A Word to the Wise



The staff of The J.C. Print have some secrets of their own...


Miryo has been a proud member of the online school newspaper ever since entering Jung Chi High. She loves the people, the instability, and most of all journalism. But when the position she has worked so hard for, editorialist for The J.C. Print, is threatened she is forced to work with Jung Taekwoon or Leo, the main writer for their literary column. Perplexed with each other, the two find it almost impossible to work as partners, causing them to spend even more time with each other. But as the gap between them closes, their insecurities come to surface threatening their new successes and new feelings for each other. 


A word to the wise,


You only need to give wise people small hints for them to understand something. They don’t need long explanations. But the normal ones (us), we need help sometimes, advice when we can’t figure out something for ourselves. (You wise people can get advice too, if you need it.)

 From yours truly,

-Cat and Dog


Apologies for not updating in a million years.


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Chapter 4: Needless to say, don't underestimate the theater kids...they know things .0_0.....

I really enjoyed how this chapter came out. It definite matched with the chapter title, and I like what you decided to leave out in order to make this chapter more...captivating? I guess is the term I'm using right now.

And now Miryo and Leo are now charged with breaking up a fight. This outta be good. >:3
Chapter 3: Did you rewrite this first chapter? I thought I remember this being more drawn out. Ah well, c'est la vie.

I'm really looking forward to how this pans out, though I am curious: Is that a working email account? If it is, then it'd be a pretty cool idea to have include questions from your readers.
Chapter 3: this sounds pretty simple but quite engaging. i like it.
and aw, cold cat and his frost; poor miryo. also, does he live alone or what?