I Love You

I Love You

I Love You

A white limo swerved in the driveway of Seoul University. A couple stepped out from the car after their driver opened the door for them. Yang Yoseob and Yang Miyoung were their name, and twins they were with the latter older by 1 minute.

“Noona, are you sure you want to do this?” Yoseob asked, concern filled his voice as he stared at his older twin. The 22 year old smiled sadly before pursing her lips.

“I want to, I want to tell him.” Miyoung stared at the tall building in front of her. They had walked into the campus. She turned to face the younger one, “Don’t worry dongsaeng, I won’t ever falter. Not ever again.”

Yoseob furrowed his brows trying to think of another way but let out a sigh after he knew very well he couldn’t convinced his stubborn twin. He patted her on the shoulder, “Meet me at Inki Café in 2 hours, I’ll go meet up with Kikwang and the others. Haven’t seen them for a year now.”

Miyoung waved her brother goodbye before heaving a deep sigh, “Here we go.” She clutched her chest for a few seconds to calm her nerves. This is it, she would have to break the news to her ex.

Miyoung fumbled in her purse to find her iPhone, smiling slightly after she found it. She stared at the screen for a few seconds before tapping his number. She huffed a bit, pressing the device against her ear after pressing the ‘call’ button.

The other line answered after the fifth ring, “Yeah?” the hoarse voice rang through her ears as she flinched slightly.

“It’s me,” Miyoung bit her bottom lip, “Junhyung oppa.”

The line was silent for a few moments, “Why… are you calling, Miyoung-shi?”

Miyoung’s expression slightly hardened, why was he using formalities with her but she maintained her calm voice. “I have something I would like to talk about, with you.” Miyoung’s breaths were slightly uneven, she was a nervous wreck.

“I heard you’re back in Seoul.”

“Yeah, Hyunseung oppa told you?” Hyunseung and Junhyung were always tight with each other.


There was another awkward silence, “I’m in campus, could we… you know, meet up for a while?”

She could sense the older guy hesitating with his answers, “Sure, at our usual- uh, I meant… what about under that shady tree we used to meet up at.”

Miyoung grimaced a little, she knew very well what he meant. He was talking about M&J’s tree, their usual spot before she left the country a little over a year ago.

“I’ll be there in 10, see you there.” With that, he ended the awkward call.

Miyoung locked her phone shut before sliding it in her back pocket. Her hands were trembling, it was their first phone call in a year, one month and 13 days. It was also the only call where no shouts and yells were involved. She scoffed at that thought, how ironic.

“Diane?” a voice called from behind her, apparently the culprit knew her English name.

She turned around to find someone she had been dreaded to see. Janet Kwon, her former friend and one of the reason behind the breakup between her and Junhyung.

Miyoung gave her a forced smile, “Janet, hi.”

“OMG, it is you.” Janet jumped a little before running towards her and giving her a hug. “I haven’t seen you since, well, you know.” Janet cleared before tucking a strand of her hair behind her left ear.

“You look different.” Janet pointed out.

“I dyed my hair, got contacts and gain a few pounds.” Miyoung replied nonchalantly. She was in no mood to associate with the girl before her but she had to know.

“So, are you and Junhyung still…” Janet knew perfectly well what she meant.

“We broke up after you left.” Miyoung could only nod, what was she supposed to say.

Janet knew Miyoung very well, well why wouldn’t she? They had been friends for the past 15 years before the friction that had occurred between a year ago.

“Well better go now,” Miyoung pointed her thumb to nowhere in particular, “going to meet um…”

“I get it, bye. I’ll see you maybe later?” Janet’s voice was filled with hope.

“Yeah maybe.” Miyoung waved goodbye. As she turned her back, she hesitated for a bit. She was her best friend and it would only be fair if she knows the news.

Miyoung smiled a bit before turning her around to face her best friend (she wouldn’t really call her that right now) once more. Miyoung fished out an envelope that was beautifully decorated with a golden bow at the corner. Janet hesitated for a few moments before reaching out and had the envelope in her possession.

“I hope you could come.” Was the last thing Miyoung said before she excused herself to meet up with Junhyung. Janet was left stunned as the girl opened the envelope and looked in its content.

The walk to her destination was leisurely, she had enjoyed it. Her once calm heart had now beat a thousand fold as she neared the tree that was carved with hers and Junhyung’s initial back when they were still freshman in SU. She tilted her head and soon noticed a tall figure leaning his back against the tree. She knew who it was, Yong Junhyung.

“Hi.” Miyoung raised her hand awkwardly and waved.

Junhyung had his usual smirk but it was toned down a little, “Hey, long time no see.”

“Do you wanna grab a coffee?”

Junhyung stared at the café near the tree before nodding his head, “Why not?”

Miyoung slowly lead themselves towards the place. The door dinged as she opened it, letting herself and the older boy in. She went to the counter and ordered her usual drink when she was still a student in SU.

“Soy latte, thanks.”

“Mocha Frappuccino.”Junhyung ordered after her.

“That’ll be $8.35.” the cashier smiled at the couple, well he had to even though he was dreading on the inside.

Junyung took the honors to pay which Miyoung gladly accepted. She wasn’t the picky paying type of girl.

“You’ve changed.” Junhyung said after they had settled in their seats with their orders in their hands.

“So I’d heard.” Miyoung joked.

“You’ve gain?”

“A couple?” Miyoung just shrugged before sipping on her drink.

“So, what do you want to talk about?” Junhyung casually leaned his back on his seat as he folded his arms.

Miyoung lowered her head slightly as she fiddled with her cup, “Umm… could we just talk for a while. I haven’t seen you in ages, just wanna know how you’re doing.” Miyoung lifted her head and sheepishly grinned at the older guy.

Junhyung’s heart melted. It was her smile that made him fell heads over heels for the girl before her. Junhyung sighed before pushing himself towards the table, “What do you wanna talk about?”

“Why are we like this?” Miyoung asked without hesitant. Junhyung cringed a bit at that question.

“It’s the past, I hardly remember anything.” Junhyung answered trying to shake off the question.

“I remember.” Miyoung stared in space, ignoring the guy’s attempt. “We were BFFs for 15 years, including Janet.”

Junhyung suddenly felt uncomfortable, but said nothing nonetheless. “We went to the same elementary school, middle school, high school and even university together. We were all best buds.” Miyoung chuckled silently as she continued to fiddled with her cups.

“You know what let’s not talk about it anymore.” Junhyung suggested but the latter only shook her head.

“You and I were together during our senior year in high school. Janet was happy for us.” Tears were threatening to spill out from her eyes but she managed.

“So why?” she asked before finally looking up and facing Junhyung.

The guy sighed in defeat, no use trying to avoid what has been put on hold for over a year now. “I was trying to get you to break up with me, you were persistent about it though.” Junhyung chuckled, slightly smirking in the process.

“What do you mean?”

“We knew.” Junhyung finally came clean, “About the arranged marriage, both Janet and I knew. Your parents consulted me one day, asking me to try and break up with you.”

By now Miyoung was in a daze, her parents? “What are you talking about? My parents did no such thing.” She added, trying so hard not to believe it was true.

After Miyoung had found out about the marriage arranged by her parents 2 years ago, she had wanted to elope with Junhyung but then stuff happens.

“I’m sorry.” Miyoung had to believe to as Junhyung patted on her shoulder. “We had to end.”

“So you and Janet came up with the act trying to get me to give up our relationship?” Tears couldn’t contain itself anymore, it continuously flowed down as it made no attempt of ever stopping. Junhyung plucked out a tissue from his Kleenex and patted the tears dry off Miyoung’s flawless face.

“We had to, it was the only way. Though we deeply regretted our actions,” Junhyung lowered his head in guilt, letting his arms fall on the table, “we didn’t think you would leave the country. We are very sorry.” Junhyung looked up as he stared into Miyoung’s eyes finding his way to apologize to his ex.

When he found Miyoung’s eyes softened, he leaned in towards her face. Their lips met soon after as Junhyung’s lips explored , trying to get a better taste of her. It was all interrupted by a push from Miyoung.

Junhyung’s eyes widened in shock as he stared at the girl before him,
I’m sorry.” Was his only words, what the hell was he thinking?

“I’m sorry too. I should have told you this sooner.” Miyoung rummaged through her purse as she grabbed a thin object from it. It was the envelope similar to the one she gave to Janet.

Junhyung stared at it in pure confusion, why was she giving him a pretty letter?

“I’m getting married,” Junhyung’s face showed nothing but pure shock, “2 months from now.”

Junhyung tried so hard to not believe anything that had came out from Miyoung’s mouth at that moment. He frantically tore the enveloped and scanned its content.

‘You’re cordially invited to Yoon Doojoon and Diane Yang Miyoung’s wedding…’

Junhyung couldn’t read anymore than that before he threw the card down the floor and harshly stomped at it. Trying to be rid of it, his worst nightmare. Miyoung sat there claming, but tears still continued to fall nevertheless.

“You came back to break the news to me, isn’t it?” Junhyung couldn’t contain his anger anymore, but at that moment he couldn’t do anything more.

Miyoung just nodded, “I wanted everyone to come. To see me getting married off, happily…” her voice trailed off at the last word. She knew very well that it wasn’t true, that none of it was true. She was just wanted to take the chance to see her ex one last time. A part of her wanted the guy before her to take her hands and run out of the church together, but she knew it was all fantasies to her.

Apparently he knew very much of what she was thinking, as he extended his hands and touched the back of her palm. “Let’s run away together, I don’t wanna lose you again.” Junhyung’s voice filled with determination, he REALLY didn’t want to let Miyoung go ever again.

Miyoung’s heart was filled with happiness but the truth brought her back to reality as she slipped away from his grasp. “I’m sorry, I can’t.”

“Why not?” he was seriously confused, is she loved him so much why was she doing this?

Miyoung slowly placed her hand on her stomach and rubbed it in circular motion, Junhyung knew right then. “H-how?” Junhyung stuttered as he gripped tightly around his cup.

“I was drunk, WE were drunk…”


Yoseob waited for Miyoung at Inki Café like they had promised 2 hours before. The door dinged behind him as he sat at an empty seat. His soy latte in his hand.

He waited, for his sister for the next half hour before he started to get worried. Her sister was always punctual even when she was getting a shot.

He punched in her number and waited for the other line to answer, it never did. He was starting to panic. He stared at the screen for a few moment before realizing a new message was sent to him earlier.

In no mood at all, he open it. To his surprise, it was from his sister. The message was short but it held deep meaning. Yoseob smiled at it before placing it down beside him.

“Looks like you’ve made your choice.” He said to himself before staring out the window and enjoying the familiar view.

‘I’m sorry…’was the Miyoung’s message…






So I guess one-shot is more my thing...

Seriously, I dreaded whenever I have to write a FULL story...

I just can't get the inspiration I need, so I think my future projects will be one-shot...

I'm for those who wanted a sequel for my previous story, you're not gonna get it...

Again, I'm sorry...

PS: My next one shot will be Infinite based ^.^, smile for me!!

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foreversucks #1
i love you too junhyung!!

love it keep on writing :DD
sahl-li #2
Junhyung i love you too
they run away right? write more~!! :D
FanficLover96 #4
Its sooo good!! :)