Chapter 3

Surviving High School

Lecture Hall


First lesson, was English Language. Yuri, was happily walking into class with her new group of friends. She was awed when she looked around the big lecture hall. As she walked it, everyone in the lecture hall looked at her, as if she was an alien from outer space. Yuri, noticed but she didn't know if she needed to be happy that people noticed her or scared if they were judging her. 

"Hello, you must be Kwon Yuri, the new student in my class." The woman, who might be the lecturer, dragged Yuri to the front of the classroom.

"Yes, right! Hello, I am Kwon Yuri" Yuri introduced herself to the lecturer

"Okay, I am Ms Christina. And I am your lecturer who is teaching English. Hold on a sec while I wait for the class to get ready."

"Oh.. Okay!" Yuri awkwardly stands on the stage.

"Alright, class, settle down! You all have been so noisy since you've entered class. I want to introduce a new student who is going to be joining our class today. Her name is Kwon Yuri. Some of you might know her or not. But she's a new student here in Seoul High, so I hope you guys make her feel comfortable but not too comfortable, if you get what i mean."

Ms Christina then brought Yuri to the front and asked her to introduced herself in English.

"Hello everyone, I am Kwon Yuri, i hope we can be friends and please take good care of me." Yuri fluently speak in English

"Woah, her english is so good" some students started whispering among themselves.

"Alright, Yuri, you can go find a seat." Ms Christina send Yuri to her seat.

Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Amber, Thunder, Chunji, Hoya, Bora waved at Yuri, telling them, they have saved a seat for Yuri. Ms Christina then smiled looking at her students fooling and acting like that. She then, started to take the attendance of the students in her English Class. She called all their names one by one and all of them were present, except

"Jessica?" Ms Christina called out her name

No one replied

"Jung Jessica! Has anyone seen Jessica?" Ms Christina asked her students

"I think she's in the toilet, fixing her makeup." A student replied

"Or her attitude?" Bora said, causing the whole class to laugh

"HAHA! Very funny" Jessica laughed sarcastically and walked into the class.

"Excuse me, Jessica, in case you have forgotten,  you have an English class to attend. And you know i don't tolerate lateness! You made the whole class wait just for you." Ms Christina scolded Jessica

"Yeah! Fine whatever. I'm sorry? Can i go back to my seat now? Thanks" Jessica was annoyed

"With pleasure." Ms Christina said sarcastically

Jessica walked to her group of friends where they waited for her and saved a seat for her. Jessica noticed Yuri and gave her a glare.

"Oh my, who knew the new student is in our class. Does she even know that we're speaking in English." Jessica said loudly to her group of friends, and they started laughing

Ms Christina sighed and started her lesson. Yuri was left dumbfounded and she chose to ignore and started on with the lesson being taught. After an hour and a half, the lesson was over. Even though Yuri had a rough start, she was happy because, it was her first time having lesson with not just the tutor alone, but with other students. And now, she had a free period together with Thunder, Amber, Bora and Chunji.

"So what do you wanna do now? Since we're have free period right now?" Amber asked Yuri

"I don't know, but if you don't mind, will you show me around seoul high? I hate getting lost and making you guys annoyed by asking for directions." 

"Sure no problem, we've been in this school for quite a long time. We probably won't get you lost!" Thunder jokingly replied.

"Thanks you guys, I've never had friends like you guys before. Or to be exact, friends!" Yuri thanked all of them

"It's alright! Anyway, part of this is a favor from Hoya! He's asking us to take care of you!" Chunji said feeling embarrassed for Hoya

"Yeah, its part of his 'Player Package'. I hope you don't get trap into this" Bora said 

Suddenly, a whole group of guys walked up to them. Yuri was in a blur, shocked mode. Bora was amazed by them. Thunder and Chunji sighed, giving the 'oh-boy' look. To Yuri, whatever she saw was a bright sunlight shining to her face and was just awed by the appearance of the group of guys. 

End of Chapter 3. Hey Readers. I know this is quite of a short part of the story and it's my fault if i used "I was busy" as an excuse. I will try to update more alright? I wanna thank those who is subscribed to my story and those who comment and said that this was interesting. Although writing this story was pretty awkward, but you guys gave me more motivation to write. So i hope you guys will subscribe to my story and comment! Thanks so much! Love you guys or gals :)




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Chapter 10: Yulhan pleaseeee
Exoyulforever #2
Chapter 20: Wow...update..exo..are so cute..haha..please..update..soon
chocolate_holic #3
Chapter 20: kyaaaa...cuteness overload:-) :-) :-) love it....i finish reading it in 1 whole day...please update sooonn...^^ ;D

#dont care who she will end up with everyone is suitable 4 our black pearl... ^_^
Yurila #4
Chapter 20: Update soon you and this story.
Chapter 20: Please make it KaiYul , please T^T T^T
anw , update soon please :D
Chapter 20: It's ok,as long as it has Yulhan XD
Update soon~
DinoPearl_Riza #7
Chapter 20: owww yulhan please yulhan yulhannnnnnn~
yulhanforever #8
Chapter 20: yulhan plz
YulHan please!!!!! ^^♡♡♥♥