♥ 2; before debut - chae eun ver.

↺' Replay ↷ storyver.

Chae Eun sat in the corner at a small table in the corner of a almost empty cafe, quietly obseving the french themed brunch spot. She was waiting for her best friend-her sister.

"Sorry I'm late!" her sister exclaimed five minutes later, rushing to Chae Eun's table and taking a seat. Chae Eun smiled at her sister and replied, "No, Jooyeon, it's fine." 

Jooyeon smile apologetically and removed her sunglasses and scarf she had used to disguise herself. Jooyeon had requested that they come here for their brunch date because all the workers know her.

"So, how does my little sister feel about debuting? Are you excited?" Chae Eun grinned and nodded. "Of course, unnie! Who wouldn't be?" Jooyeon laughed and exclaimed, "Well I don't know! Isn't that what you're supposed to ask?

Their discussion was interrupted by a waiter approaching them to take their order. After they had both requested crepes and cocao, Jooyeon continued prodding Chae Eun with questions. 

"Will you sing your debut song for me? Is the dance hard? Are stressed from practice? Did you get enough lines?" Chae Eun giggled and whispered, "More lines then you at least."

Jooyeon's eyes widened and she yelled, "Yah! You brat!" and they laughed together until their food came.

♥ ♥ ♥

While they dug into their crepes, Jooyeon took two packages out of her purse. "What are those for?" Chae Eun asked, after finishing her bite of crepe. 

"One's from me and the other is from Lizzy." Jooyeon said, smiling. "They're gifts for your debut." she added, taking a sip of her steaming cocao.

Chae Eun stared at the packages and said, "Unnie, you didn't have-", "Oh cmon, just open them." Jooyeon cut her off, waving her hand.

Chae Eun smiled. "Well if you say so..." she started to open Lizzy's gift first, gently unwrapping the paper to reveal a small jewelry box. Inside, she discovered, was a delicate golden friendship necklace and a note that said, I have the other half. So you don't forget me when you're big and famous~ Love, your best friend. <3 

Chae Eun smiled at the note and asked Jooyeon to help her put it on. After the necklace was fastly secured on her neck, she reached for Jooyeon's gift. 

"Just so you know, my gift is a lot less glamorous." Jooyeon said and Chae Eun laughed. 

Jooyeon's package was a lot bigger than Lizzy's, and Chae Eun was wondering what it could possibly be as she gently unwrapped it. When she saw the shoe box, her eyes widened and felt tight. She slowly opened the box and saw the pair of dirty old sneakers that her sister auditioned with, and practiced with for years before debuting.

"Unnie..." Chae Eun started, eyes tearing up. Jooyeon smiled and said, "I thought, I don't know, they'd be good luck or something. Because they worked so well for me."

"We don't even have the same shoe size!" Chae Eun said through her tears, laughing. Jooyeon's eye widened and she exclaimed, "WHAT? Are you kidding?! Oh, god, I'm sorry!" 

Chae Eun laughed at her flustered sister and wiped her eyes. "Thanks so much unnie. It really means a lot to me." 

Jooyeon looked relieved and she said, "You still want them?"

"Of course."

♥ ♥ ♥

an// hi this chapter is really crappy but i already had it written so might as well publish it, i think i'm going to do crappy short chapters all day for each member, anticipate yours. <3

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is this story on hold or something?
sorry, its just been awhile since we heard from you...
Ah.... Is this on hiatus? :x
breeandtoast #3
Chapter 3: I just finished the chapters and they're so sweet :D it warmed the cockles of my kokoro~ I can't wait to read everyone else's!
breeandtoast #4
I thought I had already subscribed DX sorry about that lol
Chapter 3: Wow Yoonjin and Baro are really cute like....seriously cute.
b1a4bby #6
Chapter 3: Awww...both chapters are so cayuute!
Chapter 2: Wah.... I'm touched :')
Chapter 2: i love sibling moments!
that was so sweet.
nanie92 #9
Chapter 2: So cute.. hehe..