In the end, it doesn't even matter

The Story of Friendship

Humming a low, cheerful melody under his breath, Jiyong kept dancing around the living room of Seunghyun’s apartment. It was a strange mix of their various choreographies and improvised steps that came to his mind almost thoughtlessly, but it didn’t change the fact that it was a dance of joy. The melody itself was a nonexistent composition that had been haunting Jiyong for some time and he was thinking about turning it into an actual piece for his upcoming solo album or for Big Bang’s new single. It’d be a hit; he could feel it. No one would deny that when Kwon Jiyong assessed that something was good, it would turn into gold. He could almost hear Seunghyun’s fierce rap and Yongbae singing the chorus, even if he didn’t have any lyrics right now. But he knew they were going to come to him soon; he didn’t have to invite the ideas. They tended to flood his mind all of sudden, so the only thing he could do was to wait patiently, savouring the moment of pure happiness.


The main part of his One Of A Kind World Tour (which seemed more like an Asian Tour, but Jiyong wouldn’t argue with Yang Sajangnim’s strange ideas) was over and Jiyong was somehow relieved. A heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders and now he could focus more on his private life and writing new songs. The tour was indeed a lot of fun and Jiyong was satisfied with most of his performances, which was quite a shocker considering his unstoppable mania of perfection. The best moments were those when he performed with his friends on stage; having Youngbae, Seungri, Chaerin or Seunghyun hyung with him was the most enjoyable part of a concert and the fans liked that as well. He loved performing duos; making beautiful voices synchronize would always send chills down Jiyong’s spine. It was simply pleasure, especially when the two voices belonged to him and Seunghyun hyung. It was no wonder, though. They completed each other in every aspect of their lives, so how could it be different when it came to singing together? They were almond and chocolate. Two halves of an apple.


Speaking of Seunghyun, Jiyong wondered what was taking him so long. Receiving a phone call a good half hour ago, the taller man had disappeared into his bedroom to take it but still hadn’t come back. Not that Jiyong was getting impatient; of course not. He got tons of patience, but only for his adorable hyung. Seunghyun was the kind that needed attention and love, but at the same time preferred to keep himself to himself. Before he could talk to anyone about something, he had to talk about it with himself at first to figure out what was bothering him. He had never had that many friends because they found it quite unbearable to stand his always changing moods or nostalgic thoughtfulness that would sometimes overtake him. The private Seunghyun was much different from the public Seunghyun, who always appeared goofy, cheerful and carefree. That was why it always shocked people when he suddenly disappeared from the public eye and didn’t give a sign of being alive for a long time. But Jiyong knew the truth - Seunghyun wasn’t selfish; he was just vulnerable and emotionally fragile. A wide circle of friends and all the attention weren’t things he craved for. He definitely preferred to have those few people he could confide in and rely on. That was enough. Jiyong had the luck to be one of those chosen individuals.


The leader stopped his vigorous dances around the room with the final slide on the wooden floor and stopped on the spot, biting his lower lip. There was a possibility that something went wrong with Seunghyun again and he needed Jiyong’s help. If the younger didn’t ask him, he would probably never confess it and squish the problem inside him, suffocating from the internal pressure. His hyung was such a lost child sometimes - he needed a hand to lead him through life and a pair of arms that would hug him tight to cheer him up. He would usually come to a solution for his problem on his own, but encouraging words of wisdom were something that he always welcomed. Particularly when it was Jiyong’s advice. Between the two of them, it was Jiyong who’s, paradoxically, the more reasonable one.


Jiyong rested his hands on his hips and for a while listened to the silence filling the whole apartment. Not a sound could be heard from Seunghyun’s bedroom. It meant one thing - he ended the call and was now recovering from it. Jiyong sighed and braced himself for what was coming. He was in such a good mood that helping Seunghyun seemed like an easy task now, whatever his problem was, but Jiyong couldn’t hold back a sigh that slipped out of his lips. He shot a sad look to the glass wall through which he could see the terrace, where last time they had a heated action of making out and then Seunghyun took Jiyong from behind against the metal balustrade, making him cry and moan into the darkness of the night. A delicious sensation filled Jiyong’s stomach at the memory. He secretly, or maybe not so secretly?, hoped for a repeat, even though the last time left him with a runny nose and a mild cold that he had to endure during the last few concerts.


His chances for some more intimacy tonight weren’t completely lost, despite the potentially unfavourable circumstances, but who knew what was going to happen? If he managed to help Seunghyun in a proper way, they could have some even better moments after that. Maybe in the enormous jacuzzi? Or on the kitchen table? Jiyong wouldn’t complain, oh no.


With those engrossing thoughts on his mind, he directed his steps to his hyung’s bedroom and opened the door slowly, peeking inside. As expected, he saw the older man sitting on the edge of his bed, elbows rested on his knees, chin propped in his hands. Seunghyun didn’t notice Jiyong coming into the room; he was completely absent-minded and oblivious to what was happening around him. It wasn’t the first time he spaced out like this, so Jiyong knew exactly what to do. Taking slow steps, he came to stand in front of his beloved and then squatted next to him. He covered Seunghyun’s bigger hands with his petite ones, which woke him from his reverie. Seunghyun looked up and locked his gaze with Jiyong’s but said nothing. His stare was almost blank, Jiyong noticed sadly. Something really bad must have happened.


“What’s going on, Hyunnie?” Jiyong whispered softly, caressing the sides of Seunghyun’s palms with his thumbs. “You know you can tell me everything.”


Seunghyun kept staring at him, but his expression slowly began to change. Jiyong knew he was gaining him back.


“Who called you?” the younger boy asked in the same concerned but soothing tone. In the corner of his eye he could see Seunghyun’s mobile lying on the duvet, but he didn’t dare to look at it and lose the connection between their eyes.


“It was Jaemin,” Seunghyun uttered in the end. It was a weak whisper full of pain. Jiyong’s heart seized immediately at the sound of it and at the realisation that the caller was his hyung’s best friend from high school.


They had been really close before Seunghyun had joined YG and soon became a world-renown celebrity, while Jaemin worked as a waiter in a restaurant in Myeong Dong. They kept meeting from time to time; Seunghyun had even introduced the guy to the other Big Bang members and it seemed that everything was okay between them. What has changed? Jiyong wondered. He was almost certain that Seunghyun wasn’t telling him everything about the current status of this friendship, but he wasn’t going to put any pressure on him.


Jiyong stared at the older man in anticipation, the only encouragement to speak of being his caressing touches on his hands and the warm look of his chocolate eyes.


Seunghyun sighed deeply. All the walls broke at this point.


“He called because of the message I sent him earlier today, asking for a meeting. He told me that he’s fed up with the way I ignore him and don’t have time for him for months and then suddenly want to meet up. He claims he doesn’t think of me as a friend any more and no longer sees the point in keeping in touch with me. He asked me to delete his number and never call or message him again.”


This confession hurt both of them. Seunghyun suffered over lost friendship, Jiyong because of the pain he saw in Seunghyun’s eyes. Immediately, he stared hating Jaemin for what he had done. Whoever dared to wound Seunghyun, wounded Jiyong as well. They were like one living body, sharing all the pleasant and satisfying moments, but bad and painful ones as well.


“Oh my,” Jiyong whispered in overbearing sadness. “That’s just too cruel,” he shook his head in disbelief. “But I think it means one thing - he was never your true friend. Friends don’t do such things to each other. Ever.”


Seunghyun nodded slightly. “I know. They don’t. Not that I care about brainless jerks who can’t accept the real me,” he voiced his bitter thoughts, just to cover his true emotions. He was lying to himself, pretending that it didn’t touch his vulnerable heart. “He was an idiot, Ji. I’m glad it has ended.”


Despite that, tears began gathering under his lower lids, threatening to spill any moment and create hot salty streams down Seunghyun’s cheeks.

Jiyong moved closer and kneeled in front of him and encircled his arms around Seunghyun’s slightly shaking frame.


“He would always criticise whatever I was doing. I couldn’t enjoy life with him,” he whispered against Jiyong’s chest, burying his face in the soft fabric of his blouse. “And he said some cruel things about you, Ji. About you and me. And the rest of Big Bang as well. I forgave him, thinking that he did it out of jealousy. But now I feel I hate him for that, and I also did the moment those words left his mouth. You guys are most important to me. You are the most important thing to me, Ji.”


Jiyong’s blouse was slowly getting wet as Seunghyun’s shoulders trembled convulsively in the younger boy’s embrace. Jiyong cried as well, not able to hold back the heavy tears that filled his eyes at such an exposure of feelings from the usually secretive Seunghyun.


“He wasn’t worth your time nor attention,” Jiyong managed to utter when Seunghyun’s hands loosened their tight grip on the back of his blouse. “You’re too precious for anyone to hurt you. I won’t let it happen again.”


Seunghyun took a few shaky breaths and straightened up to look at Jiyong, whose heart broke at the sight of his hyung’s eyes all red and swollen.


“Thank you, Ji,” he said with affection entering his gaze. “You’re my best friend, love of my life, my muse. I don’t need anyone else in my life but you.”


Jiyong smiled widely, despite the tears still flowing down his face. “And vice versa.”


He leant up to kiss Seunghyun’s lips gently and then began leaving soft pecks all over his face, kissing off the tears that stained the object of his never-ending worship.


“We are soulmates, remember that. And always tell me about everything that is bothering you,” Jiyong pleaded between kisses.


“I will,” Seunghyun confirmed with a nod, pulling Jiyong closer for a bone-crushing hug. “I love you so much. I don’t know what I would do without your help and presence with me.”


“That’s what best friends are for,” Jiyong replied and pushed them down onto the mattress. “I might be on the other side of the country, or the continent even, but remember that I’m always thinking about you, whatever I’m doing and whoever I’m with,” he confessed as they lied next to each other with their gazes locked invariably.


Seunghyun smiled at that and Jiyong felt unbelievably happy at the comeback of the lovely dimples. He touched them the moment they reappeared on Seunghyun’s face. He just couldn’t help himself.


“Did you think about me when you were dying your hair back blond?” Seunghyun chuckled, burying his fingers in said blond locks, admiring their softness despite the torture Jiyong forced them through.


“Of course I did,” Jiyong responded with a playful smirk. “I remember how you liked my blond hair during the Heartbreaker era, so I thought it would be a good idea, even if the colour and style isn’t exactly the same.”


Jiyong watched Seunghyun’s expression brighten and his did to, elated that he made him cheer up in the end.


“You know what, Ji?” Seunghyun asked, pulling Jiyong closer to place a kiss on his lips. “I have this impression that you will never break my heart, despite that blond hair. It feels damned good just to know that.”



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Chapter 1: So beautiful! I'm kinda glad it stayed innocent because that made the moment even more genuine ^^
mikadosm #2
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful and lovely. I've grinned after reading Jiyong erted thoughts haha. But he's a great best friend and lover. Thanks for sharing!
lorolemman #3
Chapter 1: So precious. I love moments like this.
Atenais #4
Chapter 1: This story makes me think if maybe they already lived this kind of situation. I mean, losing friends from their past because they changed too much. I saw some old pics of Seunghyun and he was always with his friends, but I see these people no more.

I like the delicate way you wrote about their interaction. It felt sweet and real. Thank you!
anechanlovesGTOP #5
Chapter 1: this is beyond awesome, you do canon fics so perfect girl! this is a very very perfect gift for your friend. she's very lucky!
I'm speechles, sorry if I ain't left a good comment for now... but this is a masterpiece. *_*
Chapter 1: NAWWWW TOO MUCH CUTENESS. Thankyou! Also because today TOP re appear and there's GTOP MOMENT!
Chapter 1: Aaawwww i love their relationship... ji always be there for hyunie ♥ my heart felt so warm because their love ♡
Chapter 1: aaaww~~ geez! these two ARE soulmates! =)
verine #9
Chapter 1: Gawd, finally I found another good-well written canon Fic XD It's kinda difficult nowadays to read fic like that, so thanks for sharing this. One thing I like the most from your fic is that GTOP can act like best friend even they have romantic relationship. Many fic portrayed them as lover who seems forget to act like great friend anymore. The rest just write them as friend first, then bcm lover later. It's rare to find someone who can write them both as great friend and lover, though it's common among couples in real life, especially with couple with history like them. So again, thanks so much <333
Chapter 1: Omo poor TOP I want to beat that Jaemin up how can he hurt TOP like that. ..... fortunately GD is here for him!!!! That's a full of emotion & great chapter Thank you for sharing! !!!