Conversations at Dinner

The Most Amazing Day of Your Life


(In the chyuuka restaurant)


“Oishii!  The food here is amazing!” You said while eating a piece of gyouza, “Do you eat here often?”


“Un.  I work at the television broadcast station right near here, and the owners of this restaurant are the parents of one of my best friends.”  Sho-kun said, taking a spoonful of the fried rice he was eating.


“Sugoi!  Do you see famous people often at your work?”  You asked Sho-kun.


“Yeah.  I work mainly with the News channel and variety shows but once in a while I get to work with drama show filming too.  It’s a great job.”  Sho said smiling.


“Wow.  It must be amazing to always be working with famous people.  I’m a huge fan of the celebrity world…”  You said in amazement.


“Hey are you a fan of Arashi?  The poster you had that got ruined was of Arashi right?”  Sho-kun asked.


“Un.  Arashi daisuki.  They are so amazing at everything.  They can dance, sing and even act perfectly!”  You said, completely absorbed in your own world of fangirling.


“Cool.  I see Arashi at work sometimes.  Who is your favorite Arashi member?”  Sho-kun asked, with an amused look on his face.


“Definitely Sakurai Sho!  I love his raps and he is so good-looking…” You trailed off, embarrassed for fangirling so much.  “I like Ninomiya-kun a lot though too.  He is so cute!”


“Un…Nino is so kawaii even though he is a trickster…”  Sho-kun said softly to himself.


“Eh nani?”  You said puzzeled.  Why does Sho-kun talk about Nino as if he is a friend?  Maybe Sho-kun knows Nino well from his work at the television station… You thought.


“Nandemonai.”  Sho-kun said looking down at his plate.  “Hey next time I see Arashi at the TV station I’ll try to get Sakurai Sho’s autograph for you.”


“Hontouni?  Arigatougozaimasu!”  You said excitedly.  Wow getting Sakurai-kun’s autograph is like my greatest dream coming true!  You thought to yourself while grinning stupidly.


“Un.  No problem”  Sho-kun said, laughing at the ‘I-am-a-total-fangirl’ look that you had on your face.


As you watched Sho-kun laugh you noticed something,”Nee Sho-kun, why don’t you take off your sunglasses even though we are inside and it’s not even bright outside anymore?”


“Oh, un… um I got something in my eye and its really red right now.  I’m afraid other people will look at me weird if I take my sunglasses off.” Sho-kun said quickly.


“Oh…”  I wonder why Sho-kun sounds so defensive… Is his red eye the only thing that he is hiding from me?  you thought, wondering what else Sho-kun was hiding.


“Yabai.  The train…”  Sho-kun’s comment brought you out of your thoughts.  You noticed he was looking down at his watch.


“Oh no!  Are you ok on time?  I will feel really bad if I make you wait another hour for the next train…”  You said worriedly.


“Even if I run to the station I won’t make it…”


“Gomennasai.”  I said looking down.


“Daijyoubu.  I can just wait another hour, and it was worth it because I had a great time talking with you”  Sho-kun said.


Your heart melted as Sho-kun showed another perfect Idol smile <3




You and Sho-kun had just finished eating, and now you were both walking toward the train station.


“Now I have another hour to spend…”  Sho-kun said, gazing up at the night sky.  “Do you have to go now?”


“I don’t really have anything planned today so…”

“Do you think we can be together a little bit longer…? “  Sho-kun said, facing you and smiling.


“Sure.  It’s really fun hanging out with you.”  You said smiling.  Even if I did have plans I could never say no to that smile. You thought to yourself.


“Un, I like being with you because I feel like I can just be myself.”  Sho-kun said.


What does he mean ‘I feel like I can just be myself’?  You thought confused.


“Hey so where do you want to go?”  Sho-kun asked.


“Hmm.  Hey how about karaoke?”  You asked, pointing to the nearest Karaoke place.


“Un.  That looks fun.  Let’s go!”  Sho-kun said.


Your heart skipped a beat as Sho-kun held your hand and led you to the Karaoke place.  His smile, his personality, his looks… he’s so perfect…


You were so absorbed in your happiness that you didn’t even suspect that Sho-kun was hiding the most important thing about himself from you…



(A/N):  I think the next chapter is going to be the last chapter of this fanfic, but I’m planning to write a sequal that will have many more chapters and will have a more complex storyline :)  I hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic.  Please comment to let me know how I am doing :)

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You should make a sequel for this :D <br />
This was such a cute fic :]
this is for me!!!
belladory #3
LOVED IT!!!!!!!<br />
although, when i read about the tickets to the 'beautiful world' concert, i was like 'WHAT?!?!'<br />
i don't care who you have in the drama with them, just write more!! that was really good!!!! :D <3
its good~~~~~~<br />
and its sad to say that i can TOTALLY see myself acting like that if a cute guy asked me what arashi member was my favorite...<br />
...although... my answer would be different... itd be aiba first LOL then sho<br />
update soon~~~ write more~~
@hannarashi:<br />
wow!! your the first person to ever say something like that to me :D i'm happy that you like my stories and i hope you continue to write!!
hannarashi #7
@aibasgirl2013 Thank you! I'm a huge fan of your stories too :) I read your stories "Friendship" and "Believe" and they really inspired me to start writing my own fanfics :)
i don't mind cheezy storylines. if its a good story i like it.<br />
its cute!! I LIKE IT!!! update soon~~~