Swordsman and Cook


What happens when it rains, only a ship is found for shelter and the only clothes they can change to is cosplay clothes???







I've became an huge addict with One Piece and I just can't keep getting these feel imagining Leo dress up as Zoro for so long! *drools* I'm in love with a fictional character and idol.  But I've had this fantasy/idea since On and On and finally, finally! til now I'm actually getting myself to do something.  And cause there's not that many Keo fics...I'm making it Keo focused. Whoop whoop~

I'm currently downloading some videos, which slows if I stream, so I decided to type this up.

I've seen so many Keo authors teasing their readers so I shall as well. But not for long, don't worry. It's sad when they never update. 

I'm currently making it...but I'm not too sure if I'll be making this into two chapters. One fluffy, and then a ty (first solo t attempt) one towards the end. In case, some of you keo readers are craving some. Or just make into a one shot. One way or the other...there will be . But please bare with me! I have tried to make one but I don't think it was that good. So I will make another attempt. Let's hope for the best!!! Hwaiting.

Please look over me. *throws hearts and clouds*


It was pouring hard yet the sun was fully visible.  All six members ran seeking for shelter.  They were on a field trip to the outskirts of unleveled grounds and had lost all the camera crew…the crew in general.  

“Look, there’s a hut,” N pointed to a mini house.  Only three of the members heard and followed. Two had stayed behind because one of them was walking the wrong way since he was not facing forward, but focusing on the ground.  The other had gone quickly to fetch him, grabbing his wrist before he headed further.

“This way, you twit.”  He looked up to see where the others were heading but within those few seconds, he had lost them around the hill.  He was about to search the area but the owner of the wrists he was currently holding onto tugged on him.

“Hyung, look!”  He looked at the direction the other was looking at and weirdly, in amongst the whole area, there was a ship.


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ottokajibiased #1
Chapter 1: /sobbing/ I am a gigantic fan of One Piece, and seeing my OP ship and my VIXX ship in one story is just :,-))
Thank you for making this ( and I have also been imagining Leo as Zoro since before and damn )
Chapter 1: are you going to update this? it's cute! and i want to know the members' reactions when they see keo's outfit XD