
Guy Like Me

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Junhyung watched from his car.

His girl...his ex girlfriend. She looked happy...without him. Junhyung felt the tears in his eyes. What was he doing? Following her just because he saw her in the streets.

Ever since he let her go he had felt nothing but regret.

Junhyung stared at Gayoon who had an expressionless face.

“I have to let you go” he repeated.

“I can’t let you go” she repeated.

“Why can’t you understand that you don’t need a guy like me?” he asked her.

“What can’t you understand that I accept you for you and that I love you?” she asked him.

“I was never understanding in our relationship! How can you still say that you love me?”

“Because...I came to accept it...because I love you, I learnt to accept it”

“Why are you holding on? Wasn’t it difficult to date someone like me?”

“Someone like you? What is wrong with someone like you?”

“I never tried to understand you! I never did anything good for you!” he was now screaming at her.

Gayoon blinked back some tears.                                

“Why...are you holding on?” he asked her again.

She didn’t answer him.

“I never did those things a boyfriend is supposed to do for his girl so please leave before I change my mind” he said.

“I want you to change your mind” she whispered as she reached for his hand but he snatched it away before she could touch him.

“Don’t date anyone like me in the future” he whispered as he stood up.

“I don’t deserve your love” he said as he turned to leave.

“Don’t” Gayoon uttered.

“Why are you being like this?” he asked her.

Gayoon opened but Junhyung cut her off.

“Don’t tell me that it is because you love me”

“I hate you...I don’t need you” he said making Gayoon’s heart hurt as if it was being hit by arrows.

“Tell me those words” he said “Tell me you want to leave me”

She didn’t say anything so he let her alone in the quiet play ground in the dark.

“I bet now she would happily say she hates me” he said to himself with a bitter laugh.

His grip around the steering wheel tightens as he saw her laughing next to that guy.

“I regret it now”

How can I hate her? How can I talk badly of her...when I still love her?

He reached for him phone and dialled the number he knew so well even though it had been deleted three years ago.


Her voice, how much he had missed it.

“I don’t blame you for not stopping me that night, Heo must be easy to forget someone like who never tried to understand you. I was always selfish and never knew how you felt”


“Don’t ever date anyone like me...ever again. A guy like me doesn’t deserve you or your love”

“ that you?” she asked.

He watched her as she turned to look around.

He chuckled and said “Don’t look for don’t need me”

“Junhyung...I miss you” she said.

He frowned.

“Don’t say things like that” he said coldly.

“Junhyung” she pleaded.

“Just turn around and leave...forget about me” he said.

Gayoon finally turned around to meet his gaze. Everything stopped and went quiet.

“Just leave” he whispered.

Gayoon said something to the guy next to her before walking towards his car. Junhyung prepared to drive off but her voice stopped him.

“Don’t even think about it Yong think you can leave me again”

Junhyung breathed in.

“I told you to stop holding on already”

“And I told you...I’m as stubborn as you are and I am not letting go this time”

Her voice was filled with determination.

“Please” they both said at the same time.

“Tell me you hate me and leave” Junhyung said coldly.

“I still love you” Gayoon replied.

Junhyung suddenly got out of his car.

“Leave before I change my mind”


They were now face to face with each other.

“Why can’t you understand that you don’t need a guy like me?” he asked her.

“What can’t you understand that I accept you for you and that I love you?” she asked him.

Gayoon took his hands in her own and looked him in the eye.

“I love you for matter what”

“What about the guy you were with? Don’t you love him?” Junhyung asked hoping she would leave him out of guilt for the other guy.

“Young Saeng oppa? He is my brother so of course I love him but that doesn’t affect how I feel about you” Gayoon said.

“Your brother?”

Gayoon nodded.

He was silent.

“I still love you and I know you still love me too” Gayoon said.

“A guy like me is not what you want” Junhyung said as he snatched back his hand and got ready to get in his car.

“No a guy like you is not what I want...because I want you and not someone like you”

Done! Wether he stays or not is up to you. I hope you liked this story. I fell in love with the song and the story I typed up just played in my head as a Gahyung story so I had to post it. Please leave a comment and I promise I will get back to my other stories now. Bye!

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Chapter 1: Well, it's a nice ending :)) and I love some of the phrases you've used!