-STRAIGT Mini Fic.

My Girlfriend, My Rival!

“Yah, Hyosonn-ssi, where did you get that bruise on your left arm?” it was Ha Ni, her friend who asked her. “Oh? This? Well, I slipped at home. Last night. Ahaha…” she explained and faked a smile. “That doesn’t look like a bruise from slipping.” Ha Ni said and she looked closer. “I-It’s really a slip! Hahaha!” Hyosonn said and pulled her arm away from Ha Ni’s look. “Uhhmmm… I’ll just go to the wash room. Haha!” Hyosonn said and she went out the classroom.


“Boss, Jin’s injured. It’s Min’s gang again. They really won’t stop ‘til they bring us down.” Min Jin said. “Tch. That Min. I’m gonna teach his kids a lesson. Let’s go, Min Jin!” Hyosonn said her eyes were red with anger. If you thought that Lee Hyosonn’s your normal average girl, better think again. She’s one of Seoul’s deadliest gang leaders and that’s what makes her different from other girls and that’s a secret she could never tell not even to her bestfriend. Raised by her grandmother, she ran away from home at the age of 16 and began living on the streets. That’s where Mr. Lee found her. Mr. Lee’s the leader of the Yakuza Gang in Seoul Underground and a year ago after he died, Hyosonn replaced him. And her bruised left arm? She got that from last night’s war with Min’s gang. Hyosonn never knew who the heck Min is but she’s sure about one thing: Min’s her enemy and his gang should be crushed.


“Oh. If it isn’t the street girl Hyosonn. Huh. You’re lucky that you’re still alive.” It was Jung Jiyeon “Wae? What do you mean?” Hyosonn asked. “Nothing. I want to give you an advice. If you want to live ‘til you’re 60, better stop fighting at night. Arraseo? Hahahaha!” she whispered in her ear and laughed like a witch. “Scared, Jung? I could kill you using a pen at this moment and make it appear that you committed suicide.” Hyosonn said and smiled darkly. Panic crawled up on Jiyeon’s face and she went out the wash room as fast as she can. “Hyosonn!” it was Ha Ni. “Oh?” Hyosonn asked. “Ms. Song’s going to introduce us our new classmates.” She said and looked at the pen Hyosonn’s holding. “What’re you doing with that?” she asked. “Oh… nothing. Haha! Just scaring Jiyeon away.” Hyosonn replied and smiled sweetly.




“Okay class, we have 2 new comers today. Guys, please come in.” Ms. Song said. Every girl in the class except for Hyosonn, were shocked for standing in front of them are two handsome boys that they’ve never seen before. “Annyeonghaseyo! Lee Sung Min imnida! I’m from Gangnam. Pleased to meet you!” he said and smiled. He was like a cute boy! All the girls squealed after he bowed and smiled. “Hi. I’m Kim Jong Woon. Sung Min’s bestfriend.” The other one said. He looked like the serious side of Sung Min but he was still handsome. “Okay. You may take those 2 seats at the back.” Ms. Song told them. “Omo! Hyosonn! They’re sitting beside us!” Ha Ni whispered to Hyosonn but she wasn’t listening. She was looking outside the window and thinking very deep.


“Tomorrow, we’re going to enroll in Seoul School of Arts. And I want you to be close to Hyosonn. Befriend her and that’s where we’ll attack her. This is a brilliant plan, Jong Woon.” Sung Min said and his eyes were flashing dangerously. Jong Woon kept silent and continued to read.


“Hi! I’m Ha Ni!” Ha Ni said as she approached Sung Min and Jong Woon. She was holding Hyosonn’s sleeves. “Ouch, Ha Ni, you’re stripping me!” Hyosonn said irritably. “Hey, be nice and friendly!” Ha Ni said. “Ahehe… I’m Hyo.” She said and smiled sheepishly. “I’m going to eat, Ha Ni.” Hyosonn said as she pulled her sleeve from Ha Ni’s grasp. “Actually, I’m hungry too. Why don’t you show me the way to the cafeteria?” Jong Woon asked Hyosonn. Sung Min smiled. “Yeah! And I’ll just keep Sung Min company here.” Ha Ni said. “Okay.” Hyosonn replied. As they were walking along the corridors, Jong Woon was quietly observing Hyosonn. “She walks like a boss… she’s like a boy when she talks and stands, she might have family problems before that’s why she’s like that…” he said to himself. “Yah, why are you so quiet?” she asked as she looked at his face. “Oh! You startled me!” he exclaimed. “Thinking?... I do that all the time.” She told him. “Are you the top of your class?” he asked her. “Hmm... kind of. But I’m not that smart.” She said. “What’s that on your left arm?” Jong Woon asked. “Oh? You noticed it immediately? It’s a bruise I got from our bathroom last night. Haha! Oh! We’re here. This is our cafeteria.” She said and opened the door. Upon entering, as everyone saw her, the cafeteria went silent. Students made way for her and Jong Woon and they went out in 5 minutes. “A-Are you some kind of President or something?” he asked her. “That’s what we call respect. They respect me a lot.” She said and smiled as she ate her sandwich. “Hyo-ssi, you seem so different than any other girls.” He told her. “Me? Different? Nope. I’m just being real. I say and do what I want. That’s how I’m supposed to be.” She said with full. “You’re like a gangster in the movies.” Jong Woon said and laughed. “Ooohh… I’m more than that. Hahaha!” she said.


“So what you mean is that everyone here is from her gang?! I never saw this coming.” Sung Min said and frowned. “We can’t back out anymore. And besides, I think I’m already her friend.” Jong Woon said. “Fine. We’ll stick to the plan. That’s good, Jong Woon.” He said and they went back to the room.

“Okay, today, since we’re on Japanese sports, we’ll be learning how to play kendo. Japan’s way of the sword.” Mr. Jung told the whole class. “Why not just use a true katana? This is lame.” Hyosonn whispered to herself. “But those things are sharp. They could kill.” Jong Woon added. “I know right? That’s the excitement in using them.” Hyosonn told him in a low tone. “Okay! I need two volunteers… hmm… what about Ms. Lee Hyosonn and Mr. Lee Sung Min?” Mr. Jung asked. “I won’t hurt him Ha Ni, I promise. Hahaha!” Hyosonn said. “Please be good to me.” Sung Min said and smiled. “I think you’re the one who needs to be good to me.” Hyosonn said. “Let’s start this.” And she saw Sung Min flash her a deadly stare. “Okay. On count of-“ “Hyaaah!” Sung Min made his first move. “Aggressive much?” Hyosonn blocked him. “I won’t let a girl beat me!” Sung Min shouted and attacked again. “But I’m not an ordinary girl. Haha! You’ve picked the wrong opponent.” Hyosonn said and with a blink of an eye, she won. “I beat you.” She said and smirked. She turned away but Sung Min was about to hit her left arm when Jong Woon pushed Hyosonn. Everyone was shocked. “That’s very dangerous, Mr. Lee! Where’s your sportsmanship?! Ms. Hyosonn, please accompany Mr. Kim to the clinic.” Mr. Jung said. Hyosonn nodded and helped Jong Woon.


“He’s your bestfriend. Is he really your bestfriend?” Hyosonn asked Jong Woon who was resting in the clinic. “He could be carried away sometimes but he’s been with me ever since.” He told her. “Well… thank you for saving me… I would’ve lost an arm if you didn’t push me away from him.” She said and smiled. “He’s playing dirty. I want to teach him a lesson.” She continued. “Hyo-ssi, please understand Sung Min, it was just a game.” He told her. “But you’re hurt!” she complained. “Why do you care about me that much? It’s not like I’m your friend already.” He said and looked at her. She blushed and looks away. “But you are… normally; people won’t hang out with me because I have a bad girl image. But you… well… you’re my friend! End of story!” she said and sat. “You look really kind.” He said and smiled. “I am. It’s just no one understands.” She said. “I… I’m just going to get a drink. Okay?” she said and went out. “Hyosonn!!! What happened back there?!” Ha Ni asked her as they were walking to the school pavilion. “I’m confused, Ha Ni…” she said. “Sung Min really looked so kind…” Ha Ni told her. “Looks can be deceiving, Ha Ni.” She told her.





“What’s gotten into your brain? Why did you push her away?” Sung Min asked Jong Woon. “We’re friends.” He said plainly and smiled. “Mwo?! Oh! I get it! Hahaha! You’re really smart! Hahaha! That’s great!” he said and smiled darkly. “We’re one step away to bringing her down.” Sung Min said. “Jong-?” it was Hyosonn and she was shocked to see Sung Min. “Hyo-ssi! I’m so sorry!” he said and bowed. “I was carried away! I didn’t mean to!” he said as he bowed. “You should be. Oh, Jong Woon, I brought some snacks for you. I’ll be going home early today. I need to fix on something. Thank you so much again for saving me.” She said as she smiled and left after placing the snacks on the bedside table. “Take care…” Jong Woon said as she left. “What’s she planning?” he asked and looked at Sung Min. “Ahahahahaha!!! I’m gonna go and get her!” Sung Min said and left. “Be careful, Sung Min.” he told him and he left.


“Boss, why are you so early today?!” Min Jin asked Hyosonn as she entered their base. “Yah, Min Jin, I want you to do a background check on Lee Sung Min. ASAP.” She told him. “Yes, boss!” and he left quickly.



2 weeks had passed and Hyosonn was always seen with Jong Woon. Jong Woon often ignored Sung Min and was always at the rooftop with Hyosonn. “Yah, Jong Woon, could you keep a secret?” she told him one time. “Huh? Of course I could.” He told her. “Remember when you told me that I’m like a gangster?” she asked him. “Yes?” he replied. “Well… the truth is…” “Jong Woon!” it was Sung Min. “We need to talk. NOW!” he said and Hyosonn was shocked. “I’ll be back.” He told her. She gave him a nod.


“I couldn’t do it anymore, Sung Min. I’m in love with Hyosonn.” Jong Woon said and looked away. “Mworago?! Are you really out of your mind?!” Sung Min was shocked by what Jong Woon told him. “I’m sorry… I quit.” He told his best friend. “Huh. In love eh? Well, I can’t do anything about that anymore… you’ll pay for this Jong Woon.” He told him. “I’m prepared, Sung Min.” he said and walked away.


“I want you to teach her a lesson my dear, Jiyeon.” Sung Min said as he kissed Jiyeon’s hand. “Oh, Min… I will… I will, my love…” she said and left.






It was 1 AM and Hyosonn was still alone in the park drinking soju there were about 6 empty bottles beside her. “Hyo-ssi?” it was Sung Min. “Oh. Sung Min.” she said and she was looking down. “You’re… You’re drunk!” he said. “No I’m not! I still know what I’m doing… why don’t you drink with me?” she asked him. “This is the best chance to kill you but I won’t because I’m not a coward.” He said and sat beside her. “You want to kill me? Wae?” she asked. “What? No, who said I want to kill you?” he asked her and drank. “Aaaahh! The taste of soju!” he exclaimed. “You’re busted Sung Min… you’re Min right? The one who wanted to bring me down?” she said and laughed. “Go on… have a go. I’m letting you have your chance.” Hyosonn said. “Yah, I’m not a coward. I’ll fight you maybe some other time. Besides, its 1 am. We have classes tomorrow.” He told her. “I know right?” she said and drank again. “How did you become a gangster, Hyosonn?” Sung Min asked. “I was raised by my grandmother. I don’t know who my parents are… I ran away from home when I was 16 and I lived on the streets of Seoul until one night, I met Mr. Lee. He taught me stuff, he taught me how to fight and he left me the gang after he died. And ever since then, I was a gangster leader. You?” she returned him the question as she looked in his eyes… his heartbeat went fast. “I… well… I was a rebel at home. My mom and dad divorced and-“ “That’s him! Kill him!” Min Jin shouted. And Sung Min was surrounded by Hyosonn’s gang. He stood up. “You’re the one playing dirty.” Sung Min hissed to her. “GO AWAY!” Hyosonn shouted at them. Min Jin was shocked. “B-Boss?! Wha-What’s happening?!” everyone was shocked. “Get away from my boyfriend!” she shouted “MWORAGO?!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!” even Sung Min was shocked. Hyosonn stood up. “You heard me right. I said, get away from my boyfriend.” She said and looked at them. “Y-yah… Boss… You’re drunk! You don’t know what you’re talking about! He’s the enemy!” Min Jin couldn’t believe her. “Drunk? I know what I’m doing and I won’t do this if I’m drunk.” She said and pulled Sung Min to her and kissed him. Sung Min’s heart was beating so fast. He kissed many girls before but he never felt like this to anyone except for Hyosonn. He kissed her back. She pulled away. “Go. Away. Arraseo?!” she shouted and they all ran away.

“W-why did you do that?!” Sung Min asked her. “Sung… Sung Min?” it was Jiyeon and she was with Jong Woon. “What’s all this?” Jiyeon asked him. “We kissed.” Hyosonn said. “Are… Are you two…” Jiyeon was shaking in anger. “Jealous, Jung? You should be.” Hyosonn said and smirked. “You’ll pay for this! Hyaaaaahhh!!!” Jiyeon was about to punch Hyosonn but Sung Min blocked her. “Jiyeon, we’re over. Get away from my girlfriend.” Sung Min said. “What are you planning eh, Sung Min?” Jong Woon broke his silence. “W-what do you mean?” Hyosonn asked Jong Woon. “What plan are you talking about, Jong Woon?” Sung Min asked.




“Hyosonn, I should’ve told you even before… Sung Min asked me to befriend you so he could bring you down. But I couldn’t do it anymore because I was already falling for you. He was really playing from the start.” Jong Woon said and the smirk disappeared from Hyosonn’s face. “Is that true?” she asked looking down. “I… So what if that was true?! My feelings changed, Hyosonn! I love you!” Sung Min told her. “Yah… Hyosonn…” Sung Min said and looked at her. “I should’ve killed you when I had the time…” Hyosonn said. “Hyosonn…” Sung Min was holding her hand. “Guys, grab, Sung Min and play with Hyosonn!” Jiyeon shouted and Sung Min’s whole gang began appearing. Jiyeon and Jong Woon grabbed Sung Min and hold him and the gang began attacking Hyosonn. “Leave her alone! Hyosonn!” Sung Min was struggling. “You can’t have Sung Min, Hyosonn. He belongs to me! Only to me!” Jiyeon shouted. “Let me go! STOP!” Sung Min was struggling as Jong Woon was holding him tight. “I said. Let. Me. Go.” Sung Min was shaking mad. And he was looking down. Jong Woon looked at him and had no choice but to let him go. Sung Min began punching and kicking his own members. He hugged Hyosonn and looked at her. “I’m really sorry for this… I don’t want you to be hurt.” He said and they were still kicking him. “Babo. What kind of boyfriend are you?!” Hyosonn got her phone and began calling Min Jin. Seconds after, they appeared and the fight was awesome. It was almost a draw but Hyosonn’s team was still standing so it means she won. “You loose. You owe me a year of dates.” Hyosonn said and smirked. “Just that? I feel ashamed. My girlfriend… my own girlfriend’s my rival and I lost. Hahahahaha!!!” Sung Min started laughing and Hyosonn started laughing too. She assisted Sung Min and saw Jong Woon walking away. “Jong Woon!” she called to him. “Thank you so much for everything. I’m sorry I can’t repay your love but I’m sure you’re going to find someone better than me. She’s just around there waiting for you.” She said and smiled. “I know. I hope you’ll be happy with Sung Min. and I hope we’ll still be friends.” He said. “Don’t worry. Things won’t change after we become a couple. I think he’ll be useless to me.” Hyosonn said and laughed. “I won’t!” Sung Min retorted. “Want to help?” Hyosonn asked him and Jong Woon helped her in carrying Sung Min. “Thanks, Jong Woon.” Sung Min said. “Take care of Hyosonn or else, you’re dead.” He said and laughed. “Arraseo.” Sung Min said and smiled. The sun’s about to rise… it’s a brand new day waiting for them…










After 6 months~


“You’re just cute and lame.” Hyosonn told Sung Min. “I hate you.” Sung Min said. “I hate you more. Now attack!” Hyosonn shouted. “Hyaaaahhhh!!!” but she blocked him. “Oh! Look!” he said and pointed up the sky. “Oh?” Hyosonn looked up. “Got ya!” Sung Min said and brought her down. They were face to face. “You play dirty.” Hyosonn said and smiled. “And so do you.” He said and they both laughed as Sung Min and stood up and helped Hyosonn. Everything’s well. ^^




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