the spotlights are all turned to you

fountain diseases

the spotlights are all turned to you

(hoya surely enjoys being junhee. // myungsoo / hoya, slice-of-life and a bit of angst,

dedicated to my beautiful sailor twin, jen.)

Myungsoo’s heard a lot.

“Thank God you have a handsome face!”

People actually don’t know that he does, that he thanks God for being here, with six friends of his, that the prize of all hard work is sweet and beautiful and encourages Myungsoo in continuing in what he does. Sometimes he loses faith, though. Loses faith when he hears Woohyun who will always be better than him, when he sees Sungjong acting cuter than anything he had seen, when he sees Sungyeol brightening up the mood better than he ever will, when he sees Dongwoo rapping faster than him, when he sees Sunggyu ruling the group with fierce hands.

When he sees Hoya dancing greatly so that he outshines all the others.

The only thing Myungsoo has is acting, and even this is being taken by his best friend, by his hyung, by everybody.

Thank God you have a handsome face!


“Kang Junhee,” Hoya says, and Myungsoo understands. (He doesn’t need much words to understand.)

I hope you fail.

(No, wrong thought.)

“Hoya fighting.” The smiles hurt, they hurt so much, why even bothering to escape gravity, when they want to curve down?

(No, no, no wrong actions. Don’t hurt Hoya, he thinks.)

Hoya laughs. “Hopefully. You would play it certainly better than me.”

(I would.)

“Sh, concentrate on your work or else I get out,” he teases him and laughs. Hoya joins in.


Maybe they’ve gotten tired of Myungsoo. Tired of the face that doesn’t look like a twenty-one year old but rather like a seventeen year old, tired of the look that doesn’t look cold or warm but rather empty and tired, tired of his speech that doesn’t sound like a Seoul boy but rather from somebody from the outskirts.

People get tired of faces, at times. Of persons.

And sometimes, silver is more precious than gold is.


Main Dancer Hoya. Main Actor Hoya. Spotlight Hoya. Shadow Myungsoo.

Shadows make realize that there is a light, after all.

Myungsoo supports him the most, teases him the most, helps him the most.

But Hoya’s not helping him when his drama is hopelessly failing.

But that’s the light – light doesn’t help the shadow.

Light make only realize that there is a shadow, after all.

(Nobody’s helping him when his drama is hopelessly failing.)


“Yah! You are a singer, so concentrate in being one! You are a part of us! You aren’t an actor, and you never had intentions in doing so! So stop that !” Myungsoo hears. It’s loud, and it’s cruel, (and it voices his thoughts, somewhere, deep and angrily in his mind) and Myungsoo takes Hoya and hugs him tightly. “I love you no matter what,” he whispers.


“Thank you, Myungsoo. That you out of all people would comfort me… I…” Hoya sobs, once, twice, before he bursts into crying.

“Have I done something wrong?”

“Of course not!” Myungsoo chuckles and hugs him tighter. (Maybe he gets killed of that tight hug. Hopefully, the envious side of him says. )

“No, you don’t do something wrong, Hoya, I swear.” He hugs him, with many feelings (burning anger and soft loving, is that possible?) and says silently, “I love you no matter what.”

“Thank you, Myungsoo.”


The MCs keep asking Hoya. Hoya laughs, but it’s awkward. Sungyeol’s gotten used to it – that people don’t ask him anymore. He’s relieved, and Myungsoo can tell. Sungjong’s happy, like two thousand suns shining on him, Woohyun has a look that says enjoy your popularity while you’re at it, and Sunggyu’s simply annoyed.

And Myungsoo?

That you out of all people would comfort me…

(No, he isn’t supposed to feel that way. No. No.)

Thank you, Myungsoo.



But he still feels that way.

And all the spotlight is onto you, Hoya. Make sure that you shine bright. For me, at least.

Myungsoo’s heir is Hoya, officially.



well, jen, you will never like this. I bet you won’t. aish. Anyways, still dedicated to you, and still the answer to all my feels regarding them.


(is this too much like the one from before? OTL)

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wow i feel like to write more drabbles.


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tofudimsum #1
Chapter 4: Omg I freaking hate it. (In this love-kind-of-sense. And why am I even writing in English? Why am I making it difficult for me? (Altho I think English is easier than German.))

Die Sprache ist simple und einfach, passt aber gut zu dem Flow. Wer sagt einfach soll schlecht sein, stimmts? Ich mochte auch, wie es sich immer wiederholt hat. Train station. 7 am. Und so. Es gab mir das Gefühl von einem One Shot. Oder eher so was wie Poem in der nicht so poem-artigen Form.

Anfangs dachte ich, wieder eine Liebesgeschichte mit Regen und was weiß ich, aber ich mochte es wirklich, wirklich sehr, wie dieser Twist kam. Anstatt die typischen clichés von "einer stirbt von dem" oder "einer findet einen neuen partner" oder "einer zieht um" oder sonst was, kam der Tag, an dem sie erwachsen werden und alles nicht mehr so einfach ist. Zwar bist du noch jung, aber ich weiß ja nicht, ob du gezwungen wurdest, um, weiß ich nicht, deine Familie zu helfen oder so. Jedenfalls bin ich ja schon 18 und wow, dieser One shot spricht mich gerade zu an. Es ist wirklich schwer erwachsen zu werden. Als Erwachsener ist das Leben scheiße. Die Verantwortungen und so. Ich liebe child's innocence. Aber die wurde uns ja schon weggenommen.
Zwar versteh ich nicht, warum sie jetzt strangers wurden (wahrscheinlich soll das nicht logisch sein, sondern eher so metaphorisch oder so haha), aber ich mag die Story.

Raincallers. Hehe.

Chapter 1: Wait... is Hyunsoo Myungsoo's alter ego?
Chapter 5: well, i'm starting with my otp because i can. OuO it was a good read! i liked how you kinda taught woohyun that deep eyes have more to them than he thought at the beginning. also, the morning after his dream! the part with chills! perfection. <3

i'm surely gonna read the rest of your drabbles and comment later on~
Chapter 8: OH MY GOSH. I love this. It had me tearing up although I thought I wouldn't. I thought it was going to be Sungjong focus since he started the chapter but it made me go asdfghjkl; when I realize it's the boys pre-debut and everything seems so real that it hurt me when Sungyeol parts came in. The description by you about him practising like it's his solo album when he only had five lines made my heart drop because you just pointed out the fact, the hard work this boy puts in to push himself, more and more.
"Because I need to catch up with you guys."
^ I remember this line from him, and my heart cracked at it.
/i feel like a stalker but it's alright
Chapter 2: I love this chapter and I decided to track back and comment on it because I guess it is my favourite out of the six drabbles so far. :')
I've always thought that being handsome/ pretty isn't the best because to some, you're just a face, capable of nothing else.
The words Hoya said which hurt Myungsoo has indirectly hurt me as I read it too.
It's so painful because it felt almost real. As if it happened in reality between the boys.
I love how you describe the part about light and shadow. And I truly think that you really have a gift in writing. I enjoyed reading your drabbles :') Thank you for writing them <3.
Chapter 6: sdjasdhkjasdhjasakj GO AWAY ELLY GO GO GO /GO/

I can't have Donglee feels no not now what about my other Dongwoo ships no no no /no/ STOP ELLY STOP YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE ME FEEL WARM INSIDE

don't play with my feels ;A;
milleniums #7

"Woohyun wants to call him, but his voice gets swallowed by the rain. (Or at least he thinks so.)"
ASHISDFHKSDFDSFDND why are you eloquent what is this how do you i can't wooyeol is my secret obsession

"The rain surely does swallow his voice. Woohyun thinks it’s unfair." what is unfair is that you write things suddenly and dedicate it to me and i almost miss it. but woohyun you coward go over there and get the kdrama on.

"Woohyun falls in love with Sungyeol on a sunny day in November at a train station." ugh sunny day romances wat r u doing to my feels?

um i knew you were amazing but i didn't know you were PERFECT. are you a mind reader and knew that i am having serious wooyeol feels right now or are you just perfect? or both. let's just say both.