The Way He Thinks

Daehyun had a couple of boxes with him, a suitcase, a backpack, and himself. while standing in front of an apartment, he looked how big and tall it was. The apartment had around twenty to thrity floors, more or less he guessed. Taking out his phone from his pocket, he dialed a number and put it up to his ear and heard it ring... and ring... and ring. Couple of seconds had passed until there was an answer. 


"Hello?" A voiced asked.

"Grandpa, it's me Daehyun!" Daehyun said happily, having a smile on his face. 

"Oh Daehyun! What do you need?" Grandpa Jung asked. "Are you here already?"

"Mm, yes grandma. I'm standing outside of the apartment."

"Oh, really? Why didn't you say so before?"


"I'll come down right now, stay where you're at."


"Do you have a lot of things with you?"

"Uhh..." Daehyun looked at his things, he didn't have much but; it was still a lot for the two. "A bit." 

"I'm going to bring a friend down with me then, to help us okay?"



With that, the call ended and Daehyun slipped his phone into his back pants pocket. Looking around some more, cars were passing by, the sky was partially cloudy with not much sun. Pouting a bit he started humming 'Rain, Rain Go Away'. He doesn't know if it's going to rain, but what it looks like, he's just concluding. Closing his eyes slowly, he started to sway his hips side to side slowly, getting lost with the song. 


"Daehyun!" Daehyun heard a voice and opened his eyes slowly, seeing his grandpa and a boy next to him. It looked like he was around the same age as himself.

"Ah, hi grandpa!" He said, happily with a small smile on his face.

"Dae, meet Yongguk. He's our neighbor, and I asked him if he could help us carry your belongings up to the room. Is that okay?" Grandpa Jung asked, gesturing the boy that was now behind him, to come towards the two. 

Nodding, Daehyun looked at his grandpas neighbor and held his hand out. "I'm Daehyun, it's nice to meet you."

The boy standing in front of him, took hold of the boy's hand and shook it; smiling himself. "Likewise, I'm Yongguk." The boy named Yongguk said. He had a lower, deeper voice than Dae. He was actually taken aback, to how low his voice was. Eyes met, and stared at each other for a coupole of seconds before grandpa Jung interupted.

"Yah, you can have a lovey dovey moment after we bring your things inside. Now hurry! Before the rain comes!" Grandpa Jung said, in a bit of a stern voice, carrying two of the boxes and walking to the entrance of the apartment.


Chuckling softly, Yongguk let go of Daehyun's hand afterwards and held a gummy smile. His teeth were showing and so were his gums. The boy saw his smile and got mesmorized by it. 'Cute' He thought to himself before pointing to the other two boxes that were left sitting on the ground.


"Could you carry those two for me please?" Dae asked as he adjusted the straps of his backpack and grabbing the handle of the suitcase that was on the side of him.


Earning a nod, Yongguk did as he was asked to do; and soon enough the three entered the apartment, going into an elevator. It was pretty spacious inside, not like those narrowed in elevators. Daehyun didn't have the feeling of trying to think of happy or calming thoughts, to not hyperventilate inside. Now that would be a problem. Eyes shifting from spot to spot, there was a mirror on the sides inside, and he stared at his reflection. Grandpa Jung started to talk but he wasn't listening until he heard a 'bing' from reaching the floor that was on their desinated location. He got out of his thoughts and exited the elevator with the others.


"You got that Dae?" Grandpa Jung asked, walking in front of the two boys and walking to the room that was surprisingly just a couple of feet from the elevator.

Daehyun looked at his grandpa and blinked. "Got what?"

Grandpa Jung groaned from unsatisfactory, from how his grandson wasn't listening. "That we live on the twenty-fifth floor, and I'll give you the key to the room later on."

"Oh! Yeah, yeah I got that. Sorry grandpa." Daehyun said, rubbing the back of his neck with his freeahand and looked outside since they were still outside. 

"I tell you, this kid. Guk, raise this kid well for me will you?" Grandpa Jung said half jokingly. 


Yongguk chuckled and nodded, stepping inside Grandpa Jung's place. Couple of seconds later, Daehyun walked in afterwards looking around. The place was actually spacious. Bright, conservative; it actually felt comfortable. The 'old man' was behind the two boys and closed the door, placing the boxes on the ground. 


"Your room, is going to be the 'storage' room. So try to mend around it okay?" He asked, walking in front of the two boys and into the kitchen to drink some hot tea. Sighing in content, he went to the living room and sat on the couch and began to watch TV. "Oh yeah, you two can handle the rest right?" 


The boys nodded and they walked into the storage room. Getting inside, that storage room was filled, with many things but the good thing was, it was pretty easy to work with, since everything was nicely stacked. Or so that's what Daehyun thought.


"So uh... Bed, over there. " Yongguk said and pointed to the bed that pushed to the corner of the room. "Gramps put the bed in here some time this week so it's not dusty or anything. So is everything else. He tidied up this place before you came and everything." 

"Oh, okay." Daehyun said and walking inside the room, putting his things down. There was a silence afterwards, making everything awkward and such. "Let's get started?" He asked breaking the silence and looked at the latter. 



Couple of hours passed, and the boys finished unpacking. It was around five in the afternoon, close to supper already. Yongguk and Daehyun walked out to the living room and sat on the unoccupied couch. Grandpa Jung was already sleeping by now, some Korean Drama was playing on the TV. Guk stood up and grabbed a blanket and covered the senior and went back to sit next to Daehyun. There was that silence again. Only the TV playing was the only thing you could probably hear. Standing up, Daehyun got sort of flustered from how quiet it was and went to the kitchen to get something to drink. 

Yongguk stood up and followed the latter. Daehyun didn't notice until he turned around and saw the other leaning against the wall. Jumping slightly, he almost dropped his cup but got a firmer hold. 


"Oh god, you scared me!" Daehyun said, putting his cup down on the counter. 

Earning a soft chuckle, Yongguk just looked at the other. "Sorry, I didn't mean to." 

"It's okay." He shook his head and thought of a question. "So, where do you live?" 

"Hm? Just two rooms down."

"Oh...What's your relationship with gramps?"

"My relationship? Hm... He watches me."

"Watches you?"

"Yeah, since I was around...eight?"

"Oh. How old are you now?" He asked then looked down, rubbing the back of his neck. "If you don't mind me asking of course." 

"Oh I don't mind," Yongguk chuckled a bit and smiled. "I'm seventeen going to be eighteen next year. How about you?"

"I'm sixteen going to be seventeen, next year."

"Oh! So we're one year apart then?" 

"Hm, I guess so." Daehyun said and smiled. 

"You two getting to know each other?" Grandpa Jung said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Ah, y-yes grandpa." Daehyun said, stuttering a little. 

"Aish this kid, Guk remember what I told you. Take care of this kid for me." Grandpa Jung said looking at Yongguk with a slightly stern face before he smiled and laughed.

"Old man! I'm not a kid!" Daehyun said with a slight pout on his face. 

"Yes you are! And don't call me an old man." Grandpa Jung said starting to cut up some patatoes. "That reminds me, Guk how's your father?"

"My father? Er, he's doing way better."

"Hm, that's good. Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Can I?"

"Why not? I always make to much food anyways."

"Hm, then I will. Thanks. Let me go get something from my place first okay? I'll be right back." Yongguk said and started walking towards the door and Daehyun walked him out. 

As they got out Daehyun saw that the sun was still up in the sky, ready to set. Smiling to himself, he looked around and saw no wet puddles from any sort of rain. 

"It's gonna be a good start." He said to himself and leaned against the railing looking up at the now orange, peachy color sky. 





The living room & the Kitchen


Authors note:

Okay, this might seem like a boring start, but it gets better okay? I'll try to update soon and everything. Thank you everyone who subscribed to this story and waited! 



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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 2: Omg it started off so sweet but I saw the angst tag... cant wait!!
meiadinda #2
Chapter 1: update please. iam so curious yeahh
Chapter 1: Waaa I really want to know what will happen next!!!
hello your story has been added to the b.a.p fanfic directory, ababyzdirectory, on tumblr. If you do not wish for it to be in the directory, please tell me and I will immediately remove it.
Chapter 1: I think this was a pretty nice start :)
Im pretty sure from not on Dae's gramps wont be saying 'I always make too much food' with Dae around xD lol
Update Soon~^^