliness. He had to go now, get to the dorm, go to sleep. The girl looked in shock at him and hugged him, without the feel to let him go.

''Thank you; you just regained my faith in men.'' She grinned quietly and bowed her head, then smiled again. TaeMin stood up and bowed to her, slowly moving away into the shadow.

Someone was running towards the girl.

''JiEun! I'm so sorry, please forgive me, I was running late from work and my car is broken, I couldn't get here on time. Ah, I just ruined everything... But JiEun, baby, I'm sorry, I love you'' A boy came running, breathing quickly. Words were just flowing out of his mouth without any pause for breath. He kneeled on the pavement and begged JiEun to forgive him. TaeMin smiled to himself.

''I guess she's not going to be alone today.'' He looked at them once more, only to see JiEun glancing at him and smiling discreetly as if saying 'thank you' again. The couple hugged and TaeMin walked away to the parking lot without being seen by her clumsy boyfriend.

He got into his car and drove to the dorm. Closed the car door, checked he had the keys again. He stopped in front of the door, looked at the bouquet which was missing one of the flowers, smelled it and smiled sadly.

Door opened with a silent squeak.

''MinHo? Onew? Is anyone here?'' The lights were off and everything was silent. He lowered his head down in disappointment and headed towards the kitchen to get some water for the nearly dying flowers. A shadow silhouette appeared in the corridor. He stopped abruptly, frightened of the thing.

Lights .

"Son, I missed you.'' TaeMin's mum was standing in front of him, smiling and looking at her big son, feeling proud to be his mother. She hasn't seen him for so long, all those promotions and idol life made it so hard for them to be together. She cherished every moment he was with her.

''...Mum? Mum I missed you so badly.'' He threw everything on the floor and hugged her as tight as possible as if she was meant to disappear in a moment.

He never used to hug his mum, never really told her he loved her. But she knew that.

''What are you doing here?'' He couldn't stop the tears that run down his cheeks, hitting the floor without a sound. His mummy was here, one of the dreams he wanted for his birthday just came true. He wanted to go home, but all those promotions and tight schedule made it impossible.

''How could I miss my TaeMin's birthday, it's your special day son, enjoy it. Remember that you will never be twenty-one again.'' She pattered his shoulder lightly and gave him that mother smile only she could make. He smiled back at her thinking 'that's my mum' and laughing inside.

His mum gestured her hand in front of the kitchen door, like inviting someone in. Then, all SHINee members walked in, with Key holding a small, yet very beautiful cake and others with little bags filled with presents. Maybe it wasn't much, but it was the best he ever wished for.

''We thought that your mother would be the best present for you'' Onew said smiling at TaeMin very brightly, while Key interrupted him ''But we have some other presents for you too haha.'' Key was just being Key and that was just what TaeMin needed to make him happy. JongHyun was holding onto Key's shoulder and staring at him, not even realizing what's happening around him.

''It's another car, right?'' He smirked at Key, who rolled his eyes at him with fake annoyance.

MinHo pushed through the people and gave TaeMin a fluffy hug, and as TaeMin weighted just as much as a feather, MinHo ended up holding him in the air and spinning the maknae around.

''You're getting old, that means more work for you in the dorm.'' He poked TaeMin in the stomach and pretended to punch him in the arm, while laughing like an idiot because of making TaeMin laugh in revenge for leaving him alone in the dressing room.

''Happy birthday TaeMin.'' They all said in unison and bowed in front of him, the maknae, the youngest one. They respected him, always, because he bought happiness and joy into SHINee and their family.

''Come on, let's eat the cake.'' His mum placed the cake on the table and everyone gathered around it.

''After all those years, you are still the same bright TaeMin. Don't you ever change child.'' She said and nodded at him knowingly.

She was proud of him, like always.

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Awe complete? TT. TT I love it either way, but I think it would have been a great series