Chapter 9 – New Blessing

I'm not mute

Omo! Everyone seems to waiting for the dinner event,

It’s just a simple dinner my dear friends, ahaha….

But you need to find it out by keep read, read and reading my ff

pffftt *smirk*

Here’s the next chapter guys,




Usually I use the little notes to express my mind because besides for my daily conversation with people, I get to write the little diary for my schedule, but lately I change my habit, my taste, I love to use the sticky notes.


In a blink of an eye, I have collected so many colors with so many patterns, I’ve told my father’s assistant to find me any kind of sticky notes for me to choose, these are all because of that cute office boy, Lee Donghae.


Why it has to do with that guy? I tell you why.


Well, because I get to stick that little paper to his entire body as much as I like and he won’t get mad, well maybe just a bit, like what he did just now, grumbled when I poke his forehead with the note.


To me, Lee Donghae is like a squirrel, no wait! Hang on! Not a squirrel, I need to rephrased that, I hate squirrel, he’s like uhm~ a~ uhm~ a fish???? Oh yeah!!!


Bingo! A fish!


As a matter affect, a clown fish!


Even better!!


Because he’s not just cute, but also funny, as in a good way, thinking of him already makes my mind wondering for any kind of hilarious things I could do to him.


That’s right! His eyes even looks like the fish’s eyes, and he gets panic so easily just like the fish, you know, it’s like whenever you try to catch or even try to poke a fish with you bare hand, it’ll get nervous and panic right away desperately trying to escape from your grasp, that’s kind of how it is.


That’s what I think about him, so tell me how can I not grinning whenever I look at him.


My driver, Mr. Park, I don’t drive remember? Has park my car at the garage 20 minutes ago.

(I’d like to give you Mr. Park “parks” the car, that’s all xD )


And I lead the pale fish, I mean Donghae to our living room. He looks pale since we arrived to our home, I feel so bad right now, I’ve lied to him, well come on, not entirely lied, because no one had ever ask me about my family background since I work right?


So practically I’m not lying right?


I know, I know, I’m just comforting myself.


Of course I’ve lied; even my forms for the Human Resources Department’s are all faked, I’m not just lying to him, but I lied to everyone in the company.


I really hope he’s not going to be mad at me; I even cut his words to told him to hurried up to change his clothes when I got to his apartment just to avoided his anger, if he was angry.


He’s silent is killing me, he did that all the way long till we got here, was it nervous? Or was it hate?


I hope it’s just the nervous, I sigh, why I’m this frustrated?


“Hello Mr. Choi! Good evening Sir!” He greets my father once we arrived at our living room.


“Oh hello, Donghae ssi! Well, you’re fast; I thought you will have something to do before you come here?”


“Uhm~ yes, it’s because Siwon ssi was fast coming to picked me up too Mr. Choi!” Donghae smiles politely.


“Well, have a sit then Donghae ssi! Siwon’s mother still hasn’t finished with the cooking though it’s already seven thirty now, she insisted to cook even though we have a chef in our house,” my father sighs and I know why he does that, “she wanted to cook just for tonight because she knows you will come, that woman, she can’t cook yet insisted to cook, I doubt what are we going to eat later.” Now my father frowned, murmured something audible but not clearly to be heard.


I sigh, I understand his concern, my mom can’t cook and that’s the fact.


“Omo! Is that true, I feel so honored to be here Sir!”Donghae chirped.


I write and stick his forehead with it, “stop acting cute!” He glares at me in replies, Omo! Why I feel scared this time? He is mad, isn’t it? I’m still questioning that until now.


“Can we go to your kitchen; I want to greet your mother too.” Closely, He whispers that without looking at me.


I pat the note to his hand this time, don’t want him to be mad at me, “no need to whisper Donghae.”


I glance at my father and just realize that he’s staring at both of us with awe expression, I tilt my head making gesture to ask him what’s with the look?


He points Donghae and me gesturing are we either a couple or sort of, that if I’m not misinterpreted his weird gestures, I frowned, was that what he meant?


Suddenly, Donghae pinch my shirt, “come on! Where’s your kitchen?” Donghae bows a bit to my father, my father smiles to him and nods in agreement.


So now, I lead the fish to our lovely kitchen, a fish walks to a kitchen, hmm. . . .???


“Oh sweetie! You’re early~ I haven’t finished with the cooking yet.” My mom with full of joy and full of flour around her pink laces apron raising her both hands in the air approaching us to hugs Donghae, my mom is always such cheerful and friendly person, even to a stranger, not just any stranger of course, but a lovely stranger according to her.


“Oh~ hello Mrs. Choi.” Donghae gasps when she hugs him, I chuckled.


“Now shoo~!” She pushes us both, “we don’t want you get starving because of waiting too long, now do we? Just wait for me in the living room with Siwon’s father, Siwon take him there and I’ll be finished soon.”


“Can I help you Mrs. Choi?” Donghae asks, I glance at him, my mother too.


“Oh really honey? You’re such a good kid, unlike my son here,” I frowned, what it has to do with me? “Do you know how to cook Donghae ssi?” Donghae nods hesitantly, “just a bit though, but I really would love to help you Mrs. Choi.”


“Okay then, come here honey, while you~ go away.” My mom slaps my arm; she doesn’t have a son now.


I feel neglected already.


So lazily I drag my feet to the living room, sitting beside my dad.


There’s a silent for a while before my father starts to speaks, “You know him for like two days my son.” My father is busy pinching the TV remote control searching for the channel he likes, “but I see you have smiles a lot these days, tell me! Is he the one who changed you?”


I pursed my lips thinking for his words; you know, I keep asking that to myself too lately, have I fall for the guy?


“You like him do you? I can see it from your eyes.” My father already had found the channel he likes and found me the answer even though he knows Donghae for like minutes.


“He seems like a nice kid, Siwon, if~ you like him, I promise I’ll give you my blessing this time.” I widen my eyes in shocked, staring at my father in disbelief, he seems to enjoying the news on TV screen, but I know he’s aware that I’m looking at him, it’s true, the old times when I was in high school, my father is the only person who refused to except that his son is a gay.


Me and Chullie dating behind his back, my mom knew and don’t mind our relationship at all, in fact she loves Chullie, but not my father, then after my father knew, things getting worse and that’s the reason why Chullie tended to talked about the pressured he had from my father with Kangin, I blamed myself for driving careless with anger but part of me also blaming my father for causing me had a misunderstanding with Kangin, I don’t know, everything leads to another.


But accident is still an accident.



To be continued,


Thank you for reading my fanfic,

For you . . . for you . . . xD


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ms_ells #1
Chapter 25: I like the story, author-nim please continue🥲
Chapter 25: Why is this story left unfinished ?! ?
I miss this story so much... Are you okay author-nim?^^
Chapter 25: OMO Donghae made a stupid mistake. But he was shocked .
Thanks for the update.
Chapter 25: Serious at first but a little bit funny at the end. I can't imagine mr choi's face at that time lol. Hope he won't get angry. Thanks for fast update, dear author!
eliz930 #6
Chapter 25: funny...donghae ya...that is your father in-law..hahaha
shindiyoung #7
Chapter 25: i never want to do that to my future father in-law ,, hehe _n n_

So fast ,, update ,, thanks
Chapter 25: Hahahaha... Poor Donghae >_< Siwon's parents indeed is very "antique"! Always bring condoms everywhere?!^^
chenchen1234 #9
cool story line
shindiyoung #10
Chapter 24: kyuhyun's nature ??? _n n_

please update soon ,, thanks