-STRAIGT Mini Fic.

Back to my heart

“Min Rin, you’ll go home 3 times a month okay? Please don’t forget to call me. I’ll miss you so much!” Dong Hae said trying to fight back the tears. “I promise, Hae, I won’t forget.” Min Rin said and hugged her bestfriend. Everything faded.


“Min Rin, it’s almost 7 AM. Please wake up.” It was her manager. Lee Min Rin is one of the most known personalities in the KPOP World. She invaded whole Korea in just weeks. Almost all her songs are known by almost all people. But before she reached stardom, she was just a simple village girl who was always with her bestfriend, Lee Dong Hae. She had the same dream again. It’s been 3 months since she haven’t got in touch with Dong Hae. He must be worried. “Hyung, when is my vacation?” she asked her manager. “Vacation? Don’t you know that your schedule’s very hectic? You’ll have a concert tour next month and after that you’ll have your come back. It’ll be your first Asia Tour. And of course, you’re with Cho Kyu Hyun.” Her manager told her. “Omona?! Cho Kyu Hyun?! Omo!” she couldn’t believe it. Kyu Hyun her long time crush will be touring with her! How lucky could she get? She was very excited.


“Yah, Dong Hae, today is the 100th time you’ve tried calling Min Rin’s old number. How many times do I have to tell you the sad truth? She has forgotten all about you.” Jessica told Dong Hae. Ever since Min Rin went to Seoul, Jessica took her place. Even though Dong Hae was very much irritated with her, she kept him company. “Jessica, I want to go to Seoul. I want to see Min Rin.” He said and looked at her. “But Dong Hae, even if we could go to her in Seoul, where will we stay there? Of course she won’t let us stay there since we’re not celebrity colleagues of her. She might even send us out the street when no one’s watching.” She told him. “Why do you speak like that?” he asked her. “That’s true. It’s not just you who have this celebrity friend. They’re all the same. They’re all ignorant when fame and wealth over powers them.” She said and looked down. “I need to go to the boats now. I’ll see you around.” She said in a sad tone and walked away. Jessica Jung and her family moved from the mountains to the fishing village because of a land slide during the storm. Jessica also had a childhood friend; it was none other than Cho Kyu Hyun. After Kyu Hyun became a trainee, that’s when the storm slaughtered Jessica’s house and when Jessica arrived, that was when Min Rin left the fishing village.


“Kyu Hyun, you’ve got a letter.” The PD told him. “Place it on the table.” He said not even paying attention to the PD. He was busy playing Starcraft on his laptop. After 30 minutes of playing, he looked at the letter, tore it open and saw familiar hand writing on it. It was Jessica’s penmanship. “Kyu Hyun, how are you? It’s been a year since you last answered my letter. We moved to a nearby fishing village after the storm destroyed our house. Well I hope you’re doing well. I heard that you’ll be having a concert soon. I wish I could come and watch you. Thanks for taking time in reading this. Take care always. I miss you. Love from, Jessica.” That was what the letter said. Kyu Hyun placed it back in the envelope and placed it on the table in his room. He smiled and looked at his picture with Jessica. “I’m sorry, Sica. I’m really busy at the moment but I miss you too.” He said and smiled.


“Min Rin, a call for you!” the PD called Min Rin. “Coming!” she said. Who could that be? She thought. “Yeoboseyo?” she asked. “Min Rin? Min Rin! Min Rin! Oh my gosh! It’s you!” a voice said. “Mwo? Who’s this?” she asked. “Yah, why do you act like that? I’ll get mad at you!” the voice said. “Omona! Dong Hae?! Dong Hae?! Is this Lee Dong Hae?!” she asked excitedly. “Min Rin!” Dong Hae said. “Dong Hae!” she said in delight and started jumping. “Omo! I’m sorry for not recognizing your voice… aww… I miss you so much, Dong Hae-ah, how are you?” she asked. “I’m fine. How ‘bout you? I miss you very much.” He said. “I’m okay. I wanted a vacation but my schedule’s hectic. I’ll be having my firs Asia Tour, Dong Hae! Isn’t that great?! I’ll try to visit you before the start of the tour.” She said and smiled. “Jinja?! Wow! You’re really famous now, Min Rin! I’ll wait for you!” Dong Hae said and smiled. “Let me give you my number. Call me here, 701-24-58-945. I forgot to update you about my number. Mianhe.” She said. “It’s okay. I tried calling that number 100 times but then I remembered you told me the number of your company so I decided to call that number.” He told her. “Omo? 100 times? I’m really sorry, Dong Hae. Don’t worry I’ll give you updates every time I change number. Are you still calling from Ran Eun Unnie’s house?” she asked. “Nae. And she’s already married and 5 months pregnant.” Dong Hae said happily. “Jinja?! Wow! Congratulations to her! Oh, Hae, I need to hung up. I have a radio show in 30 minutes. I need to prepare. Take care of Appa and Eomma okay? I’ll see you soon. I miss you!” Min Rin said. “Arasseo. I miss you more! I’ll wait for you okay? Take care!” he said and she hung up. He was very happy that day. “You managed to call her? Lucky.” Jessica told Dong Hae. “I’m sorry about last time… do you also have a celebrity friend?” he asked her. She nodded and looked at the sky. “Cho Kyu Hyun.” She said and looked at Dong Hae. “Cho Kyu Hyun?! He’s like Min Rin’s lifetime crush and idol! Eversince Kyu was still a trainee, Min Rin was crazy about him.” Dong Hae said and laughed. “That’s what I call coincidence.” He continued. “Hm… maybe they’re together right now.” She said and looked away.


“Min Rin, this is Kyu Hyun. Kyu Hyun, this is Min Rin. You’ll be working on collaboration so please feel free with each other.” The managers said and left. “Hi! I’m Lee Min Rin. I’m a big fan of yours! When you were still a trainee I’ve already idolized you! Let’s do our best for the collaboration okay?” Min Rin said and smiled. “Sure.” Kyu Hyun said and continued playing Starcraft. “Omo? You really love playing Starcraft eh?” she asked and sat beside him. “I’ll tweet this.” She said and got a photo of them together. She was pausing and Kyu Hyun was busy looking at his laptop. “From what place were you?” he began to ask. “Me? Uhh… from a fishing village.” She said. “Really? I’m from the mountains.” He said. “I know. You said it on your biography.” She said and smiled. “I’ll be going to that village before going on tour. I really miss my bestfriend there.” She told him. “Hmmm… seems like it’s not just you who left a bestfriend back home.” He said. “Mwo? You have a bestfriend too?” she asked him. He nodded. I received a letter from her last week.” He said. “Wow! And I received a call from my best friend last week too!” she said and smiled.


“No. you can’t go back to your village. We’ll be leaving early and we’ll be going to the Philippines tomorrow.” Min Rin’s manager told her. “Mwo? That’s not fair! I want to go home even just for how many hours!” Min Rin retorted. “No! You’ll be staying here and that’s final.” The manager said. Min Rin haven’t got any choice and as time passed, Dong Hae patiently waited for his bestfriend to come but darkness fell and still, Min Rin hasn’t arrived. “It’s almost 11 pm, Dong Hae.” Jessica told him. He looked down and went home.



“You want to see Kyu Hyun right? Then we’ll go to Seoul together tomorrow before sunrise.” Dong Hae told Jessica. It was a almost 9 months when Min Rin’s tour started and now, it has come to its last stop, Malaysia. Min Rin was still feeling sad about what happened when she couldn’t come home. She went home in Seoul the day before Dong Hae and Jessica planned to go there.


“Why am I feeling strange? I don’t like this feeling.” Min Rin told herself. Then, her phone rang. “Yeoboseyo?” she answered. “Min Rin, let’s meet.” Kyu Hyun said. “Now? Oh… well… okay… okay. Sure. See you.” She said and hung up. “What’s with him?” she asked looking curious. She fixed herself and went to the restaurant where Kyu Hyun asked her to come. “Wae?” she asked upon seeing Kyu Hyun. “None. I just wanted to see you.” He said. “Eh? What’s with you, Kyu Hyun?” she asked looking surprised. He smiled. “I said nothing. I just wanted to see you.” He said. Meanwhile, Dong Hae and Jessica just arrived in Seoul. They were amazed by how big the city is. “Yah, Dong Hae, let’s eat first.” She said. “Omo! Look! Min Rin’s poster! Wow!” Dong Hae was amazed and even saw Kyu Hyun posters.

“Dong Hae, we need to eat. I’m really hungry now.” Jessica said. “Arasseo. Let’s eat there.” And Dong Hae pointed at the restaurant to where Kyu Hyun and Min Rin were eating. As they entered, they didn’t notice one another. They sat 3 tables away from their side. “Now, where the heck will we find them?” she asked. “I have a map of Seoul here.” He said and the waiter approached them. They ordered Bibimbap and Bulgogi. “You really saved money for this eh?” she asked. “Nae. I want to know why she wasn’t able to fulfill her promise.” He said. “I’ll just go to the wash room.” Jessica said. “Sure.” He said. At that same time, Kyu Hyun said that he’ll be going to the rest room. Jessica entered the wash room first but when she went out and fixed her hair, Kyu Hyun was shocked seeing her. “J-Jessica? Sica?” Kyu Hyun asked looking at her. “Omo?! Kyu Hyun! Kyu Hyun it’s you!” she said and hugged him. “How did you got here?” he asked. Meanwhile, as Dong Hae was waiting for the foods they ordered, he looked at his right and saw Min Rin sitting by the window. “Min… Rin…” he said softly and as if Min Rin heard that, she looked sideways and saw Dong Hae looking at her. She stood up. “Dong Hae?!” she called out. “Min Rin…!” he responded. Kyu Hyun and Jessica was about to approach Dong Hae when Min Rin ran and hugged him. “It’s you!” she said and began to cry. “Yah, I should be the one crying.” Dong Hae said as he hugged Min Rin back.


“Dong Hae, I’m really sorry for not visiting you before I had my tour… my manager was really strict.” She said. “It’s okay. I came here for you, Min Rin.” He said. “I think you’re really happy with Kyu Hyun now… I guess I’ll be leaving tomorrow. I need to go back the village.” He continued. “Dong Hae… don’t leave.” She said and leaned on his shoulder. “I’m sorry but I have to, Min Rin. I’m meant to be in the fishing village. You’re meant to shine here. I’m very happy for you.” He said and smiled.”Dong Hae, I missed you so much…” she said and hugged his arm. He smiled.


Dong Hae and Jessica met at the bus station the next morning. Kyu Hyun and Min Rin were there. “Please take care of Jessica.” Kyu Hyun told Dong Hae and bowed. “Sure. I will.” He said and bowed back. “Dong Hae, I promise to be home after fixing some things.” Min Rin said. “Sure. I’ll wait for you.” He said and smiled. And after one last hug, they left and went back the fishing village.










After 6 Months~


“Yah, Dong Hae! Saengil Chukahae!” Jessica greeted Dong Hae who was fixing his fishing net on the boat. “Kamsahamnida! There’s a party tonight!” he said and smiled.


“I’m so excited!!! I’m finally going home and I’ll be staying there for good now.” Min Rin told Kyu Hyun, they were on a train to the village. “And I’ll be having my 2 month break there. I might take Jessica with me to Seoul after my break.” He said. “Ohhh… nice plan.” She said and smiled.


Night time came and everyone in the village was in Dong Hae’s place. There was a party for him. And he didn’t know that Min Rin and Kyu Hyun’s going to come. When it’s time to sing for the birthday song, “♫Saengil Chukahamnida, Saengil Chukahamnida~♫” “♫Saranghaeyo, Dong Hae, Saengil Chukahamnida~♫” it was Min Rin’s voice. Dong Hae was surprised. “Surprise!” Min Rin said holding his birthday cake. “Saengil Chukahae, Dong Hae!” she said and smiled. “Kamsahamnida, Min Rin!” he said and placed the cake on the table and hugged her.


“You retired?” Dong Hae asked. “Hmm… because I realized that my place wasn’t really there in Seoul. My heart wasn’t really meant to be with Kyu Hyun because my heart wants to come back here all those times… my heart wants to come back to you, Dong Hae.” She said and looked at him. “I love you, Min Rin… I always had.” He said and smiled. “I thought Jessica took my place. I was really worried when you left with her. I thought I’ll be coming back and I’ll see you with her.” She said. “Shh… you were always in my heart. Jessica took your place as my bestfriend because now, I want you to be my girlfriend. Would that be alright, Ms. Lee Min Rin?” he asked her. “Of course yes, Mr. Lee Dong Hae! I would like to be that girl!” she said and hugged him. “Close your eyes…” Dong Hae whispered and before she knew it, Dong Hae gave her a soft kiss on the lips… she kissed him back. The sun begins to shine… ^^




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