
I Love You, Dummy!
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Spazz outside the room~~~


 “hyung come back here! If Chunnie hyung knows you’ll never get married!” 

Stopped behind his hyung, arms crossed on his chest, Changmin whispering to Jae who’s still busy to plaster his ear as close as possible to the door’s knob tried to find some voice with his sticking in the air.

 “what? then let’s stay single together ahh wae i can’t hear anything~~~ why they must talk so eerie like that geez” 


 “what? hyung first of all you’re the one who design this vip SOUNDPROOF room! It means you’ll never ever hear anything except they’re screaming until their throat out from their neck and definitely isn’t going to be happen, second there’s no way I’ll be single forever I don’t want to die as a and for your information hyung I love my tummy more than you”

“wahh you shoot me right through my fragile heart but what’s the connection between ‘stay single’ and ‘your black hole tummy’?” 


Jae’s stand up and stare at his lovely brother, suddenly remember he placed a cctv inside the room and he cursed himself for not bringing his netbook today, but he still tried to stick his ear to the door hoping that his cutie glass can help him. Still whispering Changmin answers his hyung,


"wife means someone who can pampered me with a lot of delicious food like mom”

“somehow I feel sorry for  your future wife” 

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finished!!TT_TT thank you all love youuu~~~~


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bleuverry #1
Chapter 27: LMAO. Normally, I don't really interested in this kind of genre but you succeed to made me like it. Bravo! XD
Aworldofmyown #2
Chapter 5: uummmm…hi, im gonna put it straight forward here….do you kinda know me?? cow i'm…well my user name or my pen name is Aworldofmyown and i'm a crazy Cassie too. but dedicating an fic?
Chapter 27: Finally..
Thank you for the beautiful story :)
nar12345 #4
Chapter 26: thank you for sharing the fun journey of this couple..maybe we can read a few chapters of epilogue whenever u feel right..meanwhile let them be in their bubble..hehe
prose-from-a-potato #5
Chapter 27: Aah! I love it, unnie, and I can't wait for the finale. I'm so sorry...I didn't die...school is a nasty word XD. But I still like the story.
prose-from-a-potato #6
Chapter 21: :D The kiss...aigoo!
Chapter 27: hahahaha,,,,aigoo.
u prank me dear..hm..
i think this story was ended,but i guess its wrong..hahaha
waiting for the other chapters^^
thank you~~~
oatlover #8
Chapter 26: wow...
you know what? you're awesome! your writing skill and how you put the story from your mind to words is just simply amazing :)
and your choice of words, I love it!!!
athough this story was from your imagination, I can find similarities in me on how the girl react at certain things
good job Author-nim
btw, I want to meet Junsu in real life
*random* LOL
oatlover #9
Chapter 13: omaigwad!! I feel the same way about the "smoking" thing
I can't stand the smoke, I'll cough badly and it feels like something stuck in my throat I can't breath
definitely a bad feeling!!
I used to told my dad to go outside if he want to smoke
thank God he stop smoking now, only sometimes at gathering or such and definitely when I'm not around
and I agree with you about: "don't say the 'love' words when you're still that thing, even to your family and friends, all your words is a lie then"
when you smoke, it's as if you bring poison back to your home and your love ones, period!
sorry I rant a bit :)
I love the story so far, the chats conversations are refreshing
oatlover #10
Chapter 1: ooppsss,,,I see my name there LOL
makes me imagine how it feel to chat with chun in person hmmmm LOL
chun gives vibe kinda of a "bestfriend" (among other thing)
so I feel like one can talk with chun a bout a lot thing
maybe...it's my own opinion :)
anyway, I'm going to start reading this
sounds like a good story