Bright Eyes

Wonkyu Drabbles

"Let me take a look at you" Siwon removed Kyuhyun's laptop from the coffee table making Kyuhyun sit in between his legs.

"Don't you always look at me? I'm busy..." Kyuhyun started to whine trying to reach out for his laptop but his hands was then held back by Siwon's warm palms placing it back on his own lap.

"They kept talking about your bright sparkling eyes on TV. I just want to enjoy it by myself. Can't I..." Siwon held Kyuhyun's face in between his palms adoring it.

"Eyes are the windows to the soul..." Siwon continue to talk while staring into Kyuhyun's eyes while the latter was rooted to the spot by the intense stare.

"So by staring into your eyes, I can see how much you love me right...." Kyuhyun unconsciously nod his head in agreement.

"Your eyes are so big and bright... When you look at me, it's like light shining over me, loving me.... Pulling me in too deep." Without Kyuhyun's realization, Siwon was an inch away, breathe tingling over his lips. And the next second, Siwon's lips was pressed hard over his.

"And you said you were just going to take a look." Kyuhyun said after the kiss ended.

"Did I tell you, that your eyes has such a magnetic force too? I was so attracted to it, I keep getting pulled closer and closer to it... till our lips finally meet. It's like the force of your eyes, like your soul wanting me to kiss you so badly." Siwon was smiling like a cheeseball at Kyuhyun by now making the other roll his eyes.

"Speak for yourself. Now give me back my laptop." Kyuhyun glared at Siwon waiting for his laptop.

"I wonder if I could talk about those magnetic eyes next time on TV as your trait instead." Siwon mumbled with a thoughtful look.

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Chapter 11: Aigooo this two...XD
Chapter 10: Poor mykyubaby he work woth naughtybosswonnie...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
wonkyushi #3
Chapter 9: lol kyu, siwon will always love you no matter what :)
Chapter 9: Of course wonnie still love you know that if wonnie hurt you heenim will strangle his neck for you...
Chapter 8: hahaha what kyu's words can
do to this lovestruck man!
Chapter 8: Hahahaha... Just one message from baby-kyu?! This is so LOL :d
andhee407 #7
cute, funny, sweet, daebakk stories, tehee
Chapter 8: hahahah.........Kyuuuu!!!!!!!!! You!
dbbyaelf #9
Chapter 8: Aigooo siwon-ah --"