Running Back { 1/? }

Running Back [HIATUS ; ;]

Words: ~ 2 830


Through winter cold nights they always held each other tightly, through warm nights together, they still held on tightly but right now he was all alone, shivering in the darkness, cynical, empty and impassioned. 

Kris sighed as he shifted in his bed, under the bleached covers, wearing only his sweat pants and a black wife beater. It's unusual, yes, that he would wear such a thing during a cold night like this but he was too damn tired and exhausted to change before actually going to bed. Besides, who cares if he gets sick? He doesn't tend to himself anyway, only his boyfriend did. His boyfriend that is now gone, his boyfriend who left him, his boyfriend who he loved like he was the most precious thing to him in the world. His boyfriend who broke his heart into little pieces of confused, asphyxiating emotions that made Kris feel like killing himself when he had the chance to. 


He was pretty sure that he was insane, like going berserk over the smallest of things that, eventually, reminded him of Baekhyun. 


Like that one time he went to those small shops in gasoline stations to buy some gum and he suddenly saw the same drink Baekhyun used to drink (that he liked, of course) sitting merely on the counter and he suddenly burst into fits of crazed laughs, cries and shouts. The cashier guy stared at him for a second before hitting the buttons on the telephone rapidly, shouting a very frightened "We got some crazy- guy on the loose Chief!" to the person (who Kris assumed was a police officer) on the other end of the line before ducking low behind some rows of not-so-neatly stacked candy bars, even causing some to fall. Kris just continued 'expressing his emotions' until the police had to drag him away (literally), soon questioning him if he was drunk later finding out that he wasn't and ending up dropping him in front of his apartment building. 


He also remembered being beat up in one alley that was supposedly a dark alley but it was day and it wasn't really dark but he got beat up anyway and that was the point. He was merely taking out the trash, walking towards the huge metal bin that smelled like and all icky things Kris could imagine in the whole world combined when he saw the pretty yet highly explicit graffiti on the dirty brick wall that had hearts and smiley faces all over it (not to mention some seriously colorful language) which caused the poor thing to destroy the peaceful lives of trash bags that laid quietly on the ground by randomly kicking and stomping on them, shouting a mixture of curses in English and Chinese while ripping out his hair in the process. He did that for a total of fifteen minutes when some group of bad- teenagers wearing over-sized shirts and beanies came and beat him up, thinking he was crazy and just some lame- person who doesn't even belong to Korea (which was partially true because he just moved in to Korea). This caused some injuries that he would be angry about but he doesn't actually give a damn for the first time because his heart hurts way more than the cuts and bruises he had. 


The most stupid of all the "one time's" that Kris had was when he stopped by a mall and went straight to the men's washroom for a pissing session when suddenly the tissue he was using to wipe his hands smelled like Baekhyun's perfume. He felt like he was pushed to the limit, he started sobbing, not giving a flying about the stares the other guys in the washroom were giving him. He just cried and cried and cried his heart out until he felt relieved enough and went home with his eyes red and swelling, obviously tired from crying too much. 

Everything didn't matter. Everything doesn't matter. Everything never mattered in the first place! Only his love mattered, but right now, he thought that maybe he just made the biggest blunder of his life by loving Byun Baekhyun. 





The world seemed so unfair and cruel since people don't always get what they want or what they hope for. Not all their dreams came true, only some did. And sometimes, those dreams that come true aren't exactly what that person wants. 


Too bad that Baekhyun was a part of those 'people' who don't get what they want or hope for. 


7.30 AM and all he did was grunt, sigh and take really deep breaths as he sat on his work table. His day didn't start quite well because of the traffic and of course the hangover from last night's club session with a couple of friends that Baekhyun swore weren't friends but spawns of hell sent to the world of humans to practically ruin his life. 


His day started with a cacophonous ringing of "She's there, there, there. Hey c'mon, babe c'mon, ye-ye-yeh", then came the excruciating headache from partying way to hard than what he expected in the club with his colleagues and he finally realized that it was 6 AM which means the traffic would be worse than hell. He just brushed his teeth, splashed ice cold water on his face and combed his hair, barely putting on a neat set of trousers and a button up shirt before running down the empty hallway and almost slamming his hand too hard on the down button of the elevator. He immediately went to the basement level and started his car, a bit relaxed thinking that he won't be late for work when he was greeted by the ear-splitting honking of different cars and vehicles that ranged from Civic's to SUV's as he came out of the parking level. He would mentally curse at the traffic while he gripped the steering wheel a bit too tight. 


Baekhyun put his head down on the table, pressing his cheek to the cold glass, feeling the chillness of the air and the surface all at once. He closed his eyes slowly, hoping that the pain would go away, hoping that the pain would disappear and just never come back. He wanted to forget but he couldn't, it was all still too clear in his mind and all caustic in his heart. He couldn't forget him, neither could he forgive his own self from leaving him. No if's, and's or but's about it, Baekhyun still loved Kris. 








Kris decided to get lunch early so he told his workmates that he'll be going out for half an hour. He thought that getting back to work would eventually and hopefully, help him forget about his contemptuous love life that ended all too easily, unexpectedly and a bit tormenting, well, working meant that he wouldn't stress himself too much on things that didn't matter other than work, so maybe, it was a good enough choice for him. After one whole month of idling around and being miserably lovesick of Baekhyun, Kris finally let go, a bit, just a tad bit, of their previous relationship. He thought of many things aside from work like moving into a new apartment after three pay-days and getting a pet dog for company so he won't feel lonely. He had planned how his self-proclaimed 'new life' would be, he had it all in his head, all neatly arranged like the stack of papers that he proofreads everyday in the office for his manager. 


He wanted to eat noodles like what he does everyday, but today was a special day, it was his birthday. He considered that he should at least get something for himself as he was now all alone, no one else would buy a gift for him or treat him out to dinner or all of those people do during their birthdays. Here he was, standing in front of a coffee shop, staring at a slice of raspberry cheesecake that was neatly placed on a small, white plate, on the counter, displayed to the public. Kris was tempted, very. He wanted to buy it, he wanted it like there was no tomorrow. He gulped then exhaled, rubbing off the frost on his fingertips before he reached for his wallet until someone tapped his shoulder lightly while he heard a soft "Hey Wufan." 




He quickly turned, slightly alarmed by the greeting and the small body contact. His eyes widened to see a petite guy smiling up to him, clearly he was shorter. He was holding two cups of coffee, one with his right hand and the other with his left which was extended out to Kris. Kris frowned, no one called him Wufan except for Baekhyun. He tilted his head to the side, trying to recall who this smiling face was. Spiked hair, gleaming eyes, high nose bridge, white skin, an unbearably short height- Suho. Realizing who it was, he reached for the coffee and his furrowed eyebrows went up, giving the younger one a questioning stare as he switched glances from the cup of coffee to Suho's forever angelic face with dainty features. 

"Ah, I bought you coffee. Zitao told me you went out, so I thought you wanted coffee, and here I am." 

All the taller one could do was nod and hum back. He wasn't sure if Suho was playing around or being nice or simply just being...Suho. He opened his mouth to talk, but nothing came out. He cleared his throat before settling down on a bench near where they were standing. He tapped the empty space at the side, getting some snow on his fingers. Suho followed suit and sat beside him, calmly crossing his legs before sighing and sipping his coffee. 

"So, how's it going for you, huh?" 

Kris expected that, he expected Joonmyeon to be the same caring person who acted like a big brother to him despite being younger by a year or so, he knew he'd be concerned about his health, his daily life and also his relationship status. He knew it all too well to actually tell him his innermost feelings, therefore, he lied. 

"Pretty fine, I guess." 

Suho glanced at him from his peripheral view and nodded, his face showing slight disagreement. Then he suddenly said, "I guess." 


Kris sighed, slouching back a bit, still not touching his cup of caffeine. He also knew that Joonmyeon was persistent and slightly annoying, he never stops questioning you when he thinks or feels you're lying to him. He'd keep on throwing random questions at you until you finally give in and just tell him the truth, tell him everything, but Kris knew this all too well to actually give in. 

"I moved on, trust me." 

"Do you think I would?" 

"Yes, of course you'd trust me Joonmyeon."

"Well, I think you haven't moved on yet, Wufan." 

Suho turned to him this time, he put his coffee aside and stared him in the eyes, flashing a stern yet caring glare at him. Of all the things in the world that Suho abhors, he hated lying the most. That's why he chose to study law and forensics, he hated lies and injustice and unfairness. 

"I moved on." 

"I'm always right, Kris." 

"Are you?" 


Kris gave him a pained look and Suho just took a deep breath before turning away and grabbing his coffee again, "Yes, I am always right." 


There was a moment of silence. Only the talking of passerby's and the low honking of cars were heard as the both of them froze in time. They both knew that Kris hasn't let go, he hasn't moved on yet and he would never be able to. Kris looked down to the ground and moved his feet, shoving a bit of the snow away with his shoe. 


"Then I hope that this time, you're right." 

"Since when have I been wrong?" 










'When you introduced me to Baekhyun.


It almost came out from Kris' very mouth. Almost. 







He could have hurt Suho, he doesn't want that at all. Suho was his only companion that knew everything about him, almost. He doesn't want to loose him too, no, not in this kind of way. But Kris' heart knew that it was true. The one time that Suho was wrong was when he introduced Baekhyun to Kris. When he told Kris that Baekhyun had mutual feelings towards him. When he told Kris that Baekhyun loved him. When he set them up together on a date. When he told Kris to take care of Baekhyun- it was his fault that Kris knew of Baekhyun. 

Kris was never ungrateful of that, not until now, so to say the least. 


"I don't know." was all Kris could come up for now, he was too baffled by the series of events that happened. Finally, Suho stood up, brushing some frost off his legs before facing Kris. 

"Drink your coffee, Hyung." 

"Is this Latte?" 


Kris took a sip andtasted the sweetness and the bitterness though the bitterness won over the sweetness, how ironic, it's like his life. 


"I'll see you around, Joonmyeon." 

"Happy Birthday, Kris Hyung." 



Suho left as the cold wind blew through the now busy streets of Seoul, his footsteps being covered by the snow falling down slowly on the ground. Kris watched him as he walked away, his mind was at ease watching Suho walk away, as if everything was calm and alright. Kris inhaled the aroma of his coffee, smelling the robust coffee beans that were used to make this small cup of warmth now in his hands. Forgetting about the cake completely, he stood up and looked around him, then he glanced at his wrist watch, the time was now 2.30 PM and his thirty-minute break was over, he better get back to work before his manager scolds him and rants about how ty he is at work and how he acts like he knows everything. It's not exactly Kris' fault that his manager was such an idiot when it comes to writing letters, invitations and articles or business plans. He was just qualified to proofread, he was good in English and Maths, grammar, punctuation, statistics and graph reading. 

Kris stood by the stop light, looking forward to the next side of the street, simply waiting for the red light to blink into life and signal the passing vehicles to stop. 


It wasn't blinking any red light yet, but Kris felt like taking a step forward. 



He advanced again. 





One more.









And another. 








He took one more step. 












One more. 






For a moment, in his whole life has he ever felt so free, he just stood there, sealing himself away from the world around him; ignoring the people's screams and calls addressed towards him.











He took another step, feeling no restriction and sadness, the pain in his heart was gone. 








He went forward. 











Another step. 















And for a split second, he closed his eyes, laying down on the middle of the road with people around him gasping, crying, shrieking in fear and surprise as a pretty red colour spread through out the snow. 











Baekhyun went down the stairs and marched out of their company building as he continuously complained to himself about stupid, dumb co-workers with creepy smiles and huge- eyes, annoyance reflecting on his pretty face. He got his wallet ready and he turned at one corner of the street, ignoring the huge crowd of people talking and whispering about someone committing suicide just three minutes ago. He passed by all the people on the sidewalk, making his way for the cafe at the other side of the street when he saw a red liquid running down the snow. 

He stared at it with a disgusted expression before continuing his walking towards the cafe when he smelled the faint scent of Latte mixed with a very familiar scent of perfume. 


Baekhyun paused. 




He frowned and held his breath before deciding to check out what the people were talking about in the middle of the street. 


Baekhyun thought that he would never be able to breathe ever again. 









Baekhyun wanted to scream.






He wanted to just shout at everyone so they would go away. 







He felt his tears trickling down from the side of his eyes, stinging his skin, giving it a prickly feeling. 






Baekhyun's hands froze as he reached out to the person lying down on the road, bleeding. 









He stared at him as he silently wept and reached out for him. 








He wasn't moving, nor was he breathing. 







Baekhyun's heart was crushed into small pieces of misery, affliction and regret. 













He was holding the one he loved the most in his arms. 





They were together again after a whole month, finally.










Baekhyun cried out loudly as he felt pain stab through his heart and his mind, both at the same time.















Kris was dead.



a/n: HEY  :D 


Like what I said in the Desc. Part, I posted this on LJ nut I hardly open my LJ and make no progress, so I posted this HERE. Hope you read it ^^ 


If LRC is all suspense and mystery and fiction,

and ExAcademy is all crack, comedy and ,

Running Back is a full-on angst and romance, psychological, seriously. I'm serious, IT HAS SERIOUS SCIENTIFIC CONTENT - //Kris died ^^// 


It's about our precious, squishy Baekhyun's journey as he loves Kris Wu, the head :p 


Jk. I'm serious, this is a drama fic, (PLEASE PREPARE TISSUES) or at least I hope it'll turn out to be one lol 


- Elise <3

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sujuluver1234 #1
Chapter 1: How bias died. WHAT A NICE STORY.