

 Chansung laughed."Hey,I was just kidding."But deep down inside,Chansung saw the expression change on Junho's face,and this further confirmed his gut feelings,that Junho was in love with Nana too.Chansung shook his head and turned to his side to stare outside the window.

I could tell Junsu was really happy that I had chose to ride on the same car as him,and he snuggled closer to me,and all of a sudden,I felt breathless.Khun played witness to what was happening and immediately beckoned me to go over and occupy the empty seat beside him.Junsu saw his tiny actions and raised a brow questioningly,"Khun ah.What are you doing to my girlfriend?"Girlfriend.It took my a couple of seconds beforw the word registered into my brain,and once the words registered,I looked up at Khunnie and saw that his face was equally as blank as mine."Y-yah hyung!What girlfriend.Stop playing around."And I playfully hit him on his arm.Khun's face dissolved quickly and he chimed in,"Yeah Junsu ssi,what girlfriend.Stop kidding with her."Junsu playfully rubbed his arm,"Ow Nana.That hurt."Chuckling to himself,he turned away and muttered under his breath,"Not now maybe,but definitely later."Although he thought he was soft enough only for his own hearing,my ears had happened to pick up the sentence and I raised my head slowly to look at Khunnie.His expression changed inexplicably,and I guessed that he had heard what Junsu had said as well.Mouthing to me,"You.Meet.Me.Alone.Toilet.Later."I nodded,making the smallest actions that I could muster with,as I was stuck in a sticky situation,and I didn't want to raise unnecessary attention from Junsu any further.As soon as the car pulled to a halt,I got out and stretched my limbs from the car ride,and didn't realise my shirt had hitched itself all the way up to my navel,just then,Khunnie walked out to pull down my shirt,but not before tickling my bare sides,and I squealed as I felt tickled.'.Didn't realise the Junbros were looking.'Khun said darkly.I turned and realised too,that both Junsu and Junho were looking over,staring so hard at Khunnie as though they had wanted to pounce on him an rip him into pieces.Khun slowly backed off and reminded me of our meeting later.I stopped short of yawning when I felt two pairs of eyes following me around,and especially Junho's sharp gaze.I started walking off nonchalantly when I felt arms around my waist,and as I looked up beside me,I registered Junsu's face.He wasn't smiling.'Uh-Oh.'And I groaned mentally,realising the mess I had gotten myself into.Just then,I looked over my shoulder and spotted Junho walking with his hands stuffed in pockets.'Well,it seems like I'm not the only one whose habits have yet to change.Guess some old habits die hard.'I thought.I was satisfied with myself,as I knew that whenever Junho stuffed his hands into his pockets in the past,it usually meant he was throwing a fit mentally,and he was jealous.And boy,was I right.All the way through the dinner,there were no signs of tension,and we laughed heartily and made jokes.Just then,I excused myself and made my way to the toilet.I hobbled over to the female toilet,searching high and low for Khunnie,but he wasn't anywhere near the female toilet."DAMN YOU KHUNNIE.SHOULD'VE TOLD ME WHICH TOILET YOU WANTED TO MEET YOU AT."Khun stood at the end of the corridor,arguing heatedly with his ex.He knew he was running late,but everything had to wait till later.I pushed open the male toilet's swing door gingerly,and called softly,"Khun,Khunnie,KHUN!"I whispered-shouted,impatient."Nana?Nana,what are you doing in the male toilet?"A chillingly familiar voice questioned me. 

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Chapter 7: congratulations!!
congratulations !!
basestay #3
congratulations ♡
oreokookies #4
Nice story
Junbros~~ :D I never thought that they'd fight like this bcuz they're like always looking like sweet brothers kekeke~
Great story,Author-nim but can you somehow make more spaces between the dialogue and the naration? It made me kinda dizzy and confused :(
Keep up the good work :D
kunikuma #6
make sequel pls!!
ShuHui #7
Hi! I'm the one from ONEDAY radio~~ Gonna read this tmr!!
This was so sweet<3
Awhh so cute!!! Love Khun's character in here. <br />
So sad . . .It's over, but sweet.