

A/N: I LOVE THE GIF FOR THIS CHAPTER! TAEMIN IS A HAPPY JONGKEY SHIPPER! JK! Sorry about taking so long with this chapter(sequel). I have become really busy because of school and work, and I had writer's block. On top of that, I was planning on(I still have everything planned out) going to SMTOWN NYC but the airline I chose made a mistake so now, I can't go because of who and what I am. I am very depressed, sad, and pissed off. The fist two bits of the stories are some important scenes that happened in the first chapter but from Key's POV. 

His fingers traced the outline of the book that was on his desk after he sat down of the edge of his bed. He bit his lip as Jonghyun's sobs and Onew's soft voice leaked into the room. How was he suppose to study for the college entrance exams when the person that mattered to him the most was falling apart? He picked up the book and opened it. He had to be strong... Not for Jonghyun but for himself. He grabbed his headphones, plugged them in and placed them on his ears. The music that poured from them did a good job of blocking the sounds that filled the room. His eyes focused on the writing on the book and he tried to forget the look on Jonghyun's face when he walked into the dorm and tried to memorize the facts that the book showed him.


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Onew had given him the letter with a smile and with shaking hands, Key took a hold of it. He looked at Onew for a second before looking at Taemin. With a deep breath, he opened the letter and his eyes scanned the first words on the paper.


"I got in..." A smile appeared on his face "Konkun University accepted me!" The smiled turned into a grin. A second later, he was yanked forward into Onew's arms.


"I told you that you had nothing to worry about." The leader hugged him a bit tighter. "Congratulations Key" the oldest male pulled away with a smile and Key was tackled by the youngest member of SHINee.


"Thank you" The grin on Key face grew when he felt Taemin's arms around his waist as the maknae laughed.


"We told you hyung!"

"I know Minnie!" answered the rapper as he closed his eyes and hugged the dancer back.

"You are going to enroll right?"


"Good!" added Onew before he left the living room and into the kitchen.

"Are you happy?" Taemin asked as he let go of Key and stepped away. Key nodded and the sound of the door opening made both look

to find Jonghyun with a confused expression and their manager behind the singer.


"Taemin, Kibum are you ready?" their manager's voice filled the room and Key found himself following Taemin and their manager out of the dorm a few minutes later towards their schedule for the day.


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Key's eyes fluttered open and adjusted quickly to the lighting. He was still in the plane. His phone told him that he still had a bit time until he arrived to South Korea; about 15 minutes. He smiled and leaned back into the seat. He was nervous. It had been 2 years since he had been in South Korea. Taemin was suppose to pick him up from the airport and they were about to see each other once again.


He was nervous about meeting everyone again but at the same time, he wanted to see them again; especially Jonghyun. Every time Key called, the older male was busy and they could only chat for a few seconds before the singer had to hang up. Key couldn't wait to catch up with his best friend. The thought made him smile.


The landing went smoothly and within minutes, Key was looking for Taemin. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and turned it on only to spot a familiar figure looking around a few feet away from him. The figure had a cap and sunglasses as a disguise and stared at Key for a second before a grin spread on thin lips and the maknae was walking towards the designer.


"Minnie..." whispered Key with a smile and tears of joy filling his eyes.

"Hyung!" almost screamed Taemin as he tackled the older man.

Key let a noise that sounded between a laugh and sob as he hugged the dancer. "You haven't changed at all"

"And you haven't changed either hyung" added Taemin as he hugged Key back before the designer chuckled and looked around.

"Minnie, maybe we should get going. We are attracting attention." Taemin pulled back and let out a giggle when he saw that the people near them kept staring at them.

"Okay let's go get your luggage"


The two collected Kibum's luggage and made their way to Taemin's car.


"I decided that the five of us should have dinner tonight"

Key nodded "Do you want me to cook?"

"I can do it"

"I know Minnie but it has been years since I cooked for everyone so I thought that maybe you-"

Taemin grinned "True. Well if you have nothing to do..."

"I'll cook okay?" said Key returning the grin


"So you said that the five of us will get together?"


"Even Jonghyun?"

"Yes, why wouldn't he? We try to get together at least once a week"

"Well, I know he is really busy"

"What do you mean hyung?"

"Whenever I call him, he always tells me he is busy"

"He finish promoting his new single about 3 weeks ago..."

"Ah really? Okay. I'll call him in the car."

Taemin wore a smile as he nodded. The rest of the short walk to the car was filled with light chatting and laughter.


They arrived at the car, placed Key's luggage on the trunk, and got on the car.


"Stay quiet" added Key as he pulled out his cell phone. Taemin nodded and a few second later he could hear a "Hello?" through the phone since Key had turned the speaker on.



"Hey Key. What are you doing?"

"Driving around and you?"

"In a photo shoot"

"Oh! Well I-"

"Key, I really need to go. Sorry. I'll call you later"

"Okay, bye" the designer did nothing to hide the disappointment in his voice. The line disconnected a second later and Key turned to Taemin.


"He does that every time I call and never calls me back"

"Maybe he is busier than he tells us" added the dancer with a thoughtful expression.

"Minnie, he started doing this after I left. I haven't had a proper conversation with him ever since I left Korea..."

"You'll see. He is just busy" said Taemin as he pulled out his own phone and called Jonghyun.



"Hey hyung. I was calling to make sure you are going to make it to dinner"

Jonghyun chuckled "Yeah, I'll be there."

"Great. So I guess you must be busy so I-"

"No! Taemin?"


"Actually, can we talk for a bit? I'm bored and I have nothing to do" Taemin could hear the pout in the singer's voice.

He turned to look at Key "Ah really?"

"Yeah. I have today off"

Taemin was pretty sure that shock was displayed across his features as Key showed a hurt smile.


"Sorry hyung but I have a few things to do before we get together tonight"

"Ah okay... I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, bye hyung"

"Bye Minnie!"


Taemin put his phone away and turned to Kibum.



"Let's get going Taemin"

The dancer looked at Key for a few seconds before nodding. He added an "okay" before as he started to drive. "Where are we going hyung?"

"I need to pick up my car... Could you take there?"

The dancer nodded "Just tell me where"

Key nodded as he started to give Taemin direction.


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Hours later, Onew stood infront of Taemin's and Minho's apartment waiting to be let in. Taemin opened the door with a smile and let the oldest in.


"Is Minho home?" asked Onew returning the smile

"Not yet hyung"

"Are we having dinner together?" Onew sat down and got comfortable in the couch.

"Yup" Taemin sounded a little too happy but Onew figured it ws just his imagination.

"Good. I'm starving."


The sound of the front door opening caught their attention. Minho and Jonghyun stepped through the door. Taemin smiled, walked up to Minho and placed a peck on the rapper's lips which Minho returned. The three of them walked towards the couches; as Onew looked around when he heard a faint noise from the kitchen. The aroma of food filling his nostrils.

"Minnie, what are you cooking?" he asked


The dancer grinned "I'm not cooking anything"


"So what's with all the noise?" asked Jonghyun as he sat on the sofa.


"I'm cooking dinner!" said, almost screamed, Key from the kitchen making three pair of eyes widen.


"Key?" asked Minho as he seemed to be the only to not be in shock.


"Yes?" answered the designer and a second later Onew was running towards the kitchen.


Jonghyun, Minho, and Taemin walked towards the kitchen as Key yelled "Don't hug me so tightly!". The three of them walked into the kitchen to see Onew rubbing the back of his head as he mumbled under his breath and Key was facing the stove.


"When did you arrive Key?" asked Minho as he got close to the designer.


"I landed in South Korea today" answered Key as he turned to face them to just be pulled into Minho's embrace. "I forgot you could be so sweet Minho" he added in a teasing tone with a giggle as he hugged the other back.


Minho stepped back a few seconds later. "Well it has been years..."


"I know" added Key with a smile and his eyes landed on Jonghyun. The smile on his lips seemed to fade a little before he acknowledged the lead singer with a nod and a whispered "Jonghyun-hyung"


The greeting caused Taemin to shift uncomfortably, Minho stared back and forth between Key and Jonghyun, and Onew, who had stopped sulking, raised an eyebrow.


"Hi Kibum" said Jonghyun as he took a step towards Key only for the designer to turn away from him and focus on the stove. "Dinner will be ready in a bit" Key said as he missed the look of hurt that settled on Jonghyun's face for a second before it turned into a look of fear, the look of astonishment in Minho's and Onew's face, and the look of understanding in Taemin's.


Jonghyun turned to look at the others but they seemed as confused as him. Taemin avoided Jonghyun's eyes since he knew the reason behind Key's behavior.


"Minnie help me set the table?"

The dancer nodded grateful for the opportunity to leave the kitchen "Sure. Minho help me?"

The rapper nodded grabbing the plates as Taemin grabbed the silverware.

"Jonghyun, Jinki get out of the kitchen. Go do something somewhere else"

Onew smiled as he watched Taemin and Minho leave the kitchen "You haven't changed at all, Key"

"You aren't the first one to tell me that" Key said as he turned to pull out some dishes to serve the food.

"We'll leave as long as you answer a question truthfully" added Jonghyun. His eyes fixed on the designer.

"What?" Key turned to look at the singer with anger in his eyes.

Jonghyun opened his mouth but Onew beat him to it. "Are you going to leave again?"

Jonghyun was going to ask if Key had listened to the conversation he had with Taemin over the phone but as he heard Onew's question, his mouth closed instantly.


Kibum turned to look at him with soft eyes, and smiled. "Well yes and no"

Jonghyun looked at the designer with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"It depends on my company. If I need to travel overseas, I will. For now on, I will be living here in South Korea and traveling a bit"

"It's good to have you back Key" Onew said with a smile before walking out of the kitchen.


"Key?" Jonghyun whispered as he neared the designer. Kibum did nothing to acknoledge him.

"Kibum?" The designer continued to focus on the food.


The second that word left Jonghyun's lips, Key turned around with a glare. "Get out of the kitchen"

"Where you with Taemin when-"

"You talked to him? Yeah I was."

"God..." Jonghyun's eyes widen "You called me before he did. He was with you when you called right?"

Key rolled his eyes "Get out of the kitchen"

"But Key-"

"If I wanted an explication, I would have asked you the moment I saw you. Now leave"

“No. You need to listen" said Jonghyun as Key focused on the food once again.

"I don't need to listen to understand. For whatever reason, you have been to busy to talk to me." Key added as he emphasized the word busy. "You could have just told me to stop bothering you"

"You never bother me" Minho walked quietly into the kitchen to get some more dishes from the kitchen.

"Sure." The designer rolled his eyes and faced Minho "Is the table ready?"

"Almost. We just need the cups and napkins" answered the rapper as he took a hold of said items.

"Key, we aren't done talking"

"You can say whatever you want but that won't change the fact that you have ignored me for two years" Minho pretended not to hear as he stepped out of the kitchen once again with said items in his hands.

"But Kibum-" Jonghyun was cut off by Key shaking his head.

"Let it go" the designer interrupted as he started to pour the food into the dishes that he had layed out and avoided the singer's eyes.

"Look at me" said Jonghyun thru gritted teeth. Kibum shook his head once again.

A second later, the designer found himself facing Jonghyun. The shorter's man hands were cupping his cheeks and Key had never seen those eyes so full of anger.


"Damn it Kibum, look at me" The singer seemed to be trying to control his emotions. "I ing love you, okay? I love you" the older man almost screamed. Key's eyes widen. "After what happened with Shin Sekyung, I realized that her rejection just hurt my pride. I was never in love with her and at some point after that, my feelings for you came back. They developed by having you so close and turned into love."

"Y-you love me?"

"Yes and I didn't want to tell you"

Key smiled "Stop joking Jonghyun"

"I'm not. I fell in love with you before you left Korea but I didn't tell you because I wanted you to accomplish what you have always wanted."

Key pulled out of the singer's reach "That is the worst excuse I have ever heard. What happened with Shin Sekyung was years ago" he stated with a laugh.

"I know"

The designer looked into Jonghyun's eyes. "You aren't joking" he whispered before taking a step back only to be stopped by the counter next to the stove.

"Of course I'm not." Jonghyun answered as his hands fell to his sides limply.


Key's thin hand rose up and ran through his hair before it cover his mouth. "Jonghyun I-"

"I know that I broke up with you for Sekyung but that was a mistake and I regret it. I still do. I had you and I let you go. So Key please understand."

"If you love me, why did you ignore me for two years?"

The singer sighted "Every time you called, I felt the urge to tell you but I was scared and you have your career. I didn't want to be a distraction."

"A distraction? Jonghyun, you are my best friend not a distraction."

"Your best friend who just happens to be in love with you."

"But you are my best friend and I have missed talking to you"

"I don't know how to deal with the fact that I am in love with you"

Key seemed to stop himself from saying something.


The designer looked at floor at the sound of his nickname.

"Ki-Kibum" Jonghyun gathered his courage "Do you love me?"


Key's eyes shot up and stared at him with surprise for a second before that surprise changed to a look of pity. That look made the singer want to cry.


"No, Jonghyun" A sad smile accompanied Key's answer. "You can't expect me to feel anything for you after all these years"

"I don't. It's just that you used to love me but now..." Jonghyun trailed off as he looked at the floor "And it's all my fault"

The designer chucked. "Jonghyun, I never loved you. My feelings never developed to the point where I could say that I loved you. And what happened with Shin Sekyung helped kill whatever feelings I had for you that were not friendship."

"I made the wrong choice Bummie" The singer's eyes were determined

"Maybe. But truthfully, it gets better Jjong."

"Kibum it has been years and I'm still in love with you! Years Key!"

The designer sighted "What do you want me to do? Force myself to love you?"


"No... I-" Jonghyun could feel his eyes getting watery "I'm sorry"

"Jonghyun..." Kibum whispered as he noticed the singer's eyes. He moved forward and embraced the shorter male. "Don't cry"

The singer fought his tears with all his might.

"Come on Jonghyun go sit down" added the designer as he easily started to lead him out of the kitchen.

"Are you seeing someone?" whispered the singer as he stood his ground which threw Key off.


"Are you going out with someone?"

"No, what-"

"Then give me a chance!" all but screamed Jonghyun as he turned around and took a hold of both of Key's hands. "Let me try to make you fall in love with me" he added as he stared into the designer's eyes.


"Just once more! I promise I won't hurt you ever again"


"A few dates. That's all I'm asking for."

"Jjong" key sighted "Let's catch up on our friendship and than maybe we can discuss this"

"I don't want to impose my feelings on you Key but I don't want you to overlook them either"

"I'm not overlooking them. I am choosing to ignore them" Key felt his anger take over "You ignored me for two years and expect me to forgive you and let you date me? No. I can't and I won't." With that Key walked into the dining room only to return a few seconds later with Onew to help him carry the food.



This is all for now!

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Thank you!
Syasya_Celina and phoenix_taemints thank you so much for letting me know you are still reading this. I shall continue soon.


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Chapter 5: Update soon!
alexandralove #2
wahhh~ i really love this story~ update soon~ <3
#4's really been so long, author-nim..and i can feel that this story will be getting better..i'm kinda curious of how Jjong will change the heart of the, please update soon, author-nim..don't leave it as it is..*_*
anyways, welcome back!! inu, Hwaiting!! ^_^
phoenix_taemints #5
yeah!! seems like forever author-nim!! but Welcome Back!!! :D please don't leave this as it is!! i'm still here!!! :D i'll wait for your next update.. fighting ^^
phoenix_taemints #6
OMG! please update soon! ^^ great fic by the way!
kolpupanda #7
Umma!! Wow, I'd love to see Jonghyun's effort for making Key falling for him:D update soon Umma!<br />
Uhg, Jonghyun, you better make sure to treat Kibummie lovingly and a way much better than you did before or else I'll jump in to my umma story and do whatever to make you realized how precious is Kibum!!<br />
I'm totally a hopeless locket xD<br />
update soon Umma~<br />
I love you!
I LURV IT<3 Sequel please? With a cherry on top :D?
I've read this before.. Somewhere? But I see that there are slight changes. :)