Mines 4

because you're my woman

Warning: mild violence a head

I was walking to my third period class when suddenly my shirt was pulled back. 

"Me and my friends would like to have a little chat with you" Its the same kids who was messing with me when I was eating lunch with Minjung noona. 

They take me outside behind the bleachers of the soccer field. They snatch my book bag off and push me to the ground. My bag is emptied out and all my books are thrown. I stand up and clench my fists.

"Well what do you guys want?", I say trying to sound brave. The biggest boy stands in front of me while the other two grab my arms.

"Hold him tight guys."

He gets in front of me and punch me in the face. My head fly to one side and I taste blood in my mouth. I spit it out and face him again.

"Weak hit." He growls at me and punch me in my stomach. The other two lets me go and I drop to the ground holding my stomach. One of them kicks me onto my back. The leader bends down to my face. 

"Where's your little body guard. Did she finally see what a loser you were and ditched you?" He stands back up and they all laugh. I feel a spark of anger.

"That was kind of hot though." 

"Maybe when we're done, we should go find her and show her good time."

"She might even all of us get a turn."

Oh hell no. Talk about my noona like that and gets real. Ignoring the pain, I push myself to stand up glaring at jackasses in front of me. `

"Oh looks like he's going to fight back. Must have made him mad."

As quickly as I could I kick one boy in the stomach, punch the other in the nose then tackle the leader. I get on top of him and starting hitting him in his face. I got one last hit in his cheek before I was pulled off of him. I managed to give him a swift kick in the side before being pulled off completely. The leader stands up and wipes off his mouth. His lip was bleeding and a his eye looked swollen. 

I smirk. 'At least I did some damage.'

"You're going to regret that."

I'm thrown to the ground. A kick slams into the side of my face and my stomach. I curl up on my side to protect my body. Soon a rain of blows comes down on me from every angle.

They give me one more hit before finally walking away. I slowly pick myself up, feeling pain all over my body. I limp my way over my bag, grab my stuff and drag my body into school to the boys bathroom. I wince at my reflection.

My hair is messed up, one side of my face is swollen, my lip is bleeding, uniform is all wrinkled with grass and dirt stains on it. I wet a napkin and press it against my lip causing me to hiss at the stinging. I get my phone out and see that I missed most of third period.

'No since in going to class.'

I put my phone in my pocket grab my bag and go to the nurse. As soon as the nurse looks at me, he (yes our school nurse is a guy) runs over to me.

"Omo what happened to you?" He pulls me to one of the beds on the side of the room.

"I king of got into a fight with three students."  The nurse inspects my face then goes and gets some supplies out his desk.

"The hell you do that for?", he asks as he puts some cream on my bruised cheek.

"They said some um crude things about a one of my friends." He puts some neosporin on my cut lip. 

"Let me guess. Is this friend tall, tan, has big eyes and loves soccer?" My head quickly turns his way in shock. I know my whole face is red.

"H-how did you know?" He rolls his eyes and gets up. The nurse puts up the supplies then fixes a cup of water and gets two pills.

"Its pretty obvious who you're talking about. Who else would make you want to try and fight three boys on you're own. My advice would be to tell her already before its too late. Now take these two pills to help with the rest of the pain."

He hands me the cut and pills. I put both of them in my mouth and swallow them in one drink.

"I'm going to go tell your teacher where you are and see if anyone can bring in the work you missed. Want me to call you parents?"

I nod and tell him my teacher's name. He walks out the room and shuts the door with a soft click. The pills start to work as the pain in body turns into a dull throb. I decide to rest until my parents come and get me.

I lay back on the bed and close my eyes.



"Taemin ah,time to get up.", a voice says while shaking me. I groan and slowly open my eyes. Turns out the voice was from Minjung noona. She helps me sit up and turn sideways on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" She smiles and explains.

"I was sitting in class  wondering why I didn't see you in the hall when the teacher called me to her desk. They said that you had gotten into a fight and got hurt and asked me if I could get the work you missed and can I go get the rest of it, but that's not all. Your parents called me and said that both of them are gone on a business trip and won't be back until next with so I can stay with you and since tomorrow is Friday we don't have to go because of your injuries."

She gets both of our things and helps me stand. We walk to the door but she turns around.

"Thanks for helping him nurse kibum." He does a salute and says, "No problem. Just make sure your little boyfriend here stays out of trouble will you? And you sir, remember what told you."

Minjung rolls her eyes and pulls me out the room.

"So what did he tell you?"

"Just not to fight anymore if its not a fair one." She nods her head and we leave the school to her car.

We didn't want to go home yet so we went to walk by the river. Half way through the walk my body starts to throb again.

"Hey, can we stop here. The medicine is starting to wear off." She helps me sit down and I lay out on the grass, closing my eyes. It was quiet between us until she broke it.

"Taemin are you still mad at me?" My opens and look at her but she is looking at the river with one leg pulled up to her chest. I didn't want to answer but I couldn't take the hurt/sad look on her face.

"I wasn't mad at you, it was something else and I didn't want to take it out on you." She turns, facing me.

"Bull. Now lets try the truth." I sigh and lean up on my elbows. "Well the other day I went to the park and saw you there with a guy. I thought you had blew me off to go with him." She looks confused for a minute then gave me glare.

"Pabo!", she says as she pinch my cheek hard.

"OW! Yah let go!" She lets go and I rub my abused skin. "What was that for?!"

"If you weren't so busy being mad and listened to me, you would have found out that that was my cousin whom I wanted you to meet!"

"Cousin?!", I almost shout. My eyes open wide.

"Yes you ! I was showing him around and telling him about you." 'Well I feel stupid'

I rub the back of my head and give a nervous chuckle. "Hehe, minhae noona. I didn't mean to be mad at you. Forgive me?"

"Be luck your cute and injured." She puts her arm over my shoulder but I shake it off and do it to her instead. She laughs and pecks me on the cheek. A smile broke out on my face.

'She kissed me!'

Another chap completed. I'm so happy that I don't have school anymore (until classes start but that's beside the point)!!


EXO GROWL VIDEO IS SO COOL!! XD (pictures not mine~)



I've watched the Chinese version like soooo many times just to see my panda baby~


And have you guys seen their hair color. TAO IS FREAKING BLUE!!

went from black to red to blonde to teal to blue but it all looks good on him :3



But he still looks cool but so tired.

Well time for sleep. Until next time

ja ne


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Chapter 6: I love that Minjung is still the hero saving Taemin, not a damsel in distress. Taemin is cute as always.
lordloss #2
2MIN are both male ( ・ัω・ั )
Chapter 4: loollll qt pie Tao~~~ hehehehe. fluffy!!!! I'm ready for the next update author-nim~~~~~
awwww i really like this story! ^.^ its so adorbs! keep up the good work! im looking forward to the next chapter!
What a cute fanfic~^^ keep it up c:
No no no no, its bad that people begin to make Minho girl...