That Girl of Mine

That Girl of Mine





“ Yesung! Did you seriously just dump Jessica from class B?!” Eunhyuk excitedly asked for confirmation as he jumped towards Yesung who sat in their classroom eating the last of his lunch. Eunhyuk, the biggest gossiper is fortunately and unfortunately one of Yesung’s best friends


“ Yup. I’ve got Kyunie after all” Yesung replied bluntly


“ Geez, really?” a classmate questioned


“ There it is… THE fiancée story” Eunhyuk teased


“ Dumping Jessica like that, you’re an idiot!” Donghae, Yesung’s childhood friend commented, “ she’s hot! With a capital HOT!!!”


“ Shut up!!” Yesung retorts, “ I'm just thinking about the girl I love with all my heart”


“ That girl’s your whole problem!” pointing at a picture Yesung lay on his desk “ a fiancée you’ve never even met!” Donghae criticised


Looking at the picture Yesung thought to himself


That’s right…. When I was little my mother gave me this picture…


“ This is your fiancée Yesung!” mother excitedly announced, “ You’re getting married!”


“ I'm going to marry this person?” I asked back then not believing it because I fell in love then…


I fell in love with the girl in the picture….


“ And what’s with you not being able to meet until you turn 16?” Eunhyuk questions


“ Their mothers decided it apparently. Wait- you’re already 16 right?”


“ Kyunie’s one year younger than me so we’ll meet next year!” Yesung enthusiastically explained


“ Next year she’ll turn 16 and we’ll meet in person…. And then I’ll fall in love for the second time…! Then our feelings will become mutual and it will just be beautiful, no doubt about it” Yesung went on babbling about his fantasy


“ Dream all you like….”


“ What?!” Yesung pouted


“ Well, you certainly seem to be enjoying yourself…”


“But I just don’t get how you can be so serious… it’s a girl you’ve never met, only seen in picture… what if you meet her and she’s a total turn off?” Eunhyuk mocked

“ She’ll be really cute!!” Yesung argues back


Is it really that strange to fall in love with someone you’ve never met?

I mean if I could meet her…then of course I’d want to…




“ Tomorrow Kyunie’s coming!!!” Yesung’s mother excitedly proclaim as soon as he walked through the door along with his younger sister Ariel




“ I know it’s really sudden… Kyunie’s mother is transferring overseas for her job but Kyunie wants to stay in Korea it seems…” his mother tried to explain “ so I suggested we take her in instead! What’s a year or two too early matter?”


I guess that promise wasn’t really that big a deal then huh…


“ What is it? Aren’t you happy?”


There’s no way I wouldn’t be happy…

After all, I’ve been looking forward to meeting the real person for so long


“ Can I do anything to help?” Yesung offered


“ Why don’t you take Kyunie’s things to Ariel’s room?”


------ The next day


Too exited to sleep last night Yesung woke up feeling sleep deprived


“ Maybe I should wear a suit….” Yesung suggested


“ Don’t do that, it doesn’t suit you” his mother states “ still, Kyunie’s late… she might be lost”


Hearing that Yesung became alert


“ I’ll check around nearby for her!” Yesung declared and with that he headed for the door


“ Eh? But you don’t even know what she looks like-”


“ It’ll be fine! I’ll be able to tell the face of the girl I love immediately!”


Opening the door Yesung stumbles upon a tall, handsome guy standing in front of his house


“ Yesung hyung?”


“ Huh? Oh yeah… yes?” Yesung confusedly replied


“ Is that Kyunie?” Yesung’s mother shouted from the living room, which surprised Yesung


Crap! I let myself get caught up staring at a dude!


“ N-no! It’s another guest!”


“ Yes, I'm Cho” the person answered “ Cho Kyuhyun. I heard from my mother I’ll be staying here starting today,” the person called ‘Kyuhyun’ answered while Yesung stood there eyes widen












Umm, my Kyunie looks like a man for some reason…


“ Kyunie’s a boy? … omg…. OMG!!!.... You- You’re still WOW…. Isn’t this wonderful Yesung?!” Yesung’s mother cheered childishly running up to them before pushing Yesung away to stare at ‘Kyuhyun’ “ look at the amazing fiancé you get!! Who cares if he’s a boy? He’s hot!”


“ Wha-“ I care!!! But before Yesung could say anything his mother’s hand covered his mouth


“ Kyuhyun, I'm afraid my son’s a handful but please take care of him!” hopping back into the kitchen “ oh! We’ll need to switch rooms since you’re a boy! Yesung show him to your room!” she instructed “ I’ve got to make a big feast for tonight!”


Yesung and Kyuhyun stood at the door dumbstruck


Mum… isn’t this…a little weird?




Let’s set aside that bit with my mum for now…


 “ Let’s try and get along okay?” Yesung awkwardly mumbles before showing Kyuhyun his room “ so you’re going to be sharing a room with me. I don’t mind but are you sure I'm not going to bother you?


Well, its not like it’s his fault


“ Well my mum and Ariel seems to be happy”


We’ve got….


“ And you? …”


…. to make this work.


“…You certainly don’t seem happy…” Kyuhyun ask shocking Yesung,

This guy…. He’s sharp….

I mean… I know fully well that it’s not his fault….


“ That’s not it”


… But I’ve loved him for so long….


“ I just… was surprised”


“ Well, I’ll admit I had no idea you’d be a guy either, but don’t worry about it. The whole engagement was something our parents decided on their own so it was weird from the start” Kyuhyun bluntly said “ we couldn’t possibly be expected to fall in love with someone we have never met and there’s no telling how we would get on after meeting… I'm not sure how delusional our parents were…. This is such a pain. Isn’t that how you felt too?”


So mean… it’s like he’s refuting everything I believed in…

So I shouldn’t have had a dream…?

‘ I'm going to marry this person!’


“I don’t feel that way at all! I WAS SERIOUSLY IN LOVE WITH YOU!” Yesung yelled after hearing Kyuhyun’s harsh words


I can’t believe this was the person I fell in love with…


Kyuhyun fixed his eyes on Yesung


He continues “ My mum said you were making great grades at this high class school so I worked hard to get in the top 5 in my school. When I heard you were good at sports I took up jogging everyday… when I heard you were tall I drank so much milk that could last me a life time but I guess it doesn’t matter anymore since you are still taller…. everything I do is just to be good enough for you!”




“ I’ve always thought that if I worked hard enough, I’ll become a man worthy of you… but I guess it was my mistake, I fell in love with a picture” Yesung cried as his tears invade his vision before gently falling along his face “ I – I loved you all this time…. So long… ”


As he gently reach out to wipe away the fallen tears, a small smile present itself on Kyuhyun’s face “ …Thank you…”


Cr-crap! What am I babbling? And in front of him!

He definitely thinks I'm weird now! Or maybe creepy!

Yep, absolutely going to be awkward now!


This is horrible…


“ You can laugh if you want.” Yesung embarrassedly said after proceeding to drop himself onto the bed while refusing to look at Kyuhyun as his legs gave out


Pausing for a moment before speaking. “ Why would I do that? You made me happy. Though you did caught me off guard” Kyuhyun replied with a gentle smile making Yesung blush “ I think you’re nice and straight foreword… I like that... Tell me more about you, and me. I want you to feel that way about me too” Kyuhyun kneeled down in front of Yesung whilst holding onto Yesung’s wrist before sliding his slim fingers over Yesung’s hand thereby stunning the boy


He’s not… laughing?

He doesn’t think I'm disgusting?


“ I want you to fall in love with me like you did with ‘Kyunie’, but this time, fall in love with the real me, fall in love with Cho Kyuhyun…” Kyuhyun said as his eyes lock onto Yesung making Yesung’s eyes dilate in surprise and a faint blush covered his face. Yesung didn’t reply, he couldn’t…


Kyuhyun is a completely different person from what I had expected… but he’s definitely a good person…


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naye8134 #1
Chapter 1: owww so cute *^* <3
Chapter 1: Oh, isn't it inspired from a manga ? It totally suits them, you made it work quite well. =)
Jongwoon working hard to be worthy of "Kyunie" is so cute ^^
You should definitely write a sequel !
Chapter 1: so sweet :) aww sequel please ^^ love this :)
Chapter 1: cute story ;A; i wish you will make a sequel of this <3
Eggums #5
Chapter 1: This was really super cute! Well written and a sequel would be cool keke
Well done! I hope to see more from you soon :D
Ladyghai #6
Chapter 1: E waaahh me want sequel please! This story is so cute!