Chapter 11 – New Rival????

I'm not mute

If you feel my story starting to become boring,

you should comment and give me your critics, because I love critics, help me to improve.

This is the next chapter,

Hopefully you will ENJOY IT !!!!



After the long talked with the Choi family, I excused myself from Siwon’s parent, Siwon insisted to give me the ride, so, once again, we’re in Siwon’s car.


“Why you didn’t warn me first for telling your father about Yunho incident? And you didn’t tell me you got fired either?” Mr. Park, Siwon’s driver is steering the way to the hospital as I’ve asked before.


There’s a long pause I wait when after he scratches the blue sticky note, I guess sitting inside the car makes him hard to writes, and I noticed he likes to use that sticky note to pat my forehead.


I hate when he does that.


First note tells me, “I almost forgot about that too when my father asked me, but I intend to tell him anyway, he deserved to know the truth and you deserved to be free from his grasp,”


Second note tells me, “I just couldn’t figure it out, how in the heck you could let him did that to you? for how long you said to us? Since you came? How long you’ve been working for us? That’s just so stupid, totally absurd.”


And I hate when he kept calling me stupid, he lied to me and I haven’t get the chance to ask him for an explanation too.


“Well, mister, how about yourself? Why did you lie to me? About your identity, you’re a liar yourself.” Instead giving him the answer, I demand the answer from him, I guess he just realized about that now too, huh???


He pats the back of his neck awkwardly, guess he’s thinking for the right answer, after that he starts to writes, this time, I sneak each word he writes in curious.


He stopped for awhile, rolls his eyes and glares at me, as if he’s trying to say, ‘What are you looking at? Just let me finished write this first, then you can read it,’ or sort of, but who cares, I need the answer right away, so when he scratches his note again I tilt my head to look at that tiny paper’s surface again, he sighs, then he gives his back to face me, what the heck!!!!!


“Yah!! Don’t be so cheap!” I squeal.


Then strangely I hear giggle, wait! Siwon can’t giggle even though he can produce that odd wrecked sound????


Then I realized it came from his driver, Mr. Park, he drives while glancing at the rear mirror, I smile shyly at him in respond.


I can’t wait that long, so I peek again when he uses the car window as his desk to write now, what can I tell, I’m curious, that’s all!!!


Ugh!! I can’t see from here, Siwon is too tall; he’s blocking the vision with his dark raven hair.


“You sure have a lot of things to write.” I mumbled.


I tilt my head to the side to have a better look again, when suddenly he finished and turns his head around I get startled because our face is this close to each other, there’s probably about 3 or 4 cm gap between him and I, oddly I feel numb the whole body for like 3 seconds, and from this short distance I can smell his fragrant perfume.


I am confronted with the spotless skin face, along with a pair of bushy eyebrows, including a pair of huge dark orbs and my face is directly appointed by his pointy nose then my eyes unconsciously trailed to his thin lips which curved slowly showing his sharp dimples.


To my surprised his thin lips swiftly brush my pair, I gasped and taken aback, “Yah!” I scream that unconsciously and move further away from him as far as I could, avoid his teasing eyes, he chuckled soundless.


“Yah! Will you stop kissing me! This is the third time already.” Then I hear a gasped and chanted voice, “OOoohhh!!,” I know that one is coming from Mr. Park.


Gosh!! This is embarrassing!!!


Then Siwon squeezes the sticky note which he had finished to write while opening the window and throws away the crumples paper where it flew to somewhere, the heck????


“You didn’t let me read that one yet, besides, do you know you’re not allowed to throw garbage to the road like that? That’s against the law.”


He writes the new one, this is one is a bit short, so he handed me in instant, I read it, “Donghae, will you be my boyfriend <3?”


I gasped and read it two or three times to make sure I didn’t wrong interpreted the words, I didn’t expect this one!!!!


My heart beats chaotic inside the chest over the shocked and confused.


Is he teasing me right now?


Then he handed me another sticky note where he pats is on my nose, “No need to answer me right away, but please don’t let me wait too long.”


I feel my cheeks burning, he pokes my left cheek with the tip of his forefinger then he chuckles soundless again.


Comes the note, “I really like when you change your face color like that, it’s too adorable.”


I slap his arm, he laughs soundless instead.


Ugh!!! I hate him.





We’re now at the hospital,

the fifth floor, it’s written on the door “Rainbow Room”, room for kids, I leisurely follow Donghae to this one bed which placed at the corner of the room, I refused to go home and insisted to walk with him to his little brother room, I’m curious of his family now.


 “Donghae Hyung! You’re late! Again!” I heard the stern voice coming out from a young boy who sits at that corner bed.


 Donghae sighs, “it’s almost eleven thirty pm now Kyu, why you haven’t sleep yet? Hmmm???” Then Donghae kisses that boy’s forehead, aww~~ that’s cute~~!! I wish I have a little brother.


“Can’t do, Kyuhyunnie is waiting for you Hyung, Kyuhyunnie miss you and~~~ who are you Ajussi?” Feels strange, Donghae looks at the boy pointed direction which turns out is me, am I that old? The kid called me Ajussi just now??


“Oh! He is my friend Kyuhyunnie. Siwon this is my baby brother Kyuhyun; Kyuhyun, this is Hyung’s friend Siwon.” I nod and smile to that cute and lovely angel.


The boy rolls his eyes with boredom and sighs, “Who is he Hyung?” Well, that’s rude, but he’s still a kid Siwon ah!! Kids usually could be grumpy to a stranger, more ever he’s in the hospital, maybe he’s just sick and that’s what caused him to have the bad temper.


“I told you, he is hyung’s friend, Kyuhyun ah!” Donghae sits on this little chair next to the bed, raising his hands caressing the boy’s forehead, checking his temperature maybe???


“I don’t like him, he’s old and ugly~~~!” Okay!! That’s it!!! The kid is really rude.


Donghae glanced at me in horrid as if he’s scared that I will get offended by the boy’s words which I already am, I put on a stiff face and walk closer to Donghae’s little brother and write the note then handed to him, “What is this ugly old man?” The boy asks in curious.


He reads and suddenly he barks, “MWO? WHAT????? BOYFRIEND?????” Yep!! I wrote, “Yah kid I’m not old, you should call me Hyung too also I’m your big brother’s boyfriend.”


“Pssstt…. Kyuhyun, keep your voice down! You’re going to make the other patients awake.” Donghae whispered.


“Hyung! Tell me is this ugly troll Ajussi is your boyfriend?” I widen my eyes in shocked, ugly troll he said??? And hey…I’m not that old you rude kiddo.


“Hyung, when Kyuhyunnie grown up, Kyuhyunnie will marry Hyung, so tell this ugly Ajussi to go away!”

Wow, that's surprising!!!!! The kid wants to marry his own big brother?????


“MWO? WHAT?” Donghae yells unconsciously, “Kyuhyun, what did you say?”


The boy stares blankly at Donghae as if he’s not saying the wrong words.


“What on earth did you just said to Hyung, Kyuhyun???” Donghae asked in a worried tone.




To be continued,




Thank you for reading my story,


For you . . . for you . . . xD



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ms_ells #1
Chapter 25: I like the story, author-nim please continue🥲
Chapter 25: Why is this story left unfinished ?! ?
I miss this story so much... Are you okay author-nim?^^
Chapter 25: OMO Donghae made a stupid mistake. But he was shocked .
Thanks for the update.
Chapter 25: Serious at first but a little bit funny at the end. I can't imagine mr choi's face at that time lol. Hope he won't get angry. Thanks for fast update, dear author!
eliz930 #6
Chapter 25: funny...donghae ya...that is your father in-law..hahaha
shindiyoung #7
Chapter 25: i never want to do that to my future father in-law ,, hehe _n n_

So fast ,, update ,, thanks
Chapter 25: Hahahaha... Poor Donghae >_< Siwon's parents indeed is very "antique"! Always bring condoms everywhere?!^^
chenchen1234 #9
cool story line
shindiyoung #10
Chapter 24: kyuhyun's nature ??? _n n_

please update soon ,, thanks