Oh Save Me My Prince!

Rapunzel (or Kyungpunzel)

Jongin looked up from the bottom of the tall tower.

‘Oh princess let down your fair hair!’

To his surprise, a pretty baby-faced brunette boy looked down instead.

‘I’m not a girl you dope, why does everyone think that? AND I DON’T HAVE LONG HAIR, I have a rope!’

Jongin wasn’t quite sure how to reply to that.

‘Help me get down then.’

Jongin was confused ‘Can’t you get down on your own?’

‘Are you an idiot or what? If I could I would have. I don’t have anything to attach the rope to up here. I am NOT falling to my death thank you very much, though if you come up here, I'd be glad to push you. Open the door.’

Jongin opened the door and to his surprise found the door open. He took along his sword and shield to attach the rope to (he thought using his beautiful white horse would be a bit too cruel).

15 flights of stairs later, and with Jongin practically crawling up the stairs, he reached the door.

The most beautiful face he had ever seen stared back at him.

‘Wrong room.’ The princess said ‘Kyungsoo’s up five more flights.’

Jongin shut the door with a sigh.


This time with the right door, he opened the door.

Standing precariously close to the hole in the wall that could lead to his 20 storey death, Kyungsoo looked pissed off.


‘A sword? This is concrete .’

‘I see you’ve got turrets’ Jongin thought.

But he was still acutely aware of the hole.

‘Yes, but if I use half of the rope to attach the sword to the shield, it will be big enough to not fall through the window and we’ll still have plenty of rope left.’

Kyungsoo sighed a bratty huff and stood there looking at his nails while Jongin did the work.

After looking at the completed job, Jongin thought.

‘Wait why couldn’t you just walk down the 20 flights of stairs to escape?’

Kyungsoo sighed ‘Too much work.’

Jongin felt like exploding, but he let it go (and cursed himself for being such a wimp).

Kyungsoo slid down the rope and landed onto the ground, earning himself a sore bottom.

Jongin wondered if he should save his shield and sword but decided he couldn’t be bothered.

He landed on Kyungsoo, which earned him a sore hipbone from collision with Kyungsoo’s knee.

The groaned in sync from their friction burn.

‘Are you OK?’ Jongin felt stupid for checking up on such an ungrateful so-and-so (Jongin didn’t like swearing, even in his head).

‘Yeah, sorry for being such a docuhebag, all part of the evil spell.’ Kyungsoo actually looked genuinely apologetic ‘And I couldn’t walk down those stairs because the also made me turn into a ing frog if I went out that way. Bat crazy, I tell ya.’

Jongin was OK with Kyungsoo swearing, because he couldn’t think badly of someone that cute (and at least he wasn’t swearing at Jongin like before with the spell anyway.)



They lived happy ingly ever after.

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exoxoxoace #2
Chapter 1: "They lived happy ingly ever after." THE BEST WAY TO END A STORY
Chapter 1: wtf..... i'm so done XD
Lilianlimi #4
Chapter 1: lololol XDD
Chapter 1: . . . This is fine
meepulianne17 #6
Chapter 1: that was short but sweet and funny omg i love it <3
SeLu_HunHan #7
Chapter 1: Wth i rly wasn't ready for that hahahaha
Chapter 1: Can't contain my feels LOL
Chapter 1: Such a beautiful ending :')
Haha the end is so ing hilarious xD I'm laughing my off
Matocian #10
Chapter 1: Lol poor Jongin. Meeting the other princess and having her tell him he still has stairs to climb