My Telepathic Soulmates


The bell rang furiously as it was now time to go home. the hallway was really crowded and more students occupied all the spaces in the hallway. it was a chance for couples to do something that is unappropriate. the gate was now welcoming them to go outside the school. all the security guard ran from the huge bunch of people that was practically running towards the front gate.

Jiae stared outside the window waiting for the hallway to be less crowded. the front gate was like being attacked by zombies who was targetting humans. soon as the hallway was less crowded, Jiae started to make a move. she walked along the hallway without being interrupted by humans *lol*.

suddenly, a hand tapped her shoulder,

"hey! i want to walk with you and send you home, can i?" kai said with so-gorgeous smile plastered on his face.

"well, you see. my driver are here. so i cant rignt now maybe next time i guess." she replied.

it wasnt an excuse. its true though.

with that, she apologized to kai and walked away. but soon she regretted that she rejected his offer. a buzzed sound interrupted her from her thoughts. a message was sent.

From : Oppa

baby Ji!! cant wait to see you tonight. i'll be there in 6 hours from now! love you so much!


"what should i do to for him?" she said to herself

"for me? red velvet cake is fine though. my favourite~ umm  yummy~~" a devil just arrived on time disturbing her.

"in your dream" she replied coldly.

she walked past by him without looking at him. Myungsoo smiled at her response, this wasnt the first time she acted like this but he kinda liked it. well to be honest, Jiae was pretty and cute though and bonus, she's smart.

her driver parked right in front of the gate waiting for her. he then opened the door for Jiae with a smile.

"lets go to supermarket. i need to buy something and then send me off to my own apartment." she ordered.

he nodded signing he understands.


Jiae picked out all the ingredients needed but strangely it was all for red velvet cake. she didnt know why she followed what myungsoo said. but for now she gonna focused on her brother who will come back from australia. she dragged the cart to the cashier to pay for it. when suddenly someone stopped her from moving further.

"hey. look at you. you bought the ingredients. heh i think its for me." myungsoo smirked.

"get out of my way. its not for you idiot !"

"well, you might as well invite me to your party."

"in your dream. fyi, i dont have any party schedule today. so please give me a way so i dont have to see your ugly flawless face." she said in annoyance.

"is that a compliment or insult?" he asked in confusion.

Jiae drove her cart in a flash when myungsoo was in his deep thoughts. *that was close*

after she sorted all the things, she went to her apartment that was bought for her if she want to have some time alone. it was a present when she was 16. with that, she started to bake red velvet cake with an excitement feeling in her.


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Thanks to my friend who helped me published my first and 2nd chapter. it wont be long, i'll update 3rd chapter.


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I liked this :3
Chapter 1: That's so cute xDDDDDD Update soon!!!
luvfics02 #3
hi! I read ur message! i'm glad to help u since i'm VERY good in English! tbh, I like the plot! waiting 4 the 1st chappie~ :D
jkt245 #4
Hello! I read your message on my wall.

I like the general idea of the plot so far. I won't make any promises as to whether or not I would subscribe but I will wait for the first chapter! =) Keep up the good work!