-STRAIGT Mini Fic.

My Evil Bestfriend

“OH MY GOSH!!! LEE HYUKJAE!!! HWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!” she was screaming at the top of her lungs as she saw Lee HyukJae’s music video on TV. “Hey, keep it low okay?” he asked her.


Go Miyoung is a fan girl. And she loves Lee HyukJae, the most admired dancer/rapper who can match Rain’s skills. And Cho Kyu Hyun’s her bestfriend. They were bestfriends since grade school and Kyu Hyun’s family treats Miyoung like their own daughter after Miyoung’s parents and younger brother died in a car crash.


“Yah, Kyu-Kyu, if I was given a chance to meet HyukJae, just having a picture with him will be fine. I hope I can meet him on my birthday…” she said and let out a sigh. “Miyoung, there are a lot of important things to focus on than just wishing you’d had a picture with your precious HyukJae. I mean, he dances well but you won’t even know if he’s still breathing while he’s rapping.” Kyu Hyun told her. “Psh! You’re just jealous! You couldn’t even sing and dance, Kyu!” she said and ran away. “Huh. How can you see me do that? You don’t even pay attention to me…” he said and scoffed. He continued to walk to the bus station where she was standing. “Hey, I’m sorry okay? I won’t say things like that to your HyukJae again.” Kyu Hyun said. “Promise?” Miyoung asked.  “Promise.” He said and she smiled.


“OH MY GOSH!!!! IT’S KYU HYUN!!!! KYAAAAA!!!!” a lot of girls were squealing with delight as Kyu Hyun and Miyoung entered the school gates. “I’m even famous than HyukJae. See?” he said and laughed. “There you are again. Of course you are famous here. You’re the campus crush!” Miyoung told him. “You don’t know a lot about me, Miyoung.” Kyu Hyun said. “Babo! I’m your bestfriend for almost 10 years and you’re saying that to me? Haha. Michyeoso. I better go ahead. My friends are there.” She said and waved to her group of friends. “I’ll see you later okay?” Kyu Hyun asked. “Of course you will.” She said and smiled.


“Miyoung! Will we eat with Kyu Hyun later?” one of her friends asked. “Huh? Yes, we will.” She said. “Hey, have you heard the rumors? HyukJae has a girlfriend! He tweeted that he wants to date right now. ASAP.” Another one of her friends told her.

“Of course he wants to date me. Hahaha!” she said and laughed. “Yah, Miyoung, your birthday’s fast approaching! What’ll we do?” Jin-Ah asked. “Hmmm… what about a beach party? Or a pajama party?! That’d be fun!” Miyoung said.



“A dating game? Why? Are you that desperate to find a girlfriend?” HyukJae’s manager, Mr. Kim asked him. “No. I just want to find out how that works.” He said. “Hmm… it could be a nice plan too you know, since your fans will be going wild and will do everything just to date you.” Mr. Kim told him. “Yeah. Anyway, I’m going somewhere. I’ll be back before the radio show starts.” He said. “Okay. Take care.” Mr. Kim said as HyukJae left.


“Where’s Kyu Hyun? It’s almost 5pm…” Miyoung sighed. She tried to call him but he won’t answer. “He might be studying overtime again with… Jae In…” she said and let out a sigh. “Oh well, I guess I’ll be going home alone today.” She said and walked out the locker hall.


“HyukJae! It’s been years!” Kyu Hyun said as he hugged HyukJae. “How have you been? Always the class genius eh?” HyukJae teased. “Haha. Still the same. Hey, congratulations on your debut and success. You’re good enough to beat Rain now.” Kyu Hyun told him. “Yeah but still, I respect him. Oh, I’ll be joining a dating game wanna come? It’s been ages since you went out with a girl!” HyukJae said and laughed. “A dating game? Hmmm… oh yeah! I have this friend who’s really dying to meet you! How about you date her it’s her birthday next week and I couldn’t think of anything else to give her. She said a picture could make her rest in peace.” Kyu Hyun said and laughed. “Hahaha! Michyeo! Sure. I’ll date her. What about you?” HyukJae asked. “Well, I’m dating someone right now.” Kyu Hyun said and faked a smile. “Goodluck, bro!” HyukJae said and after some time, HyukJae drove Kyu Hyun home. It’s almost 8pm. “Hey, bro, I enjoyed this day. We still need some time again to catch things up.” Kyu Hyun said and he went out HyukJae’s car. “Sure. So, I’ll see you next week okay? Take care, bro, thanks.” HyukJae said and drove away.


“Where have you been? Miyoung went home alone!” Kyu Hyun’s Eomma asked him as he entered the house. “Miyoung?! Omo! Where is she?” he asked. “She’s in her room. Where have you been, Kyu Hyun?” she asked him. “He probably dated, Eomma.” His sister teased. “Shut up. I’m tired. I’m going up.” He said and went up. He went to Miyoung’s room and saw her studying. “Tok Tok Tok!” he greeted. “Oh, you just arrived?” Miyoung asked. “Yeah. I’m sorry for not being able to go home with you today.” He said and sat beside Miyoung. “Let me make up for you. I’ll answer your homeworks.” He said and smiled.

“Omo?! Kamsahamnida, Kyu-Kyu!!!” she said and hugged him tight. “Let me take a shower first, okay?” he said. “Nae!” she said and smiled.

“It’s been 10 years since I’ve been friends with Miyoung. She knows me than anyone else and it’s been 2 years since I hid my feelings for her… she likes HyukJae, my childhood bestfriend and if she’ll be happy with him, I’ll be happy enough for her too…” Kyu Hyun said to himself after taking a shower. He wore his green pajamas and went to Miyoung’s room. He saw her without ponytail while she was watching TV. “You know, you’re prettier if you won’t wear those big ponytail of yours.” He told her. “You think so? But my hair goes to my face when I eat ramen. I don’t like that.” She said. “Oh, by the way, I’ve finished math and English already so you’ll just have to do 3.” She continued. “Let me check what you did first.” He said. “Okay…” she said and continued to watch. “Oooohh! HyukJae versus Rain! It’s going to be epic! Hey, Kyu Hyun, have you met HyukJae?” she asked and he was surprised. “M-me? No. of course not. Wae?” he asked her. “None. Ahjumma told me you have a friend named HyukJae.” She said. “Really? Well, I don’t remember actually.” He said. “By the way, let’s go out on your birthday. I’ll treat you. We’ll have a date.” He said. “A DATE?! Just the two of us?!” she asked looking surprised. “No. with a friend. I want you to meet someone.” Kyu Hyun said. “Jinja? Who could it be?” she asked. “Someone you know.” He said and continued answering her homework. “Aigoo… you’re exciting me!” she told him. “Save it for next week.” He said. It was past 10 when Kyu Hyun finished her homework. She was already sleeping. He fixed her and placed the blanket over her. “Goodnight, Miyoung… the most important girl in my life…” he whispered and turned the lights off and went out her room.

“Yah, oppa, I want to ask you something.” Ara, his sister asked him. “It’s late. You need to sleep.” He said. “You like her right? Why don’t you tell her the truth?” Ara said. “Ara, sleep. Now.” He said and went to his room.



“Tch. Look at Jae In. flirting with Kyu Hyun again. She’s such an attention seeker.” Jin-Ah said. “That should be you, Miyoung!” she continued. “Mwo?! Me? But I have my HyukJae. Haha.” She said and chuckled. “Besides, they’re both geniuses.” She continued. “Even so. I just don’t like her.” Jin-Ah said.


Song Jae In is considered as Kyu Hyun’s counterpart. She’s always seen next to Kyu Hyun in class 1 but Kyu Hyun doesn’t give her that much attention. “Why do you hang out with Miyoung’s group?” Jae In asked him. “Because they’re my friends. Wae?” he asked. “Why don’t you hang out with me? They’re not our kind.” She said. “I enjoy spending time with them and I’d rather waste my time with them than with you.” He said and left.



The following week arrived and Miyoung was so excited since it’ll be her 18th birthday. “Let’s go shopping today, Unnie!” Ara told Miyoung on a Friday morning. Luckily, they haven’t got classes so she agreed. “Let’s take Oppa too so he’ll be the one carrying our things.” She said and winked. “No. I won’t go. I need to finish my project.” He told Ara. “It’s okay, Ara, let’s just go.” Miyoung said. “Tch. You’re gonna make Unnie carry?! You’re such a loser!” she said and went out of his room. “Bye, Kyu!” Miyoung said. “Have fun.” He said and smiled. “Nae.” She said and smiled back. Shopping with Ara is always fun. She’s always updated with the latest trends and she knows how to assemble pretty get ups.

After that tiring day, they went home and they saw Kyu Hyun watching TV while eating popcorn. “We’re home! I enjoyed my day today, Unnie! Thanks!” Ara said and went up. Miyong sat down. “Aigoo… your sister’s hyper. But she’s really lovable. Ahh… my feet hurts.” She said and pouted. “You need to look your best tomorrow. You’ll meet a very special friend of mine.” Kyu Hyun said. “Eh? Even special than me? Is it Jae In?” she asked. “No. Jae In’s different.” He said.



Kyu Hyun asked Miyoung to go first to the restaurant. He said he’ll be coming with his friend. Miyoung was nervous. “Miyoung!” Kyu Hyun called her. “I want you to meet my childhood bestfriend, Lee HyukJae.” Miyoung cannot believe her eyes. In front of her was Lee HyukJae, her idol and her love! She wanted to scream and shout, she wanted to jump, cry and even faint, her emotions were running high. “Hi, Miyoung! Kyu Hyun told me that you wanted to meet me? Well, since today’s your birthday, I want to date you. Would that be alright?” HyukJae asked her. A date with HyukJae?! She wanted to die! “I guess I better go. You enjoy your day, okay? Saengil Chukahae.” Kyu Hyun told her and smiled. She went out and followed Kyu Hyun and hugged him. “Gomawoyo, Kyu Hyun… this is the best birthday gift! I don’t know what to say… thank you so much! I love you!” she told him and there were tears on her eyes. “Yah, you’ll ruin your face. Go there and enjoy with HyukJae. I love you too.” He said and she went inside as he left. “I hope that you’ll love me like HyukJae…” he said and rode a bus going home.



“YOU CRAZY GIRL!!! YOU HAD A DATE WITH HYUKJAE?! You’re so lucky!!! Aigoo! If it were me, I’d die!” Jin-Ah told Miyoung the following Monday. “Nae, we had a date. It was like a dream and he even asked if we could go out sometime too!” she said and giggled. “Aww… your dream finally came true, Miyoung. You’ll be HyukJae’s non-showbiz girl and you need to be ready because a lot of fans will bash you!” Jin-Ah told her.

“Girlfriend?! That’s crazy! But I’m happy with what happened last Saturday. It was like a fairytale. I’m like with a prince. He was really sweet and caring and everything I imagined he’d be.” She said and smiled.


“You know, Miyoung’s a sweet girl. She’s really fun to be with. I wonder if she wants to be my girlfriend.” HyukJae asked Kyu Hyun. They were in the coffee shop again. “Of course she wants to.” He said. “A-Are you sure? I mean, don’t you have any feelings for her? I saw your face when she hugged you. You looked like you wanted to cry.” He told Kyu Hyun. “Nope. Hahaha. And besides, I told you, I’m dating someone. Why not ask Miyoung when you go out next week? She’ll be very happy.” Kyu Hyun said. “You seem to know a lot about her. Wae?” he asked. “She’s been living in our house for almost 8 years. And she’s been my bestfriend for almost 10 years.” Kyu Hyun answered. “Mwo? She lives with you?!” he asked in shock. “Hm. Her parents and younger brother died in a car crash.” Kyu Hyun explained. “Oh! But she really seems to be a happy-go-lucky type of girl.” He said. “Of course she’s like that. She always hides her feelings even if she’s feeling really hurt.” Kyu Hyun said. “Ahh… I see. You’re really sure it’s okay?” he asked him again. “Yeah. I’m sure.” Kyu Hyun said. “Okay. Thanks, bro.” HyukJae said.



“Oi, Miyoung!” it was Jae In. “Are you in a relationship with Kyu Hyun?!” she asked her. “Mwo?! Me and Kyu?! Of course not! Then why is he so crazy about you?!” she said. “M-Me?! I… don’t know what you’re talking about, Jae In! I thought it was you whom Kyu Hyun likes!” she said in a surprised tone. “I can’t even win his attention because whenever I talk to him, he always talk about you his precious Miyoung!” she said irritably. “So don’t pretend! Then you’re dating Lee HyukJae?! What kind of girl are you?!” Jae In asked her angrily. “Kyu Hyun’s just my bestfriend.” She said. “Oh… so you mean he’s in love with you? How long could he have been keeping it? And you, you always see HyukJae when Kyu Hyun was always by your side! Really! You bother me!” Jae In said. “If you don’t like him, better tell him the truth. Don’t give him motives to like you back!” she continued and walked away.


“Kyu Hyun… likes me?” Jae In’s words were still echoing in Miyoung’s mind. She stayed in Han River Park and thought carefully. How long has he been in love with me? And he even set me up with HyukJae?! Is he hurting himself? I thought he’s a genius?! Babo, Kyu Hyun! Why didn’t you tell me?! She stayed there for too long. She kept on thinking about what Jae In said when HyukJae called her. “Oh, Hyukjae? Waeyo?” she asked. “Can we go out this Saturday?” he asked her. “Sure. What time?... okay… sure… take care… bye.” She said and hung up. It’s almost 9pm.


“Where could she be?!” Kyu Hyun was getting worried. “Eomma, I’m going out.” He said and left their house. But as he got out the gate, he saw Miyoung walking and their eyes met. “Where’d you go?! It’s almost 9pm! You got me worried! Eomma’s worried!” he said in an angry tone. “You never told me, Kyu Hyun…” she said. “What?!” Kyu Hyun asked irritably. “Jae In confronted me earlier. How long have you been hiding your feelings for me?” she asked. He was shocked. “Jae In?! what does she know? Why do you believe in her?” Kyu Hyun asked. “Why don’t you answer me?!” she asked back. “Fine. You want to know? Okay! I’ll tell you everything right now! It’s been 2 years since I’ve fallen in love with you! I couldn’t tell you since you were madly in love with HyukJae and since you love him, I set you up a date with him and on Saturday, he said he’ll be asking you to be his girlfriend. He asked my permission I said yes! I didn’t want you to know because I love you so much! Even though I’m hurt, I want you to be happy with the person you really love and I know that isn’t me!” he said breathlessly. “Kyu Hyun…” Miyoung said. “Go inside. Please.” Kyu Hyun said and she saw tears rolling down his eyes. He went inside and went to his room. “Oh? Miyoung! Where have you been?! Oh my gosh, I was so worried! Kyu Hyun was very worried. He couldn’t stay in one place!” his Eomma told her. “I’m okay, Eomma, I just had a walk in the park. I’m going to shower first before I eat okay?” she asked. “Okay. Oh thank goodness you’re here!” she said and went back to the kitchen. Miyoung went up. She knocked on Kyu Hyun’s door but he wouldn’t answer. “Kyu Hyun… I’m sorry… you should’ve told me. That could really change things… but I want to thank you for telling me everything.” She said and went to her room.



After what happened that night, Kyu Hyun was leaving early and going home from school early too. He didn’t want to talk to Miyoung and it seems like he’s avoiding her. Miyoung was sad. She misses Kyu Hyun. If only she could figure out what to do. She called HyukJae and asked if she could meet him and she went to a coffee shop. “I’m sorry for disturbing you…” she said. “You’re the one who looks disturbed. Are you alright?” he asked. “It’s Kyu Hyun. HyukJae-ssi, I’m really a great fan of yours and I love you… as a fan. Kyu Hyun’s been hiding his feelings for me for 2 years.” She said. “Thought so. He really loves you that’s why I was asking him. It’s disappointing but at least let us stay friends. Would that be alright?” he asked. “Being friends with you would be awesome.” She said and smiled.


“CHO KYU HYUN!” Miyoung shouted as she saw Kyu Hyun walking in the school’s garden. He stopped but did not bother to look at her. “BABO!” she shouted again. She ran and hugged him fro the back. “Bogo Shipeo, Kyu Hyun!” she said and began to cry. “Why do you make me feel like this?! I hate it! I miss you so much, Kyu Hyun! Even though you’re evil, I love you so much!” she said and Kyu Hyun smirked.

“Evil? Wae? What about HyukJae?” he faced her. She was about to let go but he hugged her tight. “We’re friends.” She said. “Yah, I can’t breathe.” She continued. “If you really love me, you’ll shout it out.” He said. “Evil! I won’t!” she said. “Okay. Then forget it.” He said. “What?! No! I LOVE YOU CHO KYU HYUN!!!” she shouted. “I love you too, Miyoung.” He said and smiled as he kissed her forehead.




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