Kwangmins First Confession

Kwangmins First Confession



----------- Kwangmin's POV--------
"Kwangmin stop staring at ______ she will eventually see and think your her creepy stalker" Youngmin said as he waved his hand in front of his younger siblings face.
"Yah I wasn't staring" Kwangmin said as turned to look at Youngmin. 
"Yes you were because you lliiikkeee her" Youngmin teased.
"No I don't" Kwangmin protested.
"Ok so I like _______" Kwangmin admitted in defeat.
"Well if you like her so much why don't you just tell her" Youngmin asked.
"Well... I will... I just need to find the right time" Kwangmin frowned.
"Well you better hurry because looks like Dongho is going to beat you to it" Youngmin said as he pointed to you with your friend standing with Dongho. Kwangmins jaw dropped when he saw you with U-Kiss Dongho. 
"Ok well looks like I am going to confess to ______ today. But I will need your help hyung" Kwangmin said without taking his eyes off of you giggling at Dongho.
------------Your POV-----------
"Hey Hyun Ae I just need to go to my locker to grab my books for next period" you said to your friend as you exited the room with the rest of the class.
"Well I got all my stuff so I'll come with you _____" she replied. You both walked down to the lockers when one of the students in your year, Dongho walked past. 
"Anneyeonghaseyo _______ and Hyun Ae" Dongho said as he bowed to both of you. Both you and Hyun Ae did the same to him.
"_______ I was just wondering what period we have science class because I was at the studio yesterday and forgot to check my time table" Dongho asked while rubbing his eye to add special effects to show how tired he was.
You giggled at his childishness. "We have it fourth period" you replied.
"Araso gomasseumnidai ______. I will see you later. Good bye Hyun Ae" Dongho said as he turned and walked away.
"Omo since when have you been friends with Dongho!?" Hyun Ae asked as she jumped up and down unable to contain her excitement. 
"We are just in couple of classes together thats all" You replied as you continued to walk to your locker.
-----------Kwangmins POV--------
"Do you really think this is going to work?" Kwangmin asked Youngmin while he tried to finish scribbling on a piece of paper.
"Ne I'm sure, just be quick she will be coming any moment" Youngmin said as he leaned over his brothers shoulder to see if he was finished writing the note.
"Alright I'm done" Kwangmin said nervously as he went to try and hand it to his brother.
"Aniyo you are the one that likes ______, you the one writing the note, you are the one confessing so you are the one putting it in the locker" Youngmin said as he tried  to emphasise the word 'you' to get his point across.
"Fine." With his hands shaking Kwangmin walked up to you locker and placed the note in the gap of the locker. "Alright let's go finish the rest of the plan" Kwangmin said as he turned to grab his brothers arm. 
-------------Your POV--------------
"Gah their are so many people in this hallway I feel like I'm going to suffocate" Hyun Ae whined as she followed behind you as you tried to navigate your way through the over crowded hallways.
"Tisck we are almost at the locker" you rolled your eyes. "Ok here." You pulled Hyun Ae around the corner which was filled with a lot less people as the previous. 
You put in the locker combination and opened the locker door. A pink note fell out gracefully and landed at your feet. "Hmmm a note for me?" you thought. You bent down and picked up the note so you could read it.
To __________
I am your secret admirer. I have liked you since I first laid eyes on you two years ago when you were just the new girl. You may not no who I am but I would appreciate you accepting my confession. If you do please meet me in room 102 after the school bell. If you don't I will understand. But please accept my heart.
From your admirer.
"Who could it be?" you mumbled under your breath as you scratched your head in confusion. You thought over all the possible candidates but none seemed to really stand out to you to be your admirer. 
"Hey what's that?" Hyun Ae said curiously as she peeked over your shoulder to get a better view. You handed the note to her to read. "Oohhh a secret admirer! How romantic!" she said cheerfully after she finished reading. "So are you going to see who it is?" she asked after seeing you silent.
"Well its probably just someone playing a prank" you said in a doubtful tone.
"C'mon but what if it isn't! Then you could've missed out on prince charming, you NEED to go" she urged. 
"Maybe" you said as you stuffed the note in your pocket.
------------ Later in Kwangmins POV------------
"Its 3:05 she should be here any minute" Kwangmin thought nervously as he bit his bottom lip. He took in a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves. "Why is it that I can preform in front of thousands of screaming girls but this one can bring me to my knees?" He muttered as he kicked the floor. "She probably won't even turn up" he sighed.
His further thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door knob turning. He darted his eyes from the ground to the door to see if it was really you, the love of his life, the one that opened the door.
------------------Your POV----------------
"Aish I can't believe she nagged me to the point I actually agreed to go.... It isn't to late to just turn around and go back home? Is it?" You thought as you walked down the almost empty hallways. You stopped once you reached your destination, room 102.
You took in a deep breath and readied yourself for what might be a total disappointment. As you opened the door you could have sworn that your heat beat was going unnaturally fast.
You peeped you head through the doorway before you completely entered. You were extremely surprised to see who was standing inside the classroom, none other than Jo Kwangmin.
"Oh ________ you came" he said surprised before you could say anything.
"I was curious to see who my 'admirer' was" you said shyly as a slight blush creeped across your cheeks.
"I thought you really weren't going to come" he admitted as a blush of his own formed on his cheeks. Well you weren't going to tell him that you actually were not going to come it was only that your friend pestered you into it. 
You two stood standing in the middle of the classroom silently with rosy cheeks for a couple of minutes before Kwangmin decided to break the silence with a question. "So _______ do you know who I am?" 
"Ne your Jo Kwangmin. Your in my geometry class" you replied. He smiled. He hadn't of meant it in that way, he had wanted to see if you knew which twin liked you.
"Thats right. I'm sorry I haven't had the courage to tell you I liked you... Its just I haven't ever confessed to anyone before. Today I saw you with Dongho and if he is your boyfriend please don't think badly of me for telling you I like you" he said in one big rush.
Wait... Did he say you and Dongho?
You laughed. He looked up at you worried. "I'm not dating Dongho. He just asked me when we had class" you explained.
"So what does that mean for us?" he asked with a hopeful tone.
"Well... I have had a crush on you for a while as well.." you started, "I guess we have both liked each other and have been to shy to admit it." You played with the hem of your jumper to avoid eye contact. 
"So does that mean you will be the Pikachu to my Ash?" he asked awkwardly, but in an adorable awkward. 
You looked up and smiled at him. "Aish how is this boy so cute?" you thought.
You took a step forward closing the gap in between the two of you so your faces were close to each other. "I would love to be your Pikachu" you answered as you let you lips brush against his softly for a sweet kiss.


Thank you very much for reading:) I hope that you enjoyed reading it!

And I am also really really really really really sorry if some of the Korean words are wrong. I can't speak Korean so they are just words I kinda picked up from things. If any of it is incorrect feel free to let me know

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Chapter 1: Sweet... I am his Pikachu :) love him
Chapter 1: Sooo cuteee ><