Hyunsik (part I)


The tan skinned boy walked out of a small convenience store with a chocolate flavored ice cream and sat at the plastic tables set outside the place. He observed the neighborhood, it had been a while since he last went there. 

He ate the ice cream quietly as he watched a couple walking down the street quietly. It was a pretty night.

The sky was dark blue and a small amount of stars could be seen. The tall trees swayed as a fresh breeze passed by, dragging the dry leaves along. He shivered as the wind hit him, announcing the last pretty autumn days. Something he loved about life was the season changing. Small things like this were what called his attention the most. 

Life is something to be enjoyed at its best, and you shouldn't think too much about it. That's what Lim Hyunsik always told himself. He enjoyed new experiences, he would like to know about everything and be everywhere. He liked to try new foods, learn to play new instruments, learn new languages, anything could be fun and exciting. But enjoying a nice evening watching the trees was just as good. 


As he sat there, with his thoughts getting carried away, he noticed a shadow, someone sitting behind him, on the chair. 

'Sik-ah!' - He turned around. A small guy, in a cosy sweater and big frames on his face, hiding deer like eyes that would make him look young, if it wasn't for the thick eyebrows and the serious facial expression he had. The boy was watching him and shook his bright red head at the boy. 'You are spacing out! You left me in there, I thought you left for good.' He said, taking a sip of the drink he bought.

'Sorry, I was distracted.' Hyunsik laughed brightly. His smile was big and warmed the other boy, who smiled along with him. 

After that they stayed quiet for a few minutes, simply enjoying the treats. 

'How long has it been? Since you last came here, I mean.' Hyunsik heard his friend's voice, who finished his drink and put his legs on the chair, hugging his knees close to him. 'Since you grew to be so popular you never come to see me now'  Hyunsik smiled as he looked at him, thoughtful. Yeah, how long had it been? 

«Popular?»  He thought to himself. This word never made sense to him, really. As much as his friends said he was indeed popular. The guy was well known, people were obsessed with him, they would go around him, asking for advice, asking for him to do that magic trick he did the last time, asking him out. But as crazy as it sounds, he didn't even realize how the interest people always had in him was so out of proportion. He didn't think about it too hard, he did not consider himself a "celebrity", even though his friends would, sometimes, feed from his "fame". 


But Hyunsik didn't considered himself nothing more than an ant in the middle of another thousands and thousands of tiny ants. 


Lim Hyunsik never saw himself more than that, another person in this planet living an average life. 

The Lim Hyunsik people would talk about was not the same 18 years old guy he saw in the mirror. A countryside boy that left when he was fifteen, looking for something way more exciting than empty fields and chickens. 

He started thinking about the last couple of years of his life. When he first came to Seoul, Hyunsik had nothing more than a backpack, a couple of bucks and a ham sandwich on his pocket. 

he did not know anyone there nor anything about the city. It was completely risky, going all the way to a big city without much money nor a place to stay at.

He quickly found a job or two, got himself into a high school, and this is how he met Do Kyungsoo. The kid was the same age as him, but they quickly became close, even though they didn't seem to have much in common. 

Hyunsik was always free spirited, but his friend, not so much. He always had a curfew, even on weekends. Kyungsoo worried about school way too much for Hyunsik's liking, he would always be studying, and even though they were different in this aspect, the boy helped Hyunsik a lot the whole way through the beginning of high school. Now, Hyunsik made sure Kyungsoo could count on him for anything.

He stayed at Kyungsoo's place for almost a year, enough to piss off his parents, who made him and his bad influence to rush and leave even before he had a place to stay. But soon he got himself a tiny, tiny room he could stay in. It wasn't bit enough to fit a bathtub, but it was enough.

When they were seventeen, Kyungsoo went to Japan for a year. They couldn't see each other anymore, and their evenings together to talk about life turned into expensive phonecalls. Hyunsik was Kyungsoo's biggest comfort. He felt like home talking to the boy, he was not like his mother, who would request the kid to study harder, do better. No, Hyunsik would be his hyung even if they were the same age. He would listen to every single problem the tiny boy had.


After Japan, their relationship changed, Hyunsik was now busy with tons of new stuff, and Kyungsoo went to the best school in the country. They didn't see each other as much as they wish they did, but they would talk and text all the time. It was fine like this for both of them. 

'Sik-ah! You are spacing ou--'

'Christmas. It was Christmas when we last met!' Hyunsik said, smiling at his friend who was a bit surprised by the sudden reply.


'Oh yeah, that's right. Almost an entire year' 

'How have you been doing without me around, kiddo? I hope you are not screwing up your studies!' 

'No, I am not. But man, school gets so stressful, and the school year just started. I needed a tiny break. I'm glad you were able to meet up. I thought you would be busy. '

Hyunsik answered with a big, bright smile. He wouldn't say he was busy, even though recently Hyunsik had gotten another job at a laundry place. He was only 18 and was working so hard for no reason at all. He now had two jobs, he would work on learning mandarin more and more, he trained night and day at the athletics club, he would still go to the gym, do some charity work, yet he was still looking for new things, more things, anything seemed to do the job. 

He had a busy schedule, yes, but it didn't bother him at all. His friends would tell him to calm down a little, but Hyunsik argued that it all was just for fun, he could handle it and more. But deep inside, the reason to be so crazy in getting his hands busy was unknown to the boy himself. Is it because he needed money? He seemed to be doing just fine, always saving up some money just in case, anyway. Was it because he wanted to get into a good college? He never planned in pursuing his studies after high school though. Was it because he wanted to know new people? But he was surrounded by his friends and people would always come up to him even if he didn't move a finger. Something was missing, but what exactly? 

'And how's the new school? What about the new place you are at?' Hyunsik noticed the boy watching him getting lost in his thoughts again. He was way too quiet for no reason, and it was clearly annoying Kyungsoo.

'Its fine, I like it. There's a lot to do at school. And the house is big and I have my own room! ' It wasn't a lie. Hyunsik's job at a coffee shop was exciting, it had been a big help to him, and it wasn't only the money. On his first couple of weeks working there, it was calm, but as soon as the school year started, not only him was busy, but the place was packed with lots of college students. 

And even though he was younger than most of the costumers, he still got along well with them.


A small trio stood out out of all the people he saw daily. They were fun, loud and truly nice to him. They were interested in having Hyunsik around, and their sense of humor was just about the same as his. Their personalities fitted Hyunsik's like a glove, and they hit it off right away. 


When Hyunsik told them he didn't exactly had a place to stay in for now, they welcomed him to stay at their place for half the rent they were paying. 

It was a big single floor old house, clearly not in the center of the town, but Hyunsik would have a room to put his things in, a mattress to sleep on and a bathroom he could use without worrying. It was more than enough for him. 


His new place was closer to his job, but further from his school. Soon after the first month living there he decided to ask for a transfer to make his life easier. 

The new school seemed way more exciting, it had tons of school clubs he could attend, a lot of options for extra curricular activities, and many different classes that seemed just too good to be true to Hyunsik.

'What about him? Does he go to your new school? Is he your classmate?'

Hyunsik quickly glanced at his friend. His heart was racing a little, he was totally caught by surprise.

'What are you talking about?' He replied, chuckling. 

'The boy shouting at you earlier. Tall, pale face, big big crazy eyes...'

He tried to stare at his friend as he didn't know what he was talking about. But the thought of him made the boy's serious face turn into a grim. Both the boys started laughing as Hyunsik hid his face, feeling it becoming red.


When he went to his first day on the new high school, and as soon as he stepped in the school, everyone seemed exciting and interested in him. 


And when Hyunsik thought he had met pretty much everyone out of that school, as he walked around the school field during recession, he noticed someone he had never seen before. He stopped walking right away. His knees were suddenly weak and his heart was racing like he went through a marathon. He even forgot how to breathe as he observed the kid. Suddenly, that feeling of missing something had disappeared completely.


He was slim, taller than him. He had pale skin that reminded Hyunsik of thin, dusty beach sand. His hair was of a messy dazzling hazel brown that shined brightly under the sun. His eyes were big and sweet, just like his perfectly drawn red lips. 


This boy quickly reminded him of an angel. To him, the kid he have never seen before was just like a fallen angel, it seemed like a dream come true to Hyunsik. 


As he stood there, the first thought that went through his mind was chasing after the boy who was now walking away with his friend. But he caught himself standing there, the boy long gone. The people with him were now wondering why did he stop walking. 


Hyunsik's mind was all over the place, and he smiled and apologized to his classmates, and as he walked with them, he quickly made sure to ask if anyone knew the boy.


'Jung. Il. Hoon' they said. Not the smartest kid, but a cheerful funny person, pretty much everyone knew him. 

They had a lot to say about Ilhoon, he was fun to be with but they also said he was arrogant, and that may be the reason he was no competition to Hyunsik. Ilhoon seemed to be sure he was the most popular kid around, and Hyunsik was there to take his crown away.


Hyunsik didn't know what they meant with that. Why would he want to compete with the boy? He just wanted to know more about him. How old his he? Does he likes sports? What's his favorite dish? «Would he like to go out with me?»


From that day on, the kid was the only thing in his mind. He would go on with his busy daily schedule, but Ilhoon was on his mind all day and all night. Hell, he couldn't even sleep properly.


He have never been interested in someone this much before. It was all an unfamiliar series of feelings he had going on daily. How could he approach the boy without looking like a creep? Was the kid into anything? Any school clubs, any activities? 

But above it all, didn't want to bother Ilhoon. He knew the kid was way too cool to hang out with the transfer student. 

Once he did try talking to Ilhoon, but he guessed it wasn't the best time, the kid rushed him off quickly, and Hyunsik guessed it was because he was smelling terribly after P.E. So he guessed he shouldn't approach Ilhoon any time soon, unless he had something better in mind than a mediocre chit-chat.

Tonight had been the second time he got to talk to Ilhoon. But it didn't go any better. He had spent the whole night with Ilhoon's name in his mind. And not only his name, but his voice, his scent, his touch. As much as he tried to stop thinking about the kid, he just couldn't.  

'Am I that obvious?' He asked, chucking and shaking his head out of embarrassment. 

'You have been quiet the whole night. I know you are always quiet but tonight it have been so weird, you have been spacing out ever since you waved him goodbye.' His friend clearly could read him, he couldn't even hide it from the boy. 

He guessed being in love so suddenly was the main reason for this. He couldn't concentrate on work or on school enough, because he kept planning a way to ask the boy out. Would Ilhoon rather have something big and unusual? Or would he enjoy more of a simple, intimate invitation?

Hyunsik had screw up the first couple of times they met, but he didn't lose hope yet. 

Yeah, maybe the boy screaming and shouting at him to stay away should have made him change his mind, but he just couldn't. 

Jung Ilhoon turned his world upside down and he was totally fine with it, it was exciting. But Hyunsik wanted to be closer to him, and it was killing him. 


They talked a bit over an hour, Kyungsoo would ask about Ilhoon and Hyunsik would (happily) talk about him to his friend. Ilhoon was his new favorite subject, the newest interest, and he knew he wouldn't get sick of it any time soon. 


Hyunsik talked and grabbed about the boy, even though he didn't knew much about Ilhoon himself. 

This sudden meeting was just what they needed. Soon everything had been said, and despite the boys not seeing each other for almost a year now, it didn't feel like they had been away from each other at all.


Hyunsik got up to leave, it was getting late and Kyungsoo still had to study for an upcoming exam. 

They quietly said goodbye, Kyungsoo quiet and with his big eyes focused on the floor. Hyunsik planted a kiss on Kyungsoo's forehead as he told the boy to take care, before he headed back home. They had no idea when they would meet again, but as selfish as it may sound, it didn't make Hyunsik sad. 

Maybe not seeing his best friend all the time was unusual but it worked the best for him, the distance made him cherish their friendship, and these are the memories that would last longer.  

He walked with his hands on his pockets, now wishing he had brought a thicker hoodie with him. 




When he got home, the lights were all off, so he guessed the guys were still out celebrating the ending of the exams for the semester.

Hyunsik chuckled to himself as he thought of his friends getting wasted in the middle of the street. The boy had always been the one who would hold them back when they decided to take the (horrible) decision of having another shot of tequila. He was always the one who would know when to stop, when to take a break, when to go home. 

The boys that grew to be his closest friends always whined about how Hyunsik would always be the last man standing, the one who watched them falling one by one and the who would make fun of them in the next day. 

He put his keys away and turned the lights of the living room on. Four young men living together was never a good idea, they figured it out when the place turned into a dirty mess and no one could care to keep it clean. There were always dishes to clean by the sink and all around the place, the food expired in the fridge was now unrecognizable, there were socks, shirts, dirty towels all over the floor, on top of chairs and tables. 

Even though the house was a mess, the place was poorly furnished. They had a tv and a couch, a microwave and a fridge. And that was pretty much it. With a house like this, they clearly didn't seem to have any intentions of inviting anyone to stay for the night. 

Hyunsik sat on the couch and turned the tv on. He quickly got himself thinking of what Ilhoon would think of his disgusting place as he looked around. It was a disgrace. If he was to bring the boy over, he would probably run away thanks to the smell coming from the fridge since they let an egg salad spoil months ago. 

Hyunsik quickly got up and decided to clean the place up a bit. Even if Ilhoon wasn't dropping by any time soon, at least he could brighten the room a little more, and maybe make the smell of sweat and dirty socks vanish for good.  

As he picked up some empty cans and bottles, he heard a lot of noise coming from the doorstep. He heard laughs and someone clapping loudly. His friends seemed to be back from a exciting night. 

'Sik! Sikkie!' As a fox-faced blonde boy opened the door with some difficulty, the other two almost fell on the floor as they tried to walk in. 'Ow! Watch it!' 

Hyunsik laughed at them. They seemed to be doing fine without him, which was good. At least he didn't have to go looking for them around the city. 

They closed the door and walked towards Hyunsik. One of them quickly jumped and hugged the boy. His hair was dark brown, his skin white and he looked like a kid, really. 'Hyung! No... Oppa!!' he shouted, kissing the boy, pulling him. 

'Yah, Minhyuk! What are you on about, you old man, this kid is older.. no wait, he is younger than you. YOUNG!' The blonde guy shouted with an very granting voice at the dark browned boy who hugged Hyunsik, laughing and dancing around. 'Sik Sik Sik... Sik Sik-sikkie! Hyunsik!' he started humming the younger's name.


'You should have come! You! Yes don't make that face-- ya, YAH! What are you doing with my bottle collection' He said, Pushing Minhyuk away and collecting the bottles from Hyunsik's hands. 

'Seriously Hyunsik-ah, I mean, look, just LOOK at them! They cannot handle a couple of drinks I told you didn't I?' the boy with short brown hair, small eyes and a big smile on his face said in an ringing tone, pointing at his friends who were all over the place. He sat on the floor and took his glasses off for a second. 'Eunkwang stop it, you are embarrassing yourself!' He shouted in a strident voice at the blonde man who was kissing and a empty bottle of beer. 'Man, you are disgusting! All of you!' 

'I am a good man, you see Hyunsik-ah.' He said, as he cleaned his glasses. 'I bring these Hyungs home and they treat me like I am no fun, I am fun!' He put his glasses back, and Hyunsik sat next to him, watching Minhyuk and Eunkwang turning on the radio and dancing to a random ballad song. 'I am a good man, I bring them home...' He sighed and got in silence.


Hyunsik noticed that his friend wasn't on his best state either when he looked at the boy who was tearing up watching their friends.

'Changsub-ah! Why are you crying?'  Hyunsik started to laugh, his bright smile making Changsub cry more. 

'They just... dancing, man. I... Just look at them!' He said, wiping the tears away. 

Hyunsik couldn't do nothing but watch the entire scene and laugh by himself. The guys dancing looked like a couple, or like they were really really drunk. And Changsub, who was tearing up like a child made Hyunsik have an idea of what a fun night he must have missed.

As it got late, the boys stopped dancing and Minhyuk fell asleep on the floor and got carried by the oldest to his room.

Hyunsik and Changsub stayed up longer than the other two.

Changsub, now sober, claiming he was too hungry to go to sleep and Hyunsik simply couldn't bring himself to rest that easily anymore.

'When you left,'  Changsub said, chewing loudly a sandwich made of leftovers 'Did you come home right away?'

'No, I went to meet a friend' Hyunsik said, smiling brightly. 

'Ahh! What is this, you left us to meet someone else! You should apologize to your hyungs! ' His friend said in an annoying tone, but he quickly pointed at Hyunsik with a suspicious look. 'Ahh... the boy you went after at the restaurant... that one?' 

Hyunsik laughed out loud, he was disturbed by how well his friends could read him. As much as he loved to talk about Ilhoon, somehow it made him feel so strange and embarrassed to bring the boy up in an conversation. 

'No, it wasn't' He said, smiling. It wasn't Ilhoon the boy he went to meet, but he really wished it had been him.

'Who was that kid them? You ran after him, like in a tv drama or something!' 

'He is...' Hyunsik stared at the floor. «He is an angel» that's what he wanted to say, but truly, he didn't know what Ilhoon was. Sure, they went to the same school and the boy would rather skip physical education class than run around, and that's all he knew about Jung Ilhoon. 


Today the boy had showed another side of himself that Hyunsik didn't imagine even existed. He was loud and blunt. Which made him wonder if Ilhoon was anything close to the angel. 'He is someone I go to school with, he needed money and I helped him out.' He sighed, with a grim on his face. Talking about Ilhoon always brought him happiness.

Changsub finished his sandwich and smiled brightly to Hyunsik. 'Hyunsik-ah! You like him, don't you? You love him, you are in love!' Changsub shouted, pushing the boy in a playful way. 'Why didn't you tell me? Does he know you love him?' 

'No, he doesn't... know' Hyunsik could only laugh. 

'Ah Hyunsik... you are just like a teenage girl aren't you? Why are kids like this?' He shook his head as he got on his feet. 'Can't you come up to him and be like,' He said, brushing his hair with his hand and giving his best drunk pick up line  'yo damn, whats up, wanna go?' Changsub said, putting his fingers on his chin and wiggling his eyebrows. 

Hyunsik laughed loudly, and his friend couldn't contain himself but fall on the floor and laugh with him. 

No, Hyunsik would never ask Ilhoon out in such a sleazy way like that.

'But seriously... ask him out! Its just a boy, what's so bad that can happen? Plus you have that whole...  charming and good looking thing going on, that always work with you.' He said, lying on the floor and closing his eyes. 'Its not like you have to try hard' 

Hyunsik watched his friend rambling until he fell asleep on the floor.


It wasn't that easy as Changsub made it sound. Asking Ilhoon out was something he would have done long ago without putting much thought on it, but after seeing how bothered Ilhoon looks when he sees him made him a bit concerned. 

But maybe he was right. Maybe if he did ask the boy out he would be able to prove him he wasn't that bad after all. 

Quickly he started to plan how he would ask him out, while everyone else was sleeping, he stayed the whole night up thinking up the best way to impress Ilhoon. 


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tyaramuffidah #1
Chapter 7: Hope you finish this :') i really like your story
i am hoping for a miracle that you will come back and finish this lol
it's great !
nice story ^^
please please please please update
this is one of the best btob fanfics i've read please don't abandon it!
Chapter 8: Will you still update this? TT

I want to read more of this. >//<
What performance is the Hoonsik gift from??????
Chapter 8: OMG not Penjae, it just can't
Can't wait for a update I really enjoyed this one