
The worst birthday ever

“ Chen, where have you been?” Yoo Min asked desperately when she saw Chen walk into her apartment.

“Practice,” Chen replied shortly, before falling onto the couch, and falling into a deep slumber.

Chen has never been home so late before no matter what. Even if he were to come home late, he would find time to text her or call her to inform her about it. She was really worried about him, not being able to receive any calls or texts from him.

“Do you need anything?” Yoo Min asked timidly, knowing fully that chen would be pissed if she asked too much question. Chen shook his head lightly, not offering any reply to her. Yoo Min sighed, closing her eyes, and clutching the thin fabric of her cardigan tightly. Why was he like this now? They haven’t been sleeping together for 3 months now. Whenever he comes back, he would be too tired to walk into the room. His replies were short. Sometimes, YooMin wouldn’t even be able to talk to him at all. Yoo Min knew their comeback were coming to an end and they should be less busier now. But instead, Chen had been busier when their comeback were coming to an end. And it doesn’t make any sense to Yoo Min. Yoo Min sighed and walked back into her room, hopes for today all gone.

What she didn’t know was Chen peeping with one eye. He giggled slightly, before grinning and grabbing the clothes he had packed in his backpack and went to take a bath.

What is he planning?


And then every single day was the same routine. Come home, murmurings and then sleep. Yoo Min was starting to lose her hopes. She was thinking whether Chen was cheating on her. That would have made perfect sense for coming home late, short replies, lack of passion and no calls or text. But Yoo Min told herself she wouldn’t believe it. Even if Chen was cheating on her, she was going to get him back. She wasn’t one to give up easily. Even if it means forcing her to do a whole book of problem sums. Or, maybe not.


“Jongdae-ah, you are free of schedules today right? I already checked with XiuMin about it,” Yoo Min asked as she stares at Chen who was putting on his shoes and.

“I have a dinner date today. If you’re trying to ask if I can accompany you today, I can’t. I’m leaving,” Chen replied shortly and walked out of the apartment.

Leaving Yoo Min standing there, frozen on the spot.

A date? With who?


“Park Chanyeol, Kris Wu, Oh sehun, Kim JongIn, Zhang Yixing! Byun Baekhyun!  I need you all at my apartment!!!” Yoo Min screamed into the phone, not caring whether she was bursting their ear drums.

“Arasso, arasso! Don’t scream!” Kris shouted back into the phone with his deep voice.

“GET HERE RIGHT AT THIS INSTANT!!!!” Yoo Min screamed at the top of her lungs, not caring about anything anymore. Kris immediately hang up on the phone. Yoo Min dropped on her knees, not knowing what to do anymore. She was feeling as vulnerable as ever. What if what she had suspected really was real? She don’t know if she would still have the courage to get him back.

*At Exo’s Dorm*

“The plan’s working!! Thow, thet’s get thoing tho thoona’s thouse thefore she thomes tho thour thorm and thick ,” Sehun said as he picked up his earphones and note2 from the table.

“That girl is freakin crazy! Next time I’m never going to pick up her calls anymore,” Kris groaned out while rubbing his oh-so-precious ears.

“Omo, omo, where’s my earphones? Omo, where’s my phone?” Lay started flipping everythin around, looking for his things. Same old Yixing.

“Noona, is scary when she’s angry. Just by thinking about it sends shiver down my spine. She’ll surely kick us in the when she know about this,” Kai mumbled under his breath.

“This is gonna be soooo fun!!” Baekyeol chorused and did a bro hug.

Damn, these dorks are out of hands. How did Suho and Kris even handle them?

*At Yoo Min’s apartment*

“Thoona!!” Sehun came bursting through Yoo Min’s apartment screaming with his obvious lisp. But was only greeted by Yoo Min’s devastated state. She had her head in her hands, her hair was a mess. The house was messy. Nothing seems fine at all. Even Yoo Min herself.

“Y-yoo Min-ah, waegurae?” Kris sat down carefully beside Yoo Min, gazing worriedly at her. He looked up at s, not knowing what to do. Then out of a sudden, Yoo Min looked up. They could see her bags, and panda eyes, almost the same as Tao’s.

“ When were you all here?” Yoo Min asked as she looked at them with lost eyes.

“ Why did you call us here?” BaekHyun asked, as all of them took a sit on the floor.

“Has Chen been acting strange these few days?” Yoo Min whispered with a broken voice, not daring to picture their answers.

“He and XiuMin hyung had been acting strangely these few days,” Kai replied straightforwardly, earning several smacks on his head.

“Yah! He thas thonly speaking the thruth,” Sehun glared at his hyungs who had smacked Kai on his head.

“Oh shut up, sekai is not real, hunhan is,” Yoo Min suddenly blurted. All of them looked at her in shock.

“What? I ship all of you together,” Yoo Min innocently replied.

“Yah! You don’t believe in all those s do you?” Chanyeol asked, amused that the one who was closest to them actually believe in these things.

“Whatever you say, just tell me what’s happening!!!” Yoo Min finally exploded.

“Arasso, arasso, xiumin hyung and jongdae hyung had been acting real strange, and when I mean strange, it means putting each others photos as their lock screen picture and putting their selca as their home screen picture,” Lay surrendered and spat out everything.

“You’re not trying to tell me XiuChen is real, are you?” Yoo Min asked, while digesting everything that she’s heard.

“I think I am?” Lay answered uncertainly, scooting further away from her. All of them stared at her, afraid of what she was going to do next. She took in a deep breath.

“Do you know where they are meeting up?” Yoo Min asked, a littleagitated. How could she lose to a man?

“Café chaplin,”

It was their café. The place where they had their first date. And now he’s having a date at their café? What the hell?

“I’m gonna go there tonight,” Yoo Min said. They all smirked. The plan was definitely working.

*At café chaplin*

“They’re there. Thoona!!” Sehun whispered loudly. Yoo Min glanced up and narrowed her eyes at the couple. They were laughing at each other, feeding each other food. Yoo Min lowered her cap. She was seeing red, gritting her teeth, and gripping onto her shirt tightly.

And it was the next action that lit her fire.

Chen just kissed XiuMin on his cheek.

“KIM JONGDAE!” Chen jumped up from his seat.

“Yoo Min? Oh? Why are you here?” Chen asked oh-so-casually.

“You! Why are you cheating on me with XiuMin? For god’s sake! You could at least have the decency to cheat with a girl!” Yoo Min shouted at Chen, humiliated she was.

Chen hugged her tightly, and all of them burst out in laughter. Yoo Min frowned and tried to get out of the hug.

“Are you really that dense to think that we are really dating? You trust those things too much jagiya,” Chen teased as he hugged her tightly, not ever wanting to let go.

“Yah! Then why were you ignoring me?” Yoo Min pulled away and pouted.

“Because I wanted to add to the effect! And, did you even know today was your birthday?” Chen smiled cutely and poked Yoo Min’s cheek. Yoo Min’s eyes widened in realization.

“I didn’t remember,” Yoo Min pouted slightly. How could she even forget her own birthday?

“And now, we’re going to celebrate your birthday!” Baekyeol shouted and the rest of the exo members popped out.


“This is my worst birthday ever.”

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XiuChen is real?
Thank youuuu c: