Waiting, Wanting


Waiting, Wanting

genre: band!fic
pairing: minho x key
rating: pg
word count: 1203 words
inspiration: from imagineyourotp


Taping for a new drama has been keeping Minho out late, and Kibum is not very comfortable with it.


For six hours (and counting) since dinner, Kibum had been extra productive. He had washed the dishes, cleaned up after Taemin, cried at some drama with Jonghyun, massaged Jinki’s shoulders and back, cooked their dinner for probably the next two days, cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, ironed all clothes available for ironing (until Jonghyun stopped him), played games and broke the controller when he inevitably lost, watched videos of himself in Youtube, and texted almost everyone in his contact list to see how everyone was doing.

Jonghyun looked at him curiously before telling him to settle down. But Kibum ignored him, rummaging through their cabinets looking for that unfinished knitting project Jinki had started a while ago before his attention span ran dry.

“What’s wrong with you?” Jonghyun asked before retiring to his room. Kibum only rolled his eyes at the closed door and gave a cry of victory when he found the horrible puke green scarf Jinki was trying to make. Left alone outside, Kibum stared at the half-finished scarf and then at their closed front door.

Minho was late.


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Chapter 1: TT why my minkey babies are so cute.. i need a sequel for this.
Siblings-Curse #2
Chapter 1: cute! I probably shouldn't mention to a MinKey follower friend of mine that I read this though...it wouldn't do well with how much she already teases me about it...

Chapter 1: This is the first 'innocent' MinKey I've read in a long time (I swear I'm not too erted), and it was awesome!
puppy_love #4
Chapter 1: Awwwww cuteeeee ><