Thank You Hyung

Just What I Needed

A sigh escaped from Kai's plumpy lips. 

Something has been bothering the tan guy for quite a while. At first no one noticed his absent minded behaviour...but lately everyone saw the change in him and none of them are really happy about it.

This odd behaviour of Kai bothers Kyungsoo the most. He misses that mischevious guy who always made him smile with his dancing and kiddish behaviour. He misses Kai hiding his clothes (not like he wants to roam around xD) he misses how Kai used to bash Suho whenever he came to talk. He misses the lively jolly dancing machine.

Kai sat at the edge of his bed looking at the view outside the window , fully immersed in his thoughts. He was to occupaid to realise Kyungsoo's presence.

Kyungsoo frowned at Kai's gestures. He prepaired Kai's favourite dish of his, sphegatti in the hope of distracting the latter from his depressing thoughts.He entered the room and approached Kai.

"Kai~ the danshing maoshine thanie man wid a shekshy aora" He tried to rap, and failed.

But Kai seemed to notice his presence. "Hey hyung.." Kai spoke softly.

"Heyloooo." Kyungsoo flashed his aDOrable smile."Why sitting here alone boy?"

"Aah...nothing." Kai said before resting his head on the glass of the window.

"Look...I got your favourite dish prepared." Kyungsoo smiled amd brought the tray towards Kai's bed.

Kai took a glance but the  again returned to his thoughts. Kyunsoo noticed it and spoke.

"Okay Kai enough of this I demand an explaination." He said in a strict manner.

Kai made and o.O expression and asked "Explaination about what?"

"That why have you been down from the past few days."

"Nothing hyung I am absolutly fine." Kai smiled but it soon vanished.

Kyungsoo sighed. "Listen who ever you are...your not the Jongin I know.What have you done to him?"

By now Kai realised that Kyungsoo wont leave him alone he even called him by his real name.

Kai sighed once again. "Okay..." he finally said.

"Lately I have been getting alot of hate messages." Kai started.


"About me being dark."

"I thought..."

"Yeah I know hyung...I told everyone I couldn't careless,but some of the messages do discourage me." Kai said on the verge of tears.

"Some people said harsh comments like 'did your parents by mistake dropped into bonfire?' or like 'Your overconfidence makes me wanna puke.' some even made fun of my hairstyle in wolf some said 'You were already ugly it makes you look uglier.' or 'I pasted your picture on face of a scarecrow.' etc." Kai stopped tears were already pouring down from his eyes.

Kyungsoo hugged him. "Shh...its okay."

"You know right your not the only one who gets hate. Even I do infact we all do. You know once an anti wrote 'D.O. can scare the night lights out of the owls as well.' and then 'D.O. can't dance..he looks like a joker in the mama video..some of them.." D.O. sighed "..even call me fake."

Kai looked at Kyungsoo with his tear stained eyes.But surprisingly Kyungsoo gave him a warm smile.

"You know..these comments are enough for me to break down and cry for days, but I you know why?"

"Wh-y?" Kai asked innocently.

Kyungsoo patted his shoulder and said "....because of you silly."

"Me? H-how?" 

"I have always seen you being cool calm and collected whenever it comes to criticism and hate. You have always shown the brave side of yours. You have always smiled at the hates and shrugged them off.It has always inspired me. Whenever I feel like breaking down and crying I always remember your reaction towards anti and that gives me strenght to fight back my emotions. YOU Jongin YOU have always been that indirect support system of mine." Kyungsoo smiled.

Kai tightly hugged him and sobbed harder. "Th-ank-y-yo-you hy-u-ng."

Kyungsoo chuckled.

"Now listen up don't care of what people say about you...always have faith in yourself. Do you know..we judge ourselves the most. We judge ourselves to such an extent that we think people might dislike us , but in reality no one does that...maybe a few..its our thinking whats makes us represent ourselves in public. If confident enough the world will love you...others..jealous much xD. Dont lose hope you know how awesome you are we know how awesome you are..what else do you want?"

 Kai wiped his tears "Yeah hyung your right..haters gonna hate."

"Exactly." Kyungsoo wiped the last tear from Kai's cheek.

"Now come on eat this...tsk tsk its all cold now..wait lemme heat it :3" Kyungsoo said and was about to get up when...

"Hyung its okay as long as you feed me." Kai held Kyungsoo's hand.

Kyungsoo smiled and sat. He took the fork and fed Kai. He switched on the TV and luckily Pororo was coming.

They sat together and watched it while Kyungsoo fed Kai.

*Just like old times.* They both thought and smiled.

Kyungsoo fed Kai the last piece of meat and kept the plate on side when Kai suddenly hugged him saying....

"Thankyou hyung this was just what I needed." 

Kyungsoo just smiled and hugged him back.




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Chapter 1: You know, there's a moral lesson in this fanfic. :)
It gives me courage :)
Chapter 1: Hmm.. I think it's just because I remember my appa and umma commenting bad things about KPOP.. That's why I cried..
Chapter 1: Omo!
I cried xD
IDK why.. Maybe it's because of the antis' comments about the two.. Even though it's just a fanfic, i feel bad for them.. Author-nim, you're the best!
Chapter 1: OMG you really write KaiSoo XD
I love you!!
OMG That's cute!!
/overflowing feels/
only if there is love button here
Chapter 1: oohhhhhh~ it's so cute :3