whose wedding?!

Game or Her?


“why don’t you ask her to come back to you?” he asked me while waiting the food to come . “I put my hands on the table and plays with the spoon. “I’m not throwing my pride and dignity” I nodded. “even for a girl you like? Love?!” he shouted. “paboya, don’t shout!” I covered his mouth. “its like I will find someone like her, better than her, somewhere, someday” I nodded.  “it’s been two months you know? And you’re still  looking for someone like her?” he asked me and I nodded, I had nothing to say, I had to agree even he knew that I still love her, he didn’t want to argue with me. “food!” he shouted as he saw his food and my mineral water on the way. I covered my own face. “you’re really a retard” I said. “at least I’ll throw my pride and dignity for the person I love” he replied and started to eat his food. The rain was falling so hard, the dark sky and there I was looking at my glass think that was I stupid or what? I sighed, no one would come to me and hug me when I sigh, no one would ask me again what was wrong with me, no one would tap my shoulder and try so hard to kiss my cheek, no one would get jealous over my games, Kyu, is this all you want? I looked down and let Changmin finished his food. “I’ll get going first” I got up and left Changmin “yah! Pay your water!” he shouted. “I looked at him and stick my tongue out before running outside.

“kyu. You don’t want to eat? I cook for you” Leeteuk asked me. “hhm hyung, I’ll eat it later” I shook my head and head to the second floor to my room, I closed my door and my lamp. I lied my body on my bed and looked out through the window “this time when we first met, the heavy rain, are you okay now?” I asked myself. “I should take her back, no matter if I should throw away my pride.  “Kyu! I cook for you! you little bastard! Eat now!” I heard Leeteuk voice. “aissh..” I rolled my body and covered my ears with pillow”

The next day

“starcraft tonight?” he smirked. I looked at him and gave him a smile “why not? You’re going to lose anyway”, he pursed his forehead and hit my shoulder “just see!”  I laughed as I focused on my work again, I smiled to myself, I looked arounf and still think that I’d take her back to my arms.  “you’re done dude?!” Changmin came to me and gave me a glass of coffee, it was already night, all the people already heading home only couple lights were on. “almost” I nodded “done!” I added and took the coffee Changmin put before. “I have some business! We can’t do starcraft tonight!” I told him. He raised on of his eyebrows. “why? You have another game?” he asked me. “ just something” I grinned as I put the glass on his table and grabbed my jacket leaving him. “yah yah!” how could you do this to me?! I’m your bestfriend!” I waved my hand and smiles.

I looked back at the ring that I badly wanted to give to her asking her to marry me that day before she got really mad at me, I sighed as I looked the ring, back to that day, I was a pabo that couldn’t keep you in my arms, I looked up to the sky..

Back to that day.

“I know that you’re tired of me!” she yelled at me, “I told you, I’m not tired of anything” I replied calmly. “huh? Really? Just say it, you’re tired of my attitude, my selfishness , my fangirl heart, my emotions, my mood swings..” “yah yah..listen to me first” “ I can’t be like this forever, its like I’m just a troublesome for you” she added. “Chorong, listen to me..I’m..” “nothing to say, I know that you’re tired, you’re still young and have so many dreams when you’re single, while me? I’m rushing you about wedding and marriage life” she sighed. “we’re…done” she turned around and walked away. There was this urge to call her back or to run after her  and asked for forgiveness, but no, I have my high pride and dignity, I could find someone like her. “it’s not all about me oppa? For you it’s all about your game, your psp, your starcraft your Nintendo, even you only have games on your phone, this may sounds ridiculous, but why do I even get jealous towards them? I want your attention too! But it seems your games need you more than me” she turned her back and faced me once again. “ I find it in someone’s else, better, so much better than you and your stupid games.” She walked away again.

“now that I’ve realized how stupid I was” I told myself to calm down as I kept walking down the street, I stopped my step when see two figures in front of me, they were laughing and seemed so close. When the guy looked at me. “ah hyung!” he bowed down do me, I nodded and smiles, as I saw the girl next to him, I held back my urge to ask her. “we’re going to get married in the next two weeks hyung” I widened my eyes and looked at her, I stayed at my straight face. He handed me the invitation.  “yah Kyu!” I heard Changmin’s voice behind me. He put his arm around me “aah wohyun, Chorong!” Woohyun and Chorong bowed down to him and gave them their smile. “hyung, we’re getting married” he handed Changmin another invitation . “we’re heading first hyungs” woohyun bowed again followed by Chorong and then they left us. My body was shaking in surprised, Changmin released his arm from me and took steps back “it should be a beautiful night” I said in low voice, not even the sky agreed with me, the yellow street lights. I put back the ring to my pocket and looked at him as my tears fell down. “how should I do now? I thought that I’d be able to find someone like her, but it seems she’s always there..just to leave me” I added as I looked at him. “Kyu-ah, sometimes we need to throw away our pride, but its too late for now” he walked toward me and hugged me “you’ll be okay” my heart skipped a beat, I couldn’t even cry now, this wasn’t like I expected, it felt like the whole world was on my shoulder, I tried to walk. “Kyu..” “I’m fine! I’m going to their wedding!” I patted my own cheeks.


“I won! You loser!” I laughed and looked at Changmin, he sighed. “this is bull” he said with straight face. “ah, lets go home!” I said. He nodded agree with my words. We got up and walked out the game centre “yah what do you think about that tuxedo?” Changmin grinned. “aah we are on our age to get married” I replied. Changmin nodded and kept on looking at the tuxedo when we walked through the store. “rainbow” he added.  I looked at the rainbow and took a deep breath. “you go home first I have something to do I ran leaving him alone.  I took out my phone and dialed her. “can we meet? Just for a while. Where are you? I’ll be there in a minutes” I kept on running to her place, I tried to catch up my breath as I looked her. Her long hair, her eyes, her smile, her cheeks, I slowly walked to her. “come back to me” I held her shoulders “what are you talking about?” she replied with her widened eyes “tell me that I’m annoying, tell me that my presence bothers you. Tell me that you don’t love” I said as I ran my hands to hold her hands. “ I was a stupid person, I admit that, now that I‘ve realized that, comeback to me” I added. “its too late oppa” she looked away “he won’t love you like I will, I will not play my game anymore! Come back to me” my voice of loneliness, “take me, take me back to your arms, look at me like you used to do, you want me not him” she released my hands from hers. “it was all your fault!” she shouted and turned around. “don’t go, you’ll break my heart” the red sky accompany us that day “I’ll show you what your heart needs to know, I can give everything, come back to me Chorong, come back to me, I love you” she turned her body to face me “how much?” she asked. “more than you know” I replied. “I know that, because I don’t love you.” She turned his body again and walked away. It was the first time I felt my heart is breaking into pieces, I couldn’t move, “is this the end of everything?” I said to myself. “maybe this is” I tried to walk home in heartbroken I gave my best smile to Leeteuk hyung as I reached home. “kyu, Changmin is in your room” he said. “he’s here?” Leeteuk nodded. “I’ll get ready with dinner” he replied and back to his cook.

Lazily I took steps to reach my room “what do you want?” I asked him as I open my room’s door. “you should have greeted mw with annyeong or I have food!” he replied. “I have no food nor annyeong for you” I threw my bag to the side and sits on the bed next to him “what is that?” I pointed at some random thing. “oh this!” he got up and showed me a white tuxedo complete with its tie. “we have meeting?” I asked him. “you stupid” he sighed. “this tuxedo to wear on Chorong’s wedding, I got mine too!” he showed me another tuxedo, his was black.  “why are you doing this” I lied my body on the bed and sighed. “at least you have to look good on her wedding, who knows she’s change her mind” he said laughing. “she won’t change anything” I said and took out my psp. “yah! Game again!” he shouted. “food is ready!” we heard Leeteuk’s voice from the first floor. “food food food!” he ran out my room “food again” I got up and walked down. “kyu, I saw the invitation, why didn’t you…?” “I was too lazy to tell you” I cut off his sentence and sighed as I ate his food. “you okay dude?” Changmin asked me. “I’m not feeling well, I want to sleep” I got up and left them alone. “this tuxedo” I raised it up and looked at it. 

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