You do remember

"Falling for you" sequel to: "When did I start falling for you"


Your phone kept on ringing

You checked it and it was text messages from your friends and relatives wishing you a happy birthday

"At least they remember my birthday" you sighed.

"Don't worry ~~~ I will make sure that you will have a blast today" Youngmin thought

Youngmin: Let's go

You: Where to?

Youngmin: To the haunted house

You: Aaww Oppa I don't want to

He grabbed your hand and tried to drag you in

At the entrance

You: Oppa I'm too scared

You pouted

Youngmin: We've already been inside before so you already know what will happen

You: But still

Youngmin: Ok I won't force you since today is your-

You interrupted him

You: Today is my what?

Youngmin: I mean you're the boss today

"For a minute there I thought he was going to say today is my birthday"

Youngmin: Where do you want to go?

You: I wanna go to the park ^_^

Youngmin: Ok let's go then

Your cheek started heating up when he put his arms around your shoulder.

The two of you spent quality time together at the park

It was soon getting dark and it was time to go home

You: Oppa I am going to ask you one more time

Youngmin: What is it?

You: Do you really forget what day it is today?

Just then Youngmin's phone rang

It was a text message from Kwangmin and it says:

We already finished preparing ~~~'s surprise birthday party

You: Who is it Oppa?

Youngmin: Uhh Nothing. Wrong number

Youngmin took out a handkerchief

He blindfolded you

You: Oppa why do you need to blindfold me? How am I supposed to know where to walk now

He carried you bridal style

Youngmin: I'm going to carry you to our house

You: What for?

Youngmin: For fun! So we can watch a movie

You: Oh!

"Haha Oppa you're so bad at lying. I saw Kwangmin Oppa's text message XD. I want to thank you in advance. Hehe" you thought

You: Are we there yet?

Youngmin: Nope still a long way. My arms and legs are tired. Did you gain any weight?

You: Anniyo. Waeyo?

Youngmin: You got heavier

You: Oppa...

Youngmin: Haha I'm just joking you don't have to take it seriously

You: Why is that when there is a romantic moment boys must crack a joke and ruin the mood

Youngmin: Haha you sound like you already had so many boyfriends

You: Hehe

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Reading again! <3
lvoe it <3 :)
ilabya4 #3
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #4
Chapter 39: moms always like that.. bcos she loves us that much but cannot be overprotected also right? hehee.. whenever heartbreaking part, it hurt me so much.. this is just a fiction but feels like in reality.. aigoo maybe i was in too this.. AHA
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #5
Chapter 15: emily u r such an evil witch!
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #6
Chapter 15: in reality, im not easily to fall in love but here,yes i do.. which girl will not love to be in love wit people like BOYFRIEND.. aha! imma soo happy..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #7
Chapter 7: Aha! read it for the 2nd time!! i didnt realise at first, but minwoo oppa is reaally such a cheezy person.. ahaha n annoying but cute though! i wish it really happen in reality.. continued my reading....
mio_meow #8
Chapter 52: a) make another sequel ...btw,im new here ^_^
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #9
Chapter 52: OMG!! thia sequel is just sooo awesomeeee!! i read it in less than an hour..i cant stop reading them as it tempting me to read mooreeee... i love the way u manipulate the story.. its go bingeul bingeul bingeul..haha daebak!! chinjja!
poor minwoo n donghyun but im sure they r happy since the one they love finally live happily ever after right?? heee... i recommend u to make the sequel..hahaha its just affffttppppp... cant wait! f u do want to make it.. ^^,
kwangminshypika #10
So cute!!