「 till we overdose ⋮ apply closed 」

「 till we overdose 」no words can describe how horrible I feel for taking so goddamn long but i assure you, results and chapters are coming soon!


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Lol thank you for the status update! Will anticipate reveals and whatever comes after - hwaiting!!
Don't worry; I think we're just relieved to know you haven't abandoned the story like many apply fic authors, one of whom is me OTL. And this story concept is so enthralling I wouldn't mind waiting for it <3
toastybuns #3
LOL don't feel bad sweetie. life happens, and we're an understanding bunch, as you can see by the comments below ^.^ you just do you and we'll all be here ready to celebrate whatever you decide to put out. :)
Chapter 6: Yeah, you don't have to feel horrible. The fact that you're taking your time with this story is actually a good sign. XD We'll just be here when you update, don't worry about it. ^^~
Please don't feel bad that you're taking long! You're the author-nim and it's your story so you know what's best for it. We'll be here to read it when it's ready. We'll be waiting patiently!
I actually admire that you're putting so much thought and effort into this because other authors just rush through things and it ends up not coming out as good as it could be so thank you for working so hard!
I'm so excited for the story!
MindoverMatter #6
When are we going to learn the results? I might possibly die from anticipation.
lol when i looked back at the story, it says '6 chapters' and i was like "WHAT DID I MISS?!" but yeah, those're hidden chapters and yeah.... i hope you got entertained with my application though evenifitslate OTL
so yeah, i passed my app yesterday.... sorry for passing it really, really late but thank you for accepting it still!! T^T
Chapter 6: Hi! So I just wanted to say that I'm really excited for this story and I've been waiting for you to finally update but I can wait a little more since you need time. If you update this week though, I won't be able to comment because I'm going camping so no internet! Yay!
Gosh. I can't wait to see who you choose! I'm sure that they're going to be amazing!
toastybuns #10
Chapter 6: lol it's been deadline for like, what, 10 days already?
well anyways, i'm excited to see the characters that you pick! hopefully you have a great selection to pick from ^.^