
Breakfast with EXO

One Shot

I was nudged. Someone was poking my sides. I wriggled in my bed, the linen sheets clinging to my tiny body. I really was short. "Stop it" I grumbled,voice muffled by the smothering covers. Arms reached out of my cocoon of bedding to try and hit, or at least grab, the intruder. They were really going to get it. 

"You missed!" the voice taunted,chuckling softly. I stiffened- I knew who that voice belonged to. I peeled my eyes open,squinting through the blinding sunlight that beamed in through the open window. That brat had even opened the window. Through narrow eyes, I peered up upwards to see Kai leering over me... with no shirt on. "Yah Jongin! Why do you have no shirt on?!" I screeched, staring at the half- boy before me. 

A blush crept up his neck and up round his ears. "Sorry. Force of habit" He offered his hand out to me which, at first, I refused to accept. He pouted and waved his hands out in front of me before gently poking my cheeks. I tried to nip his fingers. "Don't be grumpy" I couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness; he whined like a child. "Make breakfast please" Kai continued to whining and began yanking the covers of my head. I tried to firmly retain them,pulling them up to my chin and bringing my knees up. "Jongin,stop that!" Now we were both whining like babies, both annoyed by the other's stubbornness.

"Don't call me that!" Kai folded his arms and perched on the edge of the bed,hair spilling into his face as he sulked. I had to give in. Now, I was cold due to the lack of bed covers which Kai had ripped off the bed and now I had a sulking Kai on my hands. "Fine. I'll cook" His face lit up. "But put a shirt on first!"

Once again, Kai whined. "But I don't want to" The older slammed his fists down on the bed's wooden frame. "Yah,Jongin! You'll break the bed if you're not careful" He shot daggers at the name thought I couldn't stop myself from smirking. "Like I said,don't call me tha-"

"What is going on in here?!" a voice yelled from the doorway soon backed up by countless sniggering. I glanced over at the doorway to see Suho leaning against the door frame, a scowl plastered across his flawless features. Behind him, Baekhyun and Chanyeol sniggering together. 

"She won't make breakfast" Kai whined like a baby. He crawled off the bed and scampered over to his hyung, wrapping the older boy's arm around him. He looked up at Suho admirably with doe eyes. "Hyung make her cook" Kai pouted,his plush lips shining,something I would've found cute given the situation. 

Suho pointed a finger at me accusingly. "You. Go make breakfast. we're all hungry" I gasped,springing to my feet and glared at the older boy. Waves of triumph were practically flooding from Kai,a huge smirk spread across his face. Looking up at Suho's face I couldn't argue back. He glared at me with an expression so stern I'm surprised milk didn't curdle. "Fine." I spat. "But Jongin's helping"

I dragged Kai into the kitchen by the scruff of his neck,my nails digging into his skin as he was still absent of a shirt. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Can you please let go?" the older whined, smacking my hand away from his neck. "If you insist" I smirked, arching a brow.

"Jeez you both argue like siblings" A frustrated Kris sighed as he joined the growing group in the kitchen. Lay,Tao and Luhan had all wandered in too. "We don't even look related hyung" Kai argued, crossing his arms defensively.

"Yeah, she's prettier" Luhan giggled, cheeks aching from the constant grinning. Kai looked dumbfounded- insulted by his own hyung. Now my cheeks were aching and I tried to speak calmly though I always ended up in a fit of giggles. "Now just help me make breakfast Jongin"

"Yeah Jongin" A voice jeered behind me and I turned to see it was Chen, locks spilling over his face in a typical I-just-got-out-of-bed manner. Kai glared at him before resuming his place at the counter. "What are we even making?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Pancakes!" I replied, squealing at the thought. I hadn't had much western food since I'd arrived in Korea a year ago. 

I started gathering ingredients from various cupboards; the milk from the fridge,of course. across the countertop I laid out the necessities before glancing at a very lazy Kai beside me. He'd already sat down. "Jongin! Go get the equipment needed. We need bowls and a frying pan"

Luhan bounded up behind me and tapped my shoulder. With cute curly locks and wide doe eyes, it was hard to believe he was one of the older ones here. "Can I help?" Luhan tilted his head,reminding me of an inquisitive puppy which I wanted to cuddle tightly. "Sure. Can you start bringing the toppings from the fridge please?"

I soon had a quick little network happening: Kai would make the batter,Chen, who had finally tamed his hair, would then pour it into the pan and we would both take it in turns to flip it. Luhan and Sehun were both adding toppings and yes, I did the spot the occasional times when they would feed each other. I glanced over at the bowl of strawberries that seemed to diminish even more with every look. "Yah stop-"

"-eating the strawberries" Someone finished my sentence for me: Suho. He eyed the younger boys up as he made his way over to the counter where Chen and Kai stood. Curious dark eyes grazed over the scene  before him. "It's so nice to see you all getting along"

Behind him, the other members has started piling into the room. Each took a seat around the table with some, like Baekhyun and Chanyeol, sharing seats. Kai and I were the only ones left standing. "Suho is going to eat first" Kai announced, holding a plate piled high with pancakes in front of him. I snatched the plate from him,poking my tongue out at him and placed it down in front of the leader. I stepped backwards. "Like Jongin said, you eat first. You're our judge."

We stared in anticipation,hands sweating as Suho retrieved his knife and fork. Slowly, almost painfully slowly, he sliced up the first pancake, sugar sticking to his fork. He brought a chunk to his lips and bit it. 

"Well, I'd say it tastes..."

End of One Shot


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Great job, author-nim! Please keep it up! ^o^