Second Battle

Battle of the Prince and Princess

"Yamada-san, may I have a word with you?" asked Harumi.

"Ehhh? Why is that?" he asked. "You could just say it here."

Harumi smiled. "You know what I'm talking about. Tonight's thing."

Yamada gulped. He knew exactly what she's talking about. How could he not? The ball is tonight, TONIGHT!

"What thing?" Kana popped from behind her shoulder. "I want to know."

"It must be about that about that little match isn't it?" asked Yuto, appearing out of nowhere.

Yamada grew red. "Of course not!"

"Oh yeah! It's the talk of the school now, everyone knows of it!" said Kana. "They're saying about how awesome Harumi-chan was."

Harumi realized that they were going off topic but before she could interrupt, sensei walked it. She told the students to get back to their seats.


Harumi waved Yamada over to her.Since they were at the back of the class it was nothing to worry about.

"Meet me at the rooftop at lunch," she whispered into his ear.

He nods but before he could withdraw for her. She bit his earlobe and giggled.

"What was that for?!?!" he yelled. The entire class turned around to look at him but Harumi sat their like any other student.

"Yamada-san, is there a problem?" asked sensei, irritated.

"Yes there is! It's her!" yelled Yamada pointing at Harumi. Harumi just widened her eyes in surprise.

Sensei just raised her eyebrows.

"Ughh...nevermind forget it. I'm sorry," apologized Yamada. He looked over at Harumi and she just smirked.

I'll get you, thought Yamada.

Harumi sat down on the ground against a wall on the rooftop. Yamada was late. She decided to eat her bento. Suddenly, the door bursted open. Yamada was panting as if he just ran a marathon.

"Where were you?" asked Harumi placing her bento onto the ground. "You're seven minutes late."

"Geeez...." said Yamada. "It's not fun being chased by girls you know."

"Ehhh~ so you're actually popular. Was it because of that match?" Harumi smirked.

"It's not that!!" said Yamada. "It's because I'm just that handsome." he grinned.

"Whatever...." said Harumi. "I don't give a crap."

Yamada ignored her and slumped down beside her. "By the way, about the ball..."

"I already got it figured out," said Harumi, looking at Yamada. "Just act like we don't hate eachother. Period."

"Wait wait wait," said Yamada. "You hate me?"

"ANYWAY~do you understand now?" Harumi asked.

"Yeah I understand. Pretend we don't hate eachother for our parents' sake right?"

"Good." Harumi picked up her bento and continued eating.

The maids helped Harumi put on her dress. It was a tight waisted dark blue dress with a thin veil fabric on the outide that flows to her shins. She wore two inch sparkly white heels and her hair was done up all princess style. Her make up was kept slightly smokey to match her dress.

Knock Knock

Her mother entered the room with a gorgeous crimson red dress that suits her pale skin perfectly. A perfect contrast. Her black hair makes her even more beautiful.

"You look beautiful sweetie!" her mother squeeled and went up to kiss her on the cheeks.

"As do you," Harumi complimented back.

Her mother smiled. "Anyway, we leave in fifteen minutes and remember, your DANCE partner is Ryosuke-kun."

Her mother closed the door behind her. Harumi continued with her preparation not realizing what her mother just said.

Harumi stood by her parents as they were greeting the guests. Many of the guests are arriving. All of them were from well known companies.

"Akio!" a voice called out.

A man with in his forties and woman with long hair stood before them. A young man stood behind his mother. Yamada.

"Harumi, this man is Yamada Akito and his wife Erina," said her father. "This is their son whom I'm sure you already know personally."

As they continued with their greetings, Yamada and Harumi made eye contact. He blushed at the sight of her.

Why am I blushing? he thought. I'm not suppose to! I'm suppose to hate her for all she had done to me. She ruined my image!

"Ahh~ looks like its time for the intro," said Harumi's father. "Let's go."

Yamada's parents followed Harumi's father.

"Harumi, you stay here with Ryosuke-kun," said her oka-sama.

Harumi nodded and her mother proceeded with her father and Yamada's parents.

"Ladies and gentleman," her father began.

Bla Bla Bla...

Harumi could care less about what was going on. The only thing that caught her attention was when her father announced that Yamada and her would start off the dance. Both of them widened their eyes in disbelief. No one told them about dancing with eachother. The spotlight shined down on them. All the guests turned to look at them both. Yamada was the first to react.

"May I have this dance?" Yamada asked as he extended his hand out to Harumi.

In response, Harumi took his hand and they both made their way towards the dance floor. The music started to play and they danced.

"Don't blow this for me," said Harumi throught her teeth as the moved along the dance floor.

"How could I?" Yamada said throught his teeth. "I'm Yamada Ryosuke, I know what I'm doing."

Harumi faked a smile. "Sure you do."

"You look beautiful today milady," said Yamada sweetly.

Harumi faked a laugh. "Please shut up."

"You're so cold," said Yamada. "Alright then, you look ugly." Of course that's a lie, thought Yamada.

Harumi didn't bother to start an arguement with him. She kept silent as they were nearing the ending of the song.

In a distance, a boy standing next to his mother was holding a bag of marbles. He suddenly lost grip of it and dropped the bag onto the floor. Harumi and Yamada were still dancing as the marbles made their way towards them. Suddenly, Harumi stepped on one of the marbles and lost her footing. She was falling down and she dragged Yamada along with her.


"Ehhh~ why you look at that?"

"Isn't that cute?"

"My my that was a surprise." Voices from the guests echoed the ballroom.

"Youta! Why did you bring marbles with you?" the woman said to her young son.

Everything happened in an instant.

Yamada felt a soft and warm sensation on his lips and Harumi felt something squishy and weird on her lips. Yamada opened his eyes. To his reponse, he accidentally spat into Harumi's mouth. Harumi's eyes shot open and pushed him away.

"What on earth was that!?!!?" yelled Harumi covering .

End of Chapter 2

((Hope you guys like it ^_^ I'm really sorry, this was rushed a bit. NOTE: not proofread))



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Chapter 3: Lols! The ending of chapter 2 was funny! Chapter one was okay with the basketball. The ending for this chapter is surprising. Didn't expect that...won't be spoiling it.
Dr4g0n0m #2
Chapter 3: Amg why iz this chapter so short??? Gief me moar!!! I want moar!!! NOW!!!
Dr4g0n0m #3
Chapter 2: awwww Nice Nice Nice :D UPDATE SOON!!!
Dr4g0n0m #4
Chapter 1: You're taking too long to update :3
arashiakb48 #5
Omg love it<3! Can't wait till update