Chapter 01; Welcome to Wonderland

The Country of Hearts [HIATUS]

A/N: When a sentences has this '(sentence)' around it, It's a thought unless it's this "(sentence)" then it's spoken (only in Author's POV)

Author's POV

“Come on Dara! It’s time for our tea in the garden!” Durami said to Dara. They always had their tea every afternoon without fail.

Dara quickly closed the book she was reading and brought it with her to the garden. As she reached the white gazebo, she saw a wide spread of bite-sized sandwiches and cakes complimented with a cup of English Rose tea.

“Ooh. These look delicious!” Dara said aloud.

“The chef had them specially made today. It seems to be he’s in a good mood.” Replied their Nanny.

“Wow! Why’s he in a good mood?” Durami asked with a smile on her face.

“I think the chef’s wife had given birth to a daughter.”

“We have to give our congratulations Unnie! Shall we make him something? A card?” Durami suggested with enthusiasm before stuffing her face with a piece of chocolate cake.

“Arasso dongsaeng. We shall make him a card.” Dara replied before she too stuffed her face with strawberry shortcake.

After their teatime, they decided to sit under the big oak tree in the garden.

“What book are you reading Durami?” Dara asked, “Is it another psychology book?”

“I guess you can call it that but it’s not at the same time. It’s more like a novel, a fairy tale. It’s about a girl who follows a rabbit to Wonderland. Then -”

“Ah it’s fine. I just want to know what happens in the end.” Dara cut Durami before she could tell her everything.

“The queen of hearts puts her on trial, she escapes until she wakes up from her dream.”

“So it was all just a dream?” Dara said, “I don’t like that book then.”

“Oh it’s a pity. It’s actually a nice book Unnie.” Durami giggled as she said.

After a few minutes of silence, Durami spoke again.

“How about we play a game?” she suggested.

“A game?” Dara eyed her curiously.

“Yes. A card game.” She replied her.

‘A card game… why does that hurt my head by just hearing it.’ Dara thought as she put her hand on her chest. ‘Because that’s the rule.’ Dara heard someone say.


“Huh?” Dara said as she awoke from her dreaming.

“You seem tired. I’ll go get the cards then. Do not fall asleep while I’m gone!” Durami said as she got up and went to get the pack of cards.

‘That’s weird…did I say something? Oh no… I’m feeling drowsy.’ Dara thought as she tried to keep her eyes open. ‘It’s so nice today... Just a little bit. I’m sorry Durami.’

Dara’s POV

Huh… What’s that? There’s something in my garden. A rabbit…with clothes!? It’s coming closer... I’m dreaming aren’t I?

“Hey! What are you doing? You’re supposed to be chasing me!” The rabbit spoke.

What is this? Now it’s talking? I must be really tired and having a weird dream.

“It can’t be help.” Were the last words the rabbit spoke before it transformed into a guy? And it’s lifting me up! I started screaming… Afraid being dropped,  I clung on its ears.

“Please don’t scream in my ears. It hurts terribly.” The rabbit or he spoke.

“What are you doing!? Put me down!” I screamed at him.

“No can do. I’ll put you down when we get there.” He replied, running at a fast speed.

“Where’s there?”

“Inside that hole!” He exclaimed.

“Hole!? Why is there a hole in my garden!?”

“Hmm… I wonder why…” He said, “But if there is a hole, you must jump in!”

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” I screamed as I fell down into the black hole. The entrance was getting smaller by the minute.

“No, I’m gonna fall. I don’t want to die yet!” I screamed my lungs out while closing my eyes.

“What is that? You don’t want to arrive yet?” He spoke again. How can he be so calm at a time like this?

“Are you obsessed with falling?” He asked.

“No that’s not what I’m saying.”

“Isn’t it fun to fall?” He said again completely ignoring what I said, “When I’m falling with you, it’s even more fun. I might become obsessed too. Alas, we can’t fall forever.”

I’m going to die….

Huh? I’m alive. But where am I?

“This is Wonderland.”

“Wonderland?” Why does that sound so familiar? Oh! Durami’s book!

“Yes.” He said as he extended his hand. I accepted it and stood up from the ground.

“Welcome to Wonderland Dara!”

I could see miles and miles. There was a red castle, a theme park, a maze garden and more! It was so beautiful that I sat on the ground to admire all of it.

“I’ve never heard of a city like that. And you, how do you know my name?” I pointed at him.

“Of course I know your name! I love you.” He replied with a grin.

A kidnapper with bunny ears… He’s definitely a ert. Is he a stalker?

“Take me home!” I demanded.

“That’s impossible. No can do, but here. Please drink this.” He said as he showed me a vial with some liquid inside. It had a heart shaped cover and there was a heart on the vial too.

“Who would drink something so suspicious? I’m not drinking it!” Who knows.. It might be poison inside, not that I think anyone would want to poison me but you never know…

“That’s a problem.” He replied.

“D—Don’t come near me!” I said as he kept coming closer. “Quit playing around! Why must I drink some mysterious liquid a ert like you gives me!?”

Urgh. I can’t stand up.

“Aren’t you curious to know my name?” He eyed me with a smile. “I see, if you’re curious then that means you like me!”

“What!? Why would anyone like you?” I said with anger.

“Oh I just thought… Hmmm… I see. That’s right, it wouldn’t be that easy. The game would be boring if it were that easy.” He said as he pulled the cover off the vial.

Game? What game?

Ow, my head is throbbing.

‘Hey, did you know? Games always have rules.’ Urgh.. It’s that voice again. ‘It’s decided from the beginning—’

I saw that ert drink the liquid that was inside the vial. He started coming closer and closer.

He grabbed my chin and kissed my lips. He’s forcing me to drink the liquid!!

“I’m lending you a hand since you complain a lot.”

“Stop!” I said struggling to break free but his grip on my shoulders were too strong.

“If you drink it all, I’ll let you go Dara.”

I reluctantly complied and drank whatever that liquid was.

“Yay! You drank it!” He said with glee. “ ‘This is the potion of hearts, once you drink it, you must participate in the game.’ ”

As he was walking away he turned back and said, “Oh and my name is Seungri. Now Dara, the game begins. Let’s meet again!” He continued on as if nothing had ever happened and left me.

I was kissed… By someone like him. A horrible kiss I’ll never forget. THAT ERT! I won’t admit it! It wasn’t a kiss!

I picked up the vial and examined it. What in the world did he make me drink? I don’t think I’ll feel better unless I hit him.

I started running into the woods. I didn’t no how long I ran but I was getting tired. I just ran without thinking. I wonder if it’s the right way.

Hmm, there’s a large mansion over there! Maybe the people living there can help me. A ert with bunny ears has to be famous.

As I reached the mansion, there was a tall black gate and a fence that was surrounding it. The fence was decorated with jewels that blinds my eye if it were shone in the sun.

It is a magnificent gate. I wonder if there are any guards…

“Unnie! Do you have business at the mansion?” I heard a voice asked.

“Well, yes I have something to ask.” I said as I turned to look at who asked me the question. Instead two pointy swords pointed greeted me.

“We’re the guards here.” Said one of them. She had this striking red hair. She was also wearing a red uniform.

“We get rid of all trespassers.” The other completed her sentence. She had short hair with bangs. Instead of red, she wore a blue uniform. They both look really young to be guards.

“You don’t look like a bad person to me Unnie but people aren’t always as they seem to be eh?” The red uniformed girl spoke.

“Wait. I just wanted to—”

“Don’t worry! It won’t hurt at all. Right sister?” The blue uniformed girl interrupted,

“Yup. Let’s kill her sister.” The other replied her back with a smile.

The blue uniformed girl lifted her sword and was about to kill me. Oh well, here’s so much to my life. I’M GOING TO DIE AGAIN! NOOOOOO!!

“Hey you two! What are you doing?”

I heard a voice. The sword was just a few centimeters away from killing me. Phew, maybe he’s the master.

“Isn’t she a guest? That woman?”

I looked at the guy who spoke and realized he has bunny ears too…

“I don’t want my pay docked!” The red uniformed girl shouted.

“Get out of our way newbie hare!” The other shouted in anger.

“Says the guys who were slacking off I may add.” He said as he scratched his head.

“We’re not guys! We’re girls!” The red uniformed girl said back with annoyance.

“Are you really a guest? Or are you a spy?” The hare asked me.

Before I could answer him he started talking again.

“Well I don’t care. Either way let me finish the job. I want to test out this new gun.” He said as he took out a gold gun and pointed it at me.

Where are all these weapons coming from!? Why are they appearing all over the place! I’m gonna get shot! I’m gonna dieeeee!

“Stop!” I heard a voice and a hand was around my shoulder immediately.

“Jiyong!” The hare said. Have I been saved?

“I told you not to kill anyone on my premises without my consent.”

“Um.. Thank you.” I said as I turned to look at my savior.

“You are welcome young lady.” My savior replied.

He was wearing a black top hat with a white ribbon tied around it. He also wore a red jacket with a gold badge on one side. To finish his outfit, he wore black pants and black boots. He looked so cute.

Wait what am I saying. For all I know, he may want to kill me too.

I pushed him away and started running.

“Hey You!” I could hear the hare’s voice in the background.

Author's POV

“What was that!? Being rude to Jiyong!” Se7en said as he looked in the direction that Dara had ran off.

“She was a foreigner.” Jiyong said wondering why she had ran off. ‘Did I say something that scared her?’

“A foreigner!? Seriously?” Se7en said in astonishment. He had never been up close with a foreigner before.

“Yes.” Jiyong said. ‘She was really cute.’ He thought and smiled after that.

“Ok you two! No more slacking! Stand at your post.” Se7en said before he went inside the gate.

‘Hmm, very interesting.’ Jiyong thought before he went inside too.

Dara’s POV

Hm? It’s night already? I could have sworn it was just noon. Somehow I ended back where I was in the beginning.

I spotted someone standing outside, looking at the view.

“Who’s there!?” He shouted.

I stepped out of the darkness and greeted him.

“Oh. G-Good evening.”

“What are you doing here? Get out!”

I got a better look at him. He was tall and wore a long cloak or jacket. He had short brown hair I suppose. It was too dark to tell.

“I apologize, I didn’t know this was your house. I was kidnapped by a man named Seungri—”

“I don’t care! Just leave this instant!” He cut me off. Why does everyone interrupt, cut me off or ignore what I say here!

He grabbed on my arms and started pushing me. I tried to struggle out of his hands. I was angry. I’m having such a rough time here. What kind of a Wonderland is this!?

“Even if you tell me to go back, I don’t know how. This isn’t funny. Getting kidnapped and falling through a hole. Then drinking some strange potion. I was almost killed—”

“Potion?” He asked in shock.

“Yes. It was in this vial.” I showed him the vial the ert Seungri gave me.

“What have you done?  Then that means you’re a foreigner.” He had a horrified look on his face or it was just his normal face. I couldn’t tell his expressions.

“A foreigner?” I asked. Well now that makes sense since I don’t belong here.

“When you said Seungri, did you mean Seungri the White Rabbit?” He asked.

“Yes, that’s correct."

“So he brought you here without my permission. That rabbit! Well, it can’t be helped. I’ll explain it to you. Follow me.” He commanded me instead. I just followed him. Where else was I going anyway…

He brought me to this room that was filled with different shapes and sizes of clocks. He gestured for me to sit at on the chair and I just complied.

“I am Choi Seunghyun or Top whichever you prefer. I am the master of this clock tower. Now Sandara Park, you are a foreigner here. I have heard that foreigners can come and go as they wish—”

“But I didn’t wish to come here!” I burst out. Still feeling angry that that ert rabbit brought me here.

“Yes, you did say you were forced here. Now Wonderland is so dangerous country to foreigners wandering about.” He said as he showed me a map or somewhat like it.

“Se7en the March Rabbit and the bloody sisters or known as Bom and Minzy, swing their weapons all the time. I’m surprised you even survived. You must have been very lucky.” He continued.

“Well, a man stopped them. His name was Jiyong.” I said to him. I didn’t think I was very lucky… Coming here was already making me think I’m unlucky

“Kwon Jiyong? He’s the mafia boss.”

“Mafia!?” Even the mafia exists here? I could not believe it.

“Yes. They’re called the Hatter Family and Kwon Jiyong is their boss.”

“I ran away after he saved me. But he said “Not to kill anyone on my premises without my consent.”…” Thinking about Jiyong who saved me.

“You would have been killed if he had permitted it. They’re crazy, it’s best to stay away from them.” He said which snaps me out of my reverie.

“I’ll now explain the other territories.” He said before showing me the map.

“This is the Castle of Hearts ruled by the Queen of Hearts.” He pointed to a castle, which looked very beautiful.

“And this is the amusement park own by a guy name Jo Kwon. He’s a bit crazy too.” He pointed to an amusement park. It seemed fun.

“And the Clock Tower Square is the center of those two territories which is where we are now.  This is the only neutral area. The other three are having a power struggle.”

I get why the mafia and the queen would be fighting but even so, the amusement park seems such a peculiar place.

“The three-way battle will probably continue for a while. It’s a meaningless game but it’s best for a foreigner like you to stay out of it.”

“Hmm a power struggle. So that’s why everyone is aiming weapons at people.” I said as I concluded in my head. Wonderland is definitely not like home.

“Ahh.. That too but I’m sure you’ll figure out real soon.” He said in a calm voice.

“Well, I have no intention to get into their fight nor do I want to stay here. I want to go home! I can make it alone, just tell me where to go.” I said back, hoping he’ll give me an answer.

“Impossible. You can’t leave alone.” He replied still in a calm way. Urgh I’m getting irritated…

“Well, then can you please take me home?” I asked nicely trying to not show my anger.

“ ‘You can’t leave alone’. That’ the rule of the game you –the foreigner– is participating in.”

Urgh again with the stupid ‘game’!

“Why is that? You and Seungri are saying things about a game and rules.” I said in anger. Suddenly something caught my eye. I immediately ran to the window. The sun was setting!

“What happened? It was just night ago! Why is the sun setting?” I exclaimed.

“It’s normal. These things happen in this world. Don’t make a fuss about it.” He said. I’m starting to think he may think I’m crazy.

‘It’s a dream’ the same voice said. A dream? ‘This is a dream’

“This is a dream. Is this a world inside a dream?”

I noticed Top looked away for a while but then replied.

“If you think this is a dream, that’s fine. But then this is a never-ending dream unless you progress in the game. You had the chance to leave when you first arrived but because Seungri made you drink the potion, you must participate in the game.”

Ok then… If that’s the only way to get out, I guess I have to participate.

“Your game is whether or not you can return to your world. And ‘You cannot play the game alone’; therefore ‘You cannot leave alone’. Look at the vial again.”

I looked at it and was shocked.

“The vial was empty before!” I said as I eyed it curiously.

“As I thought, Seungri, The Hatter and now me… As you meet others, the liquid will accumulate. That is your key to return to your world. And the rule for this game is ‘Once the vial is filled, the time to return home will come.’

“That’s easy. I’ll just collect it and leave.” I said with a smile. I continued to examine the bottle.

Author's POV

‘Easy huh?’ Top thought as he looked at Dara.

On the other side of Wonderland, there stood Seungri smiling.

‘Now we’re together forever Dara.’ He thought.

Woo~ First chapter uploaded :D This has got to be one of the longest chapters I've ever wrote! I was debating whether to spilt it up in two parts or not. Anyhoo, comment pleas C: I enjoy reading comments!

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Angelflufffy #1
CHINGU-YAH! Me likey this fanfic :D<br />
I knew it! You chose Taeyang as Ace~
@lilacgirl28: hehe, it's kinda like Alice in Wonderland I suppose :) Just the manga is way more complicating.<br />
haha yeah when I was describing Ji as the mad hatter, I was thinking about his Butterfly MV too ^^ Will update soon~
VioL3t #3
Whoah!, that was long, hehe!,<br />
I havent read the mangga yet,<br />
its sure sounds like Alice in wonderland, <br />
hmm,I'm liking this story already,<br />
So that means seungri was the reason why she was there,<br />
Actually when I'm reading your fic, <br />
I'm imagining ji, you know the one in his butterfly mv<br />
hehe!, whaaa, can't wait for the next chpter,<br />
update soon!!<br />
sheylala21 #4
its like the manga heart no kuni no alice. haahaha.<br />
update. update!
@kriXxX: Thank you ^^ Yup, it's something like Alice in Wonderland :D Will try keeping the chapters long~<br />
<br />
@haibumxo3: Yay! I found someone who likes it too C: I chose Seungri as Peter cause I thought he was kinda like him xD I had a difficult time choosing who should be who >< I hope I made the right decisions for Ace and Boris ~ will be updating sometime soon ^^
i freaking love the manga heart no kuni no alice *O*<br />
seungri's peter here?! Well that was unexpected xD<br />
Top is the clock tower master while Jiyong is Blood? Woooaaah x3<br />
I hope you update soon cos i really want to know who's Ace and Boris and so on ;D<br />
hello~!!!! ohhh i really like the way you write.. very impressive..<br /> the story is the same with 'Alice in Wonderland' ryt? but well, i knw u'll gonna add up some twists along the way.. <br />
and i'm waiting for a daragon interaction again... kekeke<br />
^_^ tnx~!!! keep it up!!<br />
p/s: i love reading long updates.. ^.~