
My Nemesis


“Are you ready?”

I was in the dressing room, getting ready for my tennis match when Hyukjae, my manager, came in.

“I’m more than ready”

“Listen, I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Promise me you’ll take it easy, okay?”

I’ve heard those words a million times already, and even though he knew very well that I wouldn't take it easy when it came to that one person, he still had to warn me.

“I’ve been waiting for so long for this, hyung. I have to win”

I could hear him sigh, and as I glanced at him through the mirror, he was shaking his head in defeat. I appreciated his concern, but he, out of all people, should know what that competition meant to me. I’ve been waiting to compete against him and I wasn’t going to let him win.



“I’m Choi Siwon”

I first met him three years ago when I was a new scout in SMTennis and he was already a big deal from another competitor company. He had debuted two years before me and thus he played a lot of tourneys already. I was somewhat a fan and that was why, when we were attending this Tennis Annual party and he came to talk to me, I immediately blushed and felt very flattered.

“I’m Cho Kyuhyun. It’s very nice to meet you, Siwon-ssi”

I slightly bowed before locking our gazes together. He had a smirk plastered on his face and it made me kind of irritated.

“So you’re the new talent in SMT?” His tone sounded mocking but I thought I was imagining things so I just smiled at him.

“I believe I am”

His smirk expanded before he sipped from his glass of Champaign, then without saying anything, he turned around and walked away.

When he was a few feet away however, he faced me again and smugly said “Better watch out”

I cocked an eyebrow at his words, wondering what he had meant. The man was undeniably a great tennis player, but why would he act like that toward a rookie like me?


A year and a half after joining SM, my manager, Lee Hyukjae, informed me about playing my first real tourney that would be aired live on television. I was so excited because I’ve been working so hard for this for as much as I could remember. It took me a lot of convincing, a lot of hard work, and a lot of sleepless night, practicing my off so I could get to this day.

I found out later on that I would be playing against one of Siwon’s colleagues. I always wondered how it would’ve been like to actually compete against Choi Siwon, however being the newest, I didn’t think that chance would come anytime soon.

Speaking of Choi Siwon, well that man was strange. Ever since we met at that party eighteen months ago, he would always smirk at me whenever he saw me. We never talked again and I didn’t mind at all because he seemed like a jerk.

He would always underestimate me by his mocking comments and his disgracing words, which he never said them to me face to face by the way. Just whenever we were in the same place, with people we had in common, he would threw out some offending remarks which I knew they were for me but I never figured out the reason behind it. I didn’t do anything to hurt him and I wasn’t even in the same company as him!


That was until I finished my first competition, winning first place against the other player that something changed.

I was in a bar with Hyukjae and other SMT staff, drinking and celebrating our win when Choi Siwon stepped inside the bar as well.

He took a seat on the bar counter, ordering a beer before facing me, his famous smirk was on again as he raised his glass toward me. Feeling something boiling inside me, I also raised my glass, locking gazes with him before we sipped on our drinks at the same time.

“Are you okay?”

Hyukjae asked, noticing the fire glare in my eyes that I didn’t seem to realize until he pointed it out. I sweetly smiled at him, assuring him that I was okay before turning to glance at the bar where Siwon was sitting, but finding his place empty.

I knitted my eyebrows as I searched the somewhat crowded place for that figure, but I couldn’t find him. I didn’t know why I felt disappointed all of a sudden and as I was trying to figure out an answer for that feeling, the bartender came to our table, putting the new drinks for us while slipping me a piece of paper.

I waited until the attention of the people around me was on something else before I took a peek at the note, eyes popping out when I read the name beneath. Choi Siwon

He asked me to meet him in the restroom and as much as I was hesitating, I ended up excusing myself and heading to see him.

Slowly opening the door, I peeked inside but there was no one there. So I carefully stepped inside, only to get pushed harshly against the door. When I opened my eyes after the shock, I found the famous, hideous, smirk that I grew to really despise.

“Hey there”

“What do you want?”

I coldly asked and he acted offended, clenching on his chest while innocently blinking at me.

“I only want to congratulate you for your big win”

I hated the way he made me feel. I was always annoyed when we were in the same room and now our bodies were only a few inches away and it made me suffocate.

“Thanks. Can I go now?” I glared at him but it only seemed to make his smirk deepen as he started eyeing me from head to toe, making me very uncomfortable.

“Why rush? I still haven’t given you your gift yet”

I questionably looked at him, eyes widening when I could feel his face getting closer to mine. I turn my head to the side and I could feel his breath ghosting over my cheek, making my heart race. He then cupped my chin and made me face him again but as he got nearer, I close my eyes tightly expecting what he was about to do, but then a few seconds passed and nothing happened.

When I slowly opened my eyes, the smirk was back and his face was not close anymore. I instantly blushed, thinking he was going to kiss me. That bastard, he always played tricks on me!

“You thought I was going to kiss you, didn’t you?” 

He smugly said, making me clench on my jaw and fist my hands so I wouldn’t punch his pretty face. I hated how I always turned weak in front of him even when we weren’t talking. Just his presence always made me feel something weird and made me lose all control over my body.

Without saying a word, I shot him one last death glare before turning around and reaching for the doorknob. However, before I could open the door, I felt my body being twisted, once again crushed against the door, but this time before I even start complaining, I felt a pair of lips pressed against mine.

My eyes instantly fluttered close as I started pushing him away, punching his chest but he was too strong that my attempts failed to even make him budge a little bit.

I could only surrender and wait for him to pull away. I kept my lips pursed and when he got no response, he broke away, his orbs looking directly at mine, and for the first time ever, I could see something other than arrogance and coldness in his eyes. Instead, there was something that was so strong and was drawing me toward him. Something that made me unexpectedly launch my arms around his neck and harshly smash my mouth on his, wasting no time in kissing him dementedly and eagerly as if my life depended on it.

He didn’t seem to mind either as he switched our places, moving us to the counter and starting devouring my body with his hands. I dug my fingers in his short hair, pulling at it harshly and making him wince, thus giving me way to push my tongue inside his cavern when he parted his lips.

I smirked and bit on his lip when I noticed he didn’t like my move or the way I dominated him, causing him to suddenly grab my hips and harshly sit me on the counter, emitting a gasp from me and so he took the chance to slip his tongue inside.

We kissed passionately for who knew how long, only pulling away when we were running out of breath, and even then he didn’t seem to move away as he launched his mouth on my neck, abusing my skin while his hands were busy undressing me…



The next morning…


“Yah! Where have you disappeared last night? We couldn’t find you anywhere!”

Hyukjae yelled out just as I stepped to the training field, but I only shrugged his question with a wave of my hand. My head was still hurting from the drinks I had last night and I couldn’t function well, plus I was wearing a polo shirt to cover the love bites on my neck and it was so hot!

“Why are you limping? Are you hurt?”

Right… about that. Yes, I did sleep with Siwon. We were so caught up in the moment and we just needed each other at that moment. It was rushed and kind of rough, and when we reached our s, each went his separate way. We didn’t talk about it, and I wasn’t ready to talk about it with Hyukjae.

“I’m fine”

I reached for a racquet before walking to the tennis machine, turning it on then walking to the other side as I started hitting each ball that came out, sending it far away to the other side of the field. I always liked doing this when my brain was full of unanswered questions.

I could see Hyukjae questionably eyeing me from the corner of my eye, which made me lose focus for a second and end up hit by the ball aiming to my head.

I collapsed on the floor, hissing in pain and slowly losing consciousness. When I woke up, I found myself on my bed, and as I tried to get my eyes used to the light, I could detect Hyukjae’s worried face hovering over mine.

“W-What happened?”

I curiously asked, hearing Hyukjae sigh in relief before explaining.

“You got hit by a tennis ball on the head and you fainted”

I closed my eyes for a second to gather my thoughts before looking at him again.

“Did you bring me here?”

I saw him turn to check behind him before he faced me again and replied “No. Someone helped me”

My sight was blurry but as I followed his gaze, I gasped when I saw Choi Siwon leaning on my window with his arms crossed over his chest.

“What is he doing here?” I whispered to Hyukjae who only shrugged a shoulder before I curiously turned to look at Siwon again.

“How are you feeling?” he asked with that husky voice of his, making images of the night before flash in front of me. I could feel my face setting on fire and so I shifted my gaze away before simply nodding.

Hyukjae seemed to feel the awkwardness so he excused himself from the room before I could even complain.

When we were left alone, Siwon approached the bed, sitting next to me and trapping my body between his arms.

“You should be more careful”

I didn’t dare to look at him because I was scared of what I would be facing.

“What were you doing there?”

“I was looking for you”

My heart stopped when I heard he was actually looking for me. What was he going to say? That he liked what we did last night? Or that he regretted and that it was a mistake?


“We need to talk about last night”

His words finally made me face him, surprised as for the first time I didn’t see his famous smirk. He had a poker face expression however, and I couldn’t read what he was thinking.

“It was clearly a mistake so let’s just forget about it”

I found myself blurting out and it was too late to take it back. It hurt saying those words out loud, but what hurt even more was Siwon agreeing with me.

“Of course” was all he said before standing up and exiting the room, leaving me alone to battle with my aching heart. I didn’t know why I was acting that way, but I felt somehow disappointed that he didn’t even… Whatever... It was for the best.


So after that incident, we were back to being strangers and better yet nemesis. Yep, since he was from another company, he always competed against us, and luckily or unluckily, I never had to face him yet. Apparently, he was too big of a deal to battle against a rookie like me.

Ignoring each other went on for about a year, each one focusing on his own career, busying myself in what I always worked for as I was determined to be better than Choi Siwon. That was my goal.


To my luck, by the end of the third year, I managed to succeed and I even exceeded my expectations. I wasn’t a rookie anymore. I became a professional who SMT was very proud of. I became an asset to the management and I simply kicked asses!

Even Hyukjae was very proud by the progress I made and the level of fame I reached. He was there with me from the beginning and he really helped me a lot.

I had a hectic schedule, travelling here and there to compete against people from different countries, and I couldn’t be any more proud of myself. True that my personal life wasn’t as successful as my professional one, but that’s an unsolved mystery since my heart just wasn’t with me. It was like I dropped it somewhere and I couldn’t find it yet.

I did date a few people from here and there, but it never was what I wanted. I always felt something was missing and I kept trying to figure it out but I never did.

End of FlashBack


“Just don’t let your emotions get in the way” Hyukjae warned me but I didn’t understand what he was talking about.

“What do you mean?”

“You really haven’t realized it yet, have you?”

He let out a little mocking laugh and it made me really confused. What thing I haven’t realized yet? And what my emotions have to do with this competition?

However, before I could question him more, I’ve been called out to start the match. Weirdly eyeing Hyukjae, I stepped out of the dressing room and into the field.


It had been three months since the last time I saw Choi Siwon. We had different schedules and I never encountered him. It wasn’t like I wanted to, but I just didn’t see him around like I used to.

So before taking my place, we had to do a handshake with the other opponent and so as I walked to his side, my heart was beating with each step I took. He was looking even more gorgeous than before and he seemed to have grown up, although his face was getting even more handsome.

We hadn’t been this close ever since that incident with the tennis ball, and thus I never realized just how much I missed… wait what? No, it can’t be…



We stood there just intently staring at each other until the referee asked us to take a picture first. The photographer walked to us, asking us to stand back to back as he took the picture. I could feel Siwon’s warmth coming from his back and I was fighting the urge to actually close my eyes. I didn’t know what got into me but something about Choi Siwon always made me irrational.

After taking the picture, I locked my gaze with Siwon again as I stretched out my trembling hand for a handshake, putting a fake smile on my face because so many things were happening inside me.

He took my hand without breaking our gaze, his touch sending electrifying waves into my entire body, making my face blush when he tightened his grip and I just had to look away.

“Let’s have a good match”

I slowly nodded and after he let go of my hand, I immediately walked to my spot, taking deep breaths to calm my drumming heartbeat. This is what Hyukjae warned me about?

“Kyuhyun, get your head in the game, okay?”

I didn’t even see Hyukjae standing beside me until he patted my shoulder.

“No matter what power the other has on you, remember how long and how hard you worked for this, okay?”

Hyukjae’s encouraging words made me snap out of my haze, determinedly looking at him before raising my fist and muttering ‘fighting’.


And so the match started and both of us were determined to win. I had my eyes on the ball at all times, managing to score a few points but then he would tie it down soon after.

I never played this focused in my life and it wasn’t only because I wanted to win, it was because I wanted to prove something to Siwon. That I was good and that he shouldn’t have underestimated me before. Maybe even show him what he had missed on…

By the end of the second set, I was sitting on the side line sipping on my water when Siwon approached me.

“You’re really good”

I surprisingly stared at him, not fully understanding where those words came from.


“You don’t have to look so shocked. I knew you had talent or else SMT would never scout you. But playing against you is something else”

I missed his husky voice…

“Likewise… I mean I knew you were good, well everyone did, but playing against you is…” I sheepishly rubbed the back of my head as I realized I was just rewinding what he just said to me.

“Is something else” He finished my sentence and I shyly nodded, earning me a little chuckle that made me frozen in spot. I think that was the first time I heard him laugh.

We stayed silent for a couple of seconds, just gazing at each other with smiles on our faces and then when Siwon was about to say something “Kyuhyun, listen I-“ we were called back to the court.


As we started the final set, I was more comfortable because I got to talk to Siwon. I didn’t know how to explain it, but I felt relieved by his words. The first sets might’ve been about proving my skills to him, but the final one would be just about doing what I loved.

We gave it our best and when the round was about to end, we were still having a tie and the last strike was to determine who would win.

However, as Siwon struck the ball over the net and into my court, it was very far to the side and I had to run if I wanted to catch it. As I took a few steps though, my leg got twisted, spraining or breaking something, causing me to immediately fall to the ground from the pain.

My foot was hurting badly and all I could do was clutch on it as I gritted my teeth to hold back my screams of ache. Shortly after, faces were hovering over me, but the one that stood the most was Siwon’s with his worried look.

“Kyuhyun? Are you okay?”  His tone was calming although I was drowning in pain. I shook my head as an answer and a couple of tears fell down my cheeks.

“The medic are here” I heard Hyukjae announcing and soon a couple of men were taking off my shoe and sock before inspecting the injury.

I had to wince in pain when they touched the part that hurt the most, clutching my hand on the ground only to be gripped by someone. As I turn to look who it was, I saw Siwon tightly holding it between his large hands and I momentarily forgot about the pain. That was until the medic decided to press on the aching part again.

“AAAH! It hurts!” I cried out in pain while covering my face with my free hand.

“It's not broken but we should take him to the hospital” I heard one of them saying and before I could comment, the referee stepped in and talked to Hyukjae.

“That means a withdrawal. Choi Siwon will be the winner”

I could feel Siwon’s hands tense up around mine and as I peeked between my fingers, he had an inexplicable look on his face and I didn’t know what he was thinking about.

“It’s not. I can’t win like this. Don’t you see he’s hurt?”

I heard Siwon argue with the arbiter and I didn’t know what to think anymore.

“But someone has to win!”

“Then it can’t be me. I withdraw as well”

I gasp at his words, uncovering my face and staring at him in disbelief.

“S-Siwon, you don’t have to”

He didn’t bother to answer me as he stood up and picked me up bridal style. I was so surprised and abashed because people started cheering and awing while I could only bury my face in Siwon’s neck. I was so embarrassed yet kind of happy.



At the hospital…


As I opened my eyes, I felt dizzy and had to clutch on my head to kind of stop the pain. However, one of my hands seemed occupied and as I turned to see what was blocking it, I was surprised to see Siwon’s head resting on it.

How long have I been here?

“S-Siwon?” I lowly whispered because I didn’t want to disturb him if he was asleep.

“Kyuhyun?” He seemed to notice that I was awake, lifting his head and worriedly glancing at me.

“Are you okay?”

“Since when have I been sleeping?”

He checked his wristwatch and I could see his eyes pop out, seemed like he also had been sleeping for a while.

“Three hours”


I closed my eyes for a few seconds to clear my head, but when I felt Siwon playing with my fingers, I glanced at him again, curiosity written all over my face.



“You didn’t have to leave the match”

He sweetly smiled at me and I could swear I was already addicted to it.

“You’re more important”


My confusion seemed to amuse him as he let out a short laugh before resting his hand on my cheek.

“You don’t know?”

I shook my head while pouting, in serious need of an explanation before my heart burst out of my chest.

“Because it wasn’t a mistake”

I frowned, wondering what he was talking about. However, as I saw the sincere look in his eyes, I shockingly stare at him in utter surprise.

“You mean…”

“I slept with you because I liked you”

I tried to process the words in my head but I was so confused.

“B-But I thought you hated me!”

“I could never hate you… That was only because I was scared and it was all new to me. I liked you from way before, Kyuhyun”

His explanation was making me light-headed all of a sudden.

“But why didn’t you tell me before?”

“Because you said it was a mistake”

“But I only said it because I thought that’s what you were going to say!”

Both of our eyes bulged out, each trying to register the new information. Kyuhyun with Siwon’s sudden confession, while Siwon with his self scolding for making Kyuhyun think he hated him.

“So… does that mean you liked me back?” I could see the nervousness on his face, and I smiled before shaking my head.

“I still” 

The frown was deep on his forehead and I thought what a better way to explain than to show him what I mean.

So I sneaked my hand behind his nape and pulled him closer, erasing the gap between us as I pressed our lips together. I could feel him tensing up but as I start moving my lips, he relaxed and kissed me back.


“I love you, Cho Kyuhyun”

He confessed when we pulled away, his words managing to paint a wide smile on my face.

“I love you too, Choi Siwon”

His eyes sparkled and I giggled at the surprised look on his face. He was really adorable. I wonder how come I never noticed it before.

“I never stopped thinking about you” He whispered while shyly shifting his gaze to the wall, giving me time to really examine each detail of his face.

“I’m sorry I didn’t give you the chance to talk that day”

My words made him face me again, determinedly eyeing me before he shook his head and spoke “It’s not your fault. I was hesitant because you were really special to me even before that bathroom thingy”

He explained and I flushed heavily at the mention of that day. It had been a long time but the memory was still engraved in my brain.

I caught him chuckling at me, probably over how red my face was. I could feel him about to tease me so I pulled him closer again and closed the gap between us. We gently kissed, no battle and no domination as we just enjoyed each touch to the max.

His tongue lovingly caressed the roof of my cavern, playing and dancing around mine, emitting different moans from me. My heart was about to explode because of how fast it was beating.


“You still owe me a real match”

I giggle at his words, planting a chaste kiss on his lips before nodding.

“I’ll kick your !”

“We’ll see about that” He seductively winked at me before he dived in for another kiss.



Looks like I found where I dropped my heart and I couldn’t be any happier to know that it belonged to Choi Siwon… my lovely nemesis.



- end -



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Merettevan #1
Chapter 1: I loved it! It was sweet with a touch of angst and y too! I enjoyed reading the way their relationship was developed, from rivals to lovers (well I'm sure they will be happy lovers for ever hehe). Thanks a lot, it made my day!
sjmunchkin #2
Chapter 1: First time reading both kyuhyun and siwon as a tennis player, good story author-nim...
Chapter 1: Omgggg this totally deserves to be turned into a long!!!! Loved it!!
hippychick #4
Chapter 1: such a beautiful story :D
mrs_kyu #5
Chapter 1: how cuutee i trully love this story ,,,,,
but poor kyu get well soon :)
n4oK0_ #6
Chapter 1: you should just ask me for tennis term. I'm a tennis player once. ^^v
Anyway, such a great story dear... luv it
hayarahma #7
Chapter 1: Whoaaaaa this is so cute unni!<3 soooo sweet!!
tennis couple^^