Just another normal day.

Long Boarding

I'll say this now, comment after your done reading please~ Subscribe if you like the story, or to help Sehun think for world domination....your choice. xD


“AHHHHH!” The girl screeched from the pain. “Aghhhhh!!!” She cried, she couldn’t describe the pain, it just happened all too soon. “Hahhhghhhh!” Being in pain was not her cup of tea, especially since everything was going well, but now, it was not. Her luck is not the best, seriously. “Yah! Let me see your face!” Looking up to the elder girl, tears in her eyes, she removed her hand from her bleed lip. “My lip hurts!” The elder scoffed, “You lips are fine!.” Helping her up, the younger flinched from the pain that attacked her body when she stood up fully.


Lets go back a few minutes before this all started, shall we?


~5-10 minutes earlier~


Two girly figures could be seen long boarding on the road where cars don’t normally pass by. One was older, the other was younger. The elder girl was more experienced, while it was the younger’s first time riding the four wheeled board. They had been at this for about 20 or so minutes now, and were headed back home.


Even though it was her first time riding on a longboard, the younger girl thought through the 20 minutes, she has become skilled enough for to down a short hill. Heh. Rookie mistake.


The wind was in her hair and she was gently sliding down the hill, and right when she was about to try and do the break thing to slow down that the elder taught her, a gray and white rock about the size of her big toe decided that “Hey, I’m going to bring you great pain in about a second.” So you should be able to figure out what had happened next.


If not, I’ll tell you.


At the exact same moment her foot hit the ground, the rock met with one of the wheels. It was all so sudden that she didn’t have time to react So her body flew forward, and landed on the cold cement floor called the road. She didn’t get any serious damage but, her lip was bleeding for a few moments but then it just turned badly bruised, her left hip turned a dark shade of purple, she scratched her left hand, and some other parts were bleeding. Which lead to tears in her eyes.


Pouting while trying to walk, the elder kept saying, “I told you to be careful going down the hill!”


“Well sorry if not all of us are professionals at longboarding like others.” She snapped back, but whined in pain because her hip hurt. The other just shook her head, “Well, now you can tell your friends that you have an awesome longboarding experience to tell.” The younger rolled her eyes, “Haha, very funny.”


~The next day~


The girl was sitting at the steps at the back of the school waiting for her best guy friend to come, in which he was oddly late, he was usually the first one here at school, but these days, he was second, to none other than her. She had her head facing the dirt, with her red and black sunglasses on, it looked like she was in depression.


“Woah!” Called her friend, and she looked up. “Jess, it looks like you have a hangover.” His eyes widened at his joke, but Jessica was outraged a bit, and took off her glasses, “No no. Put your sunglasses back on, to cover up your hangover eyes.” Her so called best guy friend up them on her for her. And he walked away to put his backpack down.


“YAH! OH SEHUN!” She yelled as she ran after the older by 8 days boy.


“Yes little one?” He teased, but then grew confused when he saw that instead of her normal pink lips, they were...purple? Don’t ask why he stares at a lot, it’s something you most likely don’t want to know, or you might want to know, since it was a cute reason.


Snapping out of his daze when there was a kick in his right shin, “Okay, owww!”


“That’s what you get! I’m not that much shorter than you!” The shorter girl hissed at him, “I’m a head taller than you Jess, let’s face it. You are short.” He retorted.


“Are you asking to die, Sehun?” Glaring at him as she spoke, she accidentally bit her upper lip, causing herself to scream in pain once more, just like the night before. “No, I’m asking for world domination.” He wasn’t joking. Sehun wants to drown the Earth in water, and only have 7 live to ‘repopulate’ interesting, isn’t it?


These 7 people, “The one with the metal islands Jess. Not the repopulating 7 kids thing.” What the... “How did you...” Jessica spouted out shocked.


“You’re easy to read. We have been friends for like ever now.” He pointed out. “And considering this is my idea for destroying the world. I’ll tell it.” Smiling his everyday cute smile, he started his weird story.


“Okay so first off, I would somehow drown the world with water-” -Sehun


“But the world already has tons of water.” -Jessica


“I haven’t figured out all the details, now shush!” -Sehun


“Okay, continuing on.” Sehun took a huge breath. “I would drown the whole world in water -somehow, but trust me, I will find a way- and somehow, the survivors we live on islands made of metal -which are going to somehow be created Jessica!-  so these islands would just float on water, and the food and drinks came from somehow I haven’t figured out yet. But the only drink that was so rare to get was H20, and you could only get it if you had dirt. You know, since you are now living on floating silver lands, dirt is so hard to get. So say you have a small bottle of dirt, you trade that in and you can get a full glass of H20.” Sehun explained. That’s guess the short version. I haven’t figured out the rest yet.


“And how would people get dirt when the ground is like 10 million feet below these islands?” His best friend asked. “Well you would have to have the jars of dirt before hand.”


“-.-” -Jessica


“Oh by the way, why is your lips more plump than usual?” Major change in topic. “More plump than usual?”


“Yeah, you have like small fish lips.” -Sehun


“Okay then...well funny story. I fell off a long board yesterday night.” -Jessica


Sehun tried to hold in his laughter so instead, “Of course, same old clumsy Jessica. May I ask how?”


“Long story.” -Jessica


“I have time. It’s only 8:10 am last time I checked, and school doesn’t start till 8:45.” -Sehun


“Huh...fine. Okay so my sister wanted to go longboarding and then she was like ‘You know what Jessica, you should learn how to longboard.’ and than I was like, ‘Then why don’t you teach in the summertime?’ but than she was like no, just learn now since I’m going now. So 20 minutes later, I was more skilled than I was before, and we were going to go home. I was riding the longboard down the small hill and was about to stop the longboard because I felt like I was going to fall off. But at that same moment a stupid ‘fart rock’ as my cousin calls it hit one of the wheels and I fell forward and hurt my lips, this tooth, my hip, my leg and etc.” Jessica explained, and Sehun just stared at her.


“Take care of yourself more Jessica.” Sehun whispered softly, “I can’t stand seeing you get hurt like this.” The last sentence was inaudible.


“Huh? Excuse me?” Jessica asked leaning in, Sehun snapped out of his daze and just answered back with his usual bright smile.


“I said, Take care of yourself more Jessica, you get hurt too much.”-Sehun


“Ahh~ You and I both know that that isn’t possible with my friends.” Jessica said and they both shared a laugh.


“Now about our demi-god thing.” -Sehun

That’s another story, that won’t be told another time....or will it? Nahhh....not much to be told that’s interesting.


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Chapter 1: Sehun's 'inaudible' sentence was so cute >33<
Chapter 1: Sehun sounds so much like our brit friend XD
Yes! Another HunSica! This sounds interesting already lmao Sehun XD
Jessica tries to long board = failure.
Like yours unnie? /blinks innocently/ /shot/