on the road.

It's Not .

CHAPTER four; on the road


"Oh my God," she shrieks in moritification. "What on Earth -"

The man opposite from her looks as though he's had a rough night: his eyes are drooping with fatigue and the dark shadows underneath them only accentaute his already pale features.

And his hair.

With a pained sigh, he awkwardly rakes a hand through his neon colored locks, before stating, "Krystal." And with his tone of voice, it's almost like he believes that the simple name is explanation enough for the fact that it looked like a unicorn decided to vomit all over him.

Jongin is laughing like a madman somewhere behind Jinri, while Krystal is a bit off to the side, admiring her masterpiece. 

"K-Krystal?" Sehun's longtime girlfriend looks incredibly pained by just looking at him, and it's clear that she's debating whether or not her shock stems from the sheer audacity of the statement or the secondhand embarrassment that comes with it. 

In all honesty, it could really go either way.

Sehun fidgets in clear discomfort, barely possessing the energy to wipe away at the sleep in his eyes. His lips part slowly to come up with an explanation of sorts in order to clear the slightly older woman's distress, but Jongin intervenes before he gets the chance. "Well, look on the bright side," he starts, eyebrows raising themselves suggestively as he silently laughs at his own pun, "At least it'll be impossible for you to get lost, right?"

The younger man groans at the lame attempt of a joke while Jinri shoots her old friend a pained expression. Krystal, on the other hand, rolls her eyes at the scene. "You guys are being so dramatic," she drawls, "I think that it looks good on him. And I'm pretty sure that rainbow isn't one of the hair colors that just anyone could pull off."

Jongin scoffs, "I bet I'd look ten times better than him with rainbow hair."

A glint immediately appears in Krystal's eyes. "You wanna bet?"

There is a moment of hesitation before Jongin flushes, "On second thought, I think that we don't have time for any more hair experiments. We need to get out on the road if we want to make it to Vegas."

The others nod and break off into smaller groups in order to prepare for their trip. Or at least, that's what they should'vebeen doing. In all reality, Jinri continued to moan over the state of her boyfriend's hair while said boyfriend looked on the verge of fainting, and Jongin his heel to head towards his bags to make sure that everything was prepared.

"Hey, Kai," comes the whisper as pale arms snake around his hunched form. The young man immediately stiffenes at the sudden contact, stopping his search for clean underwear ("I think I packed my pile of laundry instead of my pile of clean clothes," he mutters). Krystal drapes herself over his back, pressing herself onto him and making Jongin's face flush instantly.

Bells are ringing at a comical rate in the back of his mind, but Jongin is eventually able to calm himself down in order to respond with a cocky, "What do you need, Krys? Finally going to let me pop that precious cherry of yours?"

He doesn't have to turn to know that her nose has crinkled in disapproval at the idea, but she plays along anyway. "What, right here, right now? When those lovebirds are in the next room over?"

Jongin shrugs. And while he meant the action as a simple response to her question, Krystal takes it another way and removes her arms from around him. Instead, she moves towards her fellow model's side and rests her head on his arm. The older man doesn't think about the action much, and continues his words. "I mean, why not? I've always wanted to try voyeourism - and , for that matter."

She shoves him playfully and he can only laugh.

"I feel like this spontaneous road trip of yours has a hidden agenda."

Kai laughs at this, before ruffling the younger woman's hair. "Doesn't everything?"


They make record time by gathering all of their needed belongings in only a little three hours (they probably would've taken less time if Jinri didn't have to wake up Sehun so many times after the latter dozed off and if Krystal didn't have to continuously remind Jongin that no, it wasn't necessary for him to bring over so many clothes from Korea).

As one of the workers comes to lug all of their bags back down to the lobby, the quartet discuss the finer details regarding their trip.

"So," Jongin begins (because for some reason, Jongin's always the one to start things - even if he doesn't succeed in finishing half of things he comes up with), "Who's driving?"

Jinri shrugs, "I would volunteer, but I never got my driver's license."

"And what about lover boy over there?"

She turns her head lightly to regard the man whose fingers are interlocked with hers. Sehun's leaning against the wall of the elevator, eyes fighting to stay open, but usually not succeeding.

"I think that if we let Sehun drive, we'll all be dead before we even get out of the city."

Jongin seems to contemplate that idea for a couple of moments before he nods slowly. "Eh, fair enough. Looks like you're driving, Krys."

The young woman grimaces at his words instantly. "And why can't you drive?"

"Don't have my license. Ain't nobody got time for that."

Both Jinri and Krystal whip their heads to face the older man with expressions of annoyance etched on their features - not that the extra attention bothers him all too much.

The elevator opens up with a ding and they all step out of the elevator (more like Jongin and Krystal step out of the elevator while Jinri lighly pats Sehun awake and guides the stumbling boy towards the rest of the group).


"Kai, I need to pee."

"Why didn't you pee at the last stop?"

"I didn't have to pee then."

Jongin groans, Sehun continues to whine, Jinri shoots her boyfriend sympathetic eyes, and Krystal grits her teeth in annoyance.

"We're not stopping."

Sehun proceeds to release a high-pitched noise from the base of his throat and Krystal and Kai turn towards the back of the car with expressions of surprise on their features because that sound can't possibly be natural.

Jinri's kind of used to it though, so she frowns and the neon colored hair in her lap. "Come on, I'm sure that it won't take him that long. You couldn't have expected him to go when we stopped for gas last time because he was still asleep. What do you expect him to do?"

"Pretty sure that the plastic cups are somewhere in the red backpack to your right. The road here is pretty smooth and the traffic is nonexistent, so it'll be pretty difficult for him to miss." 

Jongin agrees with a nod, "And if he does miss, well; this is a rental anyway."

"Are you guys serious right now?" Jinri asks with wide eyes. She parts her lips to try to fight the judgment of the two people seated at the front of the car, but stops herself short when she realizes that Sehun has risen up from his previous position to rummage through the bag. "Um, maybe we should pull over and he can just go on the side of the road?"

"Nah, too mainstream."

"Yeah, we're running a bit behind schedule. We shouldn't stop unless it's absolutely necessary."

Jinri wants to point out that it's very much very necessary to pull over because she can't help but question her boyfriend's eye- coordination, but before she can say anything, Sehun has proceeded to hum "Red Solo Cup" while the sound of liquid gushing out of a dam echoes throughout the car.

Sehun must have been holding in that pee for a really long time.

"Wow. You're bigger than I thought you'd be," Krystal notes from the driver's seat. "I wonder how big you'd get when you're actually ."

The young man blinks in response, face immediately flushing a bright shade of red as he hurries to zip himself up. Jinri is equally as apalled as well (because she's kind of shocked that Krystal would even say something like that since she barely even knows Sehun) and has to fight to not try to sneak a peek herself.

Jongin, however, sees no harm in unbuckling his seat belt to shift his entire body to catch a sight of the other man's junk. His eyes widen for a moment before he scowls, "Yeah, well, if you think he's big, then you should see my ."

"We're not doing this, Kai."

"Tell me that I'm bigger than Sehun."

"How am I supposed to know who's bigger? I didn't even mean to look at him; it was purely unintentional."

"That's why I have to prove it."

Krystal rolls her eyes, obviously believing that her fellow model is just bluffing. 

But when she hears the sound of a zipper being ped from her right, her eyes widen, and she slams on the breaks.

Since Jinri and Krystal are wearing their seatbelts, the sudden stop doesn't affect them too much.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the two men.

Jongin lurches forward and hits his head on the car's dashboard with a loud groan, while Sehun succeeds in spilling the pee in his cup all over his shorts.

He sighs sadly. ("I only peed in the cup so that I wouldn't pee on myself, but I guess there was no point to that logic.")

"What the hell are you doing, Krys?"

"I'm trying to make sure that you don't pull out your in the middle of this car ride!"

He raises an eyebrow as he smirks at her. "Are you sure it's just because you knew that if I took out Jongin Junior, you wouldn't be able to focus on the road?"

Krystal's face immediately flushes a bright red and she proceeds to smack Jongin harshly on the arm. 

Jinri's about to suggest that they should establish a rule that all es must stay in pants, but before anyone can say anything else, a cop car pulls up to Krystal's window.

"Ma'am, we've been following your car since you left the city limits due to your reckless driving. Can you please explain why you didn't pull over?"

Not able to understand a word that the man is saying, Jongin hesitantly responds in broken English, "S-Sorry, Sir. We don't understand Engrish."

The man pauses, before adjusting his sunglasses so that the quartet has a clear view of his eyes. "Are you trying to tell me that the four of you are illegal immigrants?"

Krystal immediately looks at the man as though he's stupid because that makes almost no sense at all. "No, I'm an American citizen. My friends from Korea are visiting me, and I'm just taking them to Vegas."

"Vegas? Aren't you thirteen-year-olds too young for Vegas?" He pauses for a moment before adding, "Aren't you thirtreen-year-olds too young to be driving? Where on Earth are your parents?"

The Korean-American grits her teeth in annoyance, "We're nineteen, and Kai here is twenty. We'll perfectly legal."

"I'll need some proof of identification for each individual within this vehicle."

Krystal's jaw drops and the man only repeats his words. In annoyance, she turns to the other three members in the vehicle as she makes the smooth transition into her native tongue. "This guy's an idiot. There's no way I was speeding - I'm almost sure of it. He wants you guys to show him your passports."

Jongin crinkles his nose in disgust, "We really don't have time for this." His fellow model nods in agreeance, and then Jongin turns to address Sehun. "How much pee do you have left in that thing?"

The younger boy blinks in confusion before glancing downwards. "I'd say about three-quarters. Why?"

The modeling duo share a glance, before Krystal gestures for Sehun to pass her the cup.

He does so hesitantly.

Krystal proceeds to splash the contents on the unsuspecting officer as Jongin screams, "Go, go, go!" before she slams her foot down on the acceleration, and the four are propelled a hundred miles an hour in the direction of what better be Vegas.

The redhead lets out a maniacal laugh, Jongin screams (in heavily-accented English) "Yeah, the police!", Sehun looks incredibly confused, and Jinri is almost positive that they're going to be arrested numerous times before they return to Korea.

She really doesn't know what she's signed up for.

And she's really scared about the chaos that she knows Sin City will bring.



Author's Notes;  Ugh, I had intended for this chapter to be a tad bit longer, but I guess I'm just not feeling it right now. OTL. Still, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! I tried to focus a bit more on the group as a whole rather than individual pairings, but you can still see some kaistal and sesul in here. Oh well. c; 

Comments are definitely appreciated! :D

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wts} woot, just updated! and at the start of the weekend too, just like i promised. c;


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jellyfriedgreen7 #1
Chapter 4: I really love this story. It's so endearingly funny. But... we're not gonna get any more updates for it are we... us poor readers... T__T
Still, the existence of Sehun-Kai-Sulli-Krystal makes me leap for joy ^u^
Chapter 4: Seriously a fun story! I love lover boy sehun and but jinri is a bit coward ..i love so straight forward krystal and naughty jongin please update this story pleaseeee and put more sesul ❤❤❤
Chapter 2: Sehun being the most innocent and perfect boyfriend ever. Gosh! Love the Sehun here soooo much! I want to have a boyfriend like him ><
Chapter 4: Kyaa! Omg! I love this story! Update soon!
Krystynah #5
Chapter 4: Please update soon!
the poster is so funny
Chapter 4: asdfghjkladgjl; they are crazy.
You are crazy.
But i still love you.
But yeah. Crazy.
business should be kept inside yer pants, Jongin! They are crazy. Krystal and Jongin are living in crazy town (but I still love how you characterize them and the way you word/format the story). Sehun is bordering Crazy Town, but still has his sanity attached to him. And Sulli is the only sane person really.
Update soon jUSEYO.
/whispers. i luv u.
Chapter 3: wHAT.
What. How- I mean. Sehun. d? I just I don't understand. Kaistal. Sesul. I dunno. I just know thaT I can't help but love it. Please. I love you.
/runs helplessly to the neXt chapter.
Chapter 2: qurl. Qurl. QURL.qURL.
I loved it. It was perfect. I only just got to read this. Asdfghjkl; i crey because I was laughing.
SEHUN. NO. JUST. . Sulli/Sehun are so cuteeeeeeee. I mean if that were to happen to me, I'd thank the lord for a boyfriend like that, even as blank and even if he had A , as weird as iT is. Asdfghjkl; I love it. Please.
/flies to read the next chapter.
Chapter 1: Oh hey hey I came across your fanfic! IT WAS AWESOME FOR CHAPTER 1!
going to read other chapters tomorrow!
its ing 3 am here damn it!
I need some sleep!
Update soon!