T h r e e

Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss. (one-shot collection)

C o f f e e  S h o p 


 3rd Person pov. 


  "DaeHyun, if you continue staring at her like that, your eyes are going to fall out," YoungJae said, taking a sip of his cappuccino. He sighed at the older male who was currently staring a girl with hearts in his eyes. The older male paid no attention to him and continued staring at the girl behind the counter, hoping to muster the courage to talk to her. Seeing no response, YoungJae continued, "If you really like her, then ask her out."

   "It's not that easily." DaeHyun said softly, resting his head on the cool glass table. 

   "Hyung!!" A loud voice boomed across the small shop, breaking the peaceful atmosphere in the café. YoungJae had muttered a soft ‘aish’ before ducking his head in embarrassment as the giant intruder made his way towards their table. The customers had turned their attention to them when the owner of the voice had plopped down on a chair at their table. Behind the giant, three others slipped inside the shop quietly, sitting down by the trio’s side.

  A smile appeared on Zelo’s lips as he surveyed the shop, asking, a little too loudly, “Hyung, which one is your girlfriend?”

  Earning a few stares from nearby tables, DaeHyun choked as he quickly stuttered, “ N-no! I-“

  “Over there,” YoungJae interrupted before DaeHyun could finish, pointing to the waitress at the counter who was currently serving a cake to a customer. Zelo quickly turned to the girl, taking in her profile.

  “Hyung, what’s her name?” JongUp asked.

  “Jeon EunJi,” DaeHyun replied in a daze, the way her name sounded when it exited his lips sounded perfect, like it was meant for him to say it. YoungJae was shocked that he had the courage to talk to her, he quickly asked, “You talked to her?!”

  “No. I read her nametag, you .” DaeHyun replied, rolling his eyes.

  As DaeHyun turned to look at EunJi, all he saw back-view of Himchan, standing by the counter, sending flirtatious looks to her, making her laugh at his jokes. He glared at the back of Himchan’s head, hoping that Himchan would leave.

  He watched as YongGuk walked over and dragged an annoyed Himchan back to their table. “What? I was just about to ask for her number.” Himchan complained.

  “Hyung, that girl is off limits. Take your flirting elsewhere.” YoungJae started as a look of confusion spreads across Himchan’s features, until YongGuk explained the entire situation to him.

  “Well then, tell her.” Himchan said, “Even if I don’t ask her out, someone else would. She’s cute after all.”  A looks of hurt flashed across DaeHyun’s face.   

  “Yeah, I told him that already. But this love-sick fool doesn’t want to,” YoungJae added, earning himself a light punch on the arm from DaeHyun.

  “Oww! It’s true!” YoungJae retorted, rubbing the area that DaeHyun had punched. DaeHyun buried his face into his hands, “I can’t…”

  Not ten minutes later, Himchan stood up abruptly from his seat, making all five pairs of eyes stare at him. He quickly walked towards the counter and motioned for the girl to come over. DaeHyun watched curiously as Himchan conversed with the girl, he silently thought that maybe Himchan would be a better choice compared to him. Himchan was confident in the way he spoke, and was handsome. He wasn’t an ulzzang for nothing.

  Eunji walked over to the customer waiting at the counter, thinking that he wanted to order something off their menu, but her eyes widened when she heard what the customer was saying. Her eyes flickered to the boy at the table of 5. Almost immediately, her eyes locked onto a boy, whose eyes had widened and turned away, his face turning a light shade of pink.

  “So, as I was saying. Can you go talk to him?” Himchan said, “It would make his day, and maybe he wouldn’t stop making these whimpering noises like some lost puppy.”

  Meanwhile, DaeHyun felt like he was going to get a heart attack. She had looked straight at him, making him feel flustered inside. His mind was a hurricane of thoughts. What was Himchan telling her. He watched as the two separated and Himchan turned and walked back while EunJi turned and started making coffee.

  “You’re going to thank me later,” Himchan said quickly before leaning down to whisper something in YongGuk’s ear. YongGuk looked at him in disbelief, but nodded and followed his plan, quickly ushering the other members out of their seats. Ignoring the signs of protests from the other members, Himchan pushed DaeHyun back on his seat, when he made a move to get up.

  “No. You stay.” Himchan said, while the other members left the shop. YoungJae was more than happy to leave, as he had accompanied DaeHyun for almost every single day, he was getting tired of it. Sure, spending time with his best friend was nice, but his best friend was too busy staring at the waitress. JongUp followed quietly as well, however, Zelo…

  “Hyung! I don’t want to go yet!” Zelo whined. YongGuk and Himchan shared looks before letting out a sigh.

  “We’ll buy you that skateboard you want,” YongGuk persuaded. Zelo’s eyes lit up at the mention of the word ‘skateboard’ and he quickly left, meeting YoungJae and JongUp outside. YongGuk and Himchan looked back at DaeHyun before they exited the coffee shop as well.

  Not long after the other members left, EunJI walked over to his table with a latte cappuccino in  her hands, she decorated the foam to make it form a heart shape. DaeHyun felt heat rush to his cheeks, “I-I didn’t order this.”

  The girl gave him a shy smile that made DaeHyun’s heart flutter like the wings of a hummingbird.

  “It’s on the house,” She said shyly, “F-for my favourite customer.” Hearing the word ‘favourite’, DaeHyun felt like his heart was going to burst, his mind was swimming. “I’m her favourite?” He had thought stupidly, a bashful smile spread across his face.

  “Umm…”The girl continued as she looked at the floor, as if the floor was suddenly interesting, “W-would you lik to go out together sometime?”

  DaeHyun’s eyes widened at her offer, as if it was unreal and he was merely dreaming. Once he got back his sense, he quickly replied, “Yes! I would love to.”

  “I’ll come by tomorrow and pick you up?” DaeHyun said with his new found confidence, however that façade broke rather quickly when he hid his face behind his hands. He composed himself before continuing shyly, “If you want, that is…”

  “Yeah, I would like that.” She replied, making DaeHyun’s heart swell with emotion, “My shift ends at 6pm tomorrow, maybe we could catch a movie and have dinner first?”

  “Sure!” DaeHyun replied, his thoughts racing at a million miles per hour. Maybe he did have to thank Himchan, just maybe. 


I hope you like it? I'm sorry we took a long time. ;-; But enjoy! 

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Written by : xAngel

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Chapter 3: Omo! Thank you very much! I really love it! ><
Actor/Singer: Jung Daehyun (B.A.P)
Genre : Romance and Fluff
Plotlines : Ummm... I'm sorry but I didn't have one in the moment. Can I just give you a word? If yes, here it is: Coffee Shop. Thank you very much! ^^