Colorless Crayons





The busy city of my second hometown was drowned with thick unforgiving fog showing how harsh the weather was, yet people were still unstopped by the winter freeze as I went together with the flow of the mob. With the cigarette on my hand, I lifted my fingers for the stick to meet my cracked lips due to coldness, inhaled all the goodness down to my lungs, filling my body with another shot of instant heat before exhaling the hell out of it through my nose.




I never believed that winter was a cold, gloomy weather until today. For two blissful years, I haven't noticed that seasons were still on the verge of changing, thought that forever will be spring together with the girl I loved more than myself. Can't comprehend what have I done wrong for Bom to leave me hanging, with no explanation left.




Thought love can shelter me from pain, never knew that love can also be the cause of it. The last time I checked, we were fine, happy, contented, still exchanging the idealistic nonesense that we love each other. The fact that after all this time, I'm the only one believing in that foolish thing called love.




But... Crying wasn't my genre; it wasn't even my option to start with. As far as I know, I never, and will ever shed any tear. Crying are for weak people, for those who can't stand heart shattering situations, for those who can't handle pain and stress - and I'm not that kind of person. I'm stronger than anyone think I am.




Walking endlessly, I haven't noticed that I left the part of the crowded city and was near to our university belt together with the shop where I do part time job. It was only two blocks away from my spot. My feet stopped on the edge of the pedestrian lane drawn across the road as my face frowned when I realized that my stick was already small then I arrogantly tossed it in the air, not minding if littering was prohibited. While trying to light another cigar, I noticed a smaller guy covered by neon green colored jacket paired with yellow beanie which were too bright for my eyes.




It was just the two of us, one brightly colored while I was all black, brisk arctic wind sweeping the life upon us, standing in the midst of empty junction with nothing but vehicles producing pollution.




I just shook my head and removed my sight on him for making my eyes uncomfortable as I succumb on the last stick on my possession. Another warmth stretched from my mouth down to my chest, inhibiting every sacs on my lungs as I closed my eyes for a split second just to enjoy the unexplainable magic that a cigarette could bring.




When I opened my lids, I noticed that the traffic light changed from red to yellow, engines of every vehicles started to heat, readying, that will soon be passing by the intersection towards our direction.




I never dared blinking from that moment as I watched how the yellow light shifted its color to the green one, blessing the traffic to move towards us. While my head was frozen still and lifted up to the traffic light for the vehicles (since there was none for pedestrian in this area), I was suddenly alarmed when the guy beside me vanished and started walking as if he didn't care if those busses, cars or large trucks haphazardly hit him and send him to heaven this magic hour of dusk.




Exaggerated might it seem, I felt that my beloved just lit cigar slipped between my trembling fingers, smoke was still slowly ily swaying with the wind, then finally hitting the ground softened by small layer of snow. Though my cigarette was in slow pace, my instinct was luckily fast for me to catch up with him as I grabbed the back of his neon jacket and easily dragged him back to where we were the moment before he attempted committing suicide.




"Are you stupid?" You're gonna get killed!" My voice that was normally low became even deeper, scolding and sending vibration to the hiemal body in front of me.




"Oh, . My god. Oh god." He mumbled while grinding his index finger nail with his teeth. My hawk eyes pierced through him though he never met my eyes as if I didn't even exist, or maybe he was just terrified with my baritone voice or with the life and death drama that just occured.




Staring at his face, my brows united as a familiar feeling grew inside me, though I really didn't understand what that was, and I never wanted to know more about it. "I hate idiot people," I uttered with my mouth fogging as well.




Finally the light turned to red as for momentarily, the vehicles were paralyzed, allowing people to cross the road, whichhappened to be just the two of us. I had the second thought of helping him cross or not but he seemed hopeless as he still chewed on his nail. I rolled my eyes as I left him chilling and started to move on.




"Imbecile," I shook my head right after I successfully reached the other end. Suddenly, I heard a loud honk of what I assumed was a luxurious thing coming from my behind. When I turned back, I saw the same guy yet again in the middle of trouble but this time, he was kneeling halfway the highway with a white Ferrari next to him.




For the first time, I felt my heart muscles stopped for a while. Then after some few attempts, after some futile revival, I regained it back as I rushed to the stranger and harshly grabbed his arm, pulled him up and shouted like I was some sort of his mother. "Are you really trying to kill yourself?"




"Are you okay?" The girl driver with a doll like face showed up as her soothing voice was mirrored by the bright colored man and faced her. "I'm fine, sorry. Sorry." He immediately bowed a hundred degrees down several times. He seemed like bowing too hard and stocked in that position as if he couldn't stand straight again with million sorry slipping from his tongue.




"Sorry," it was the last word he spoke before the Barbie doll finally climbed onto her car and started to continue her journey against the asphalt way.




I tightly gripped on him, dragged him once more to the other side of the road as he faced the monster in me. "What are you doing? Are you going to prove me that you're stupid? Do you really want to die?"




I could literally feel his body trembling violently with those lips, lining to thinnest possible and his eyes started to form clear liquid b on the soft ridges. "I'm sorry. I just... Want to say thank you earlier." He slowly looked down, middle finger on his teeth, clammed in between as he started torturing his nail while tears made its way down, dripping and hitting the snow just to get molten.




I couldn't bear to see somebody else crying because of me, or maybe because it was him. Which... is weird. I've seen a thousand others wailed in my credits, though I never give a damn. And I guess, the wind direction changed, the beast in me had turned its back as I reached for his chin. Soft. Is this really a man? I mean, I don't even feel a single prick against my thumb. "Uh- are you crying?"




"Sorry," he once again mumbled. I guess sorry is his favorite word after all. I tried to lift his face as our orbs met, his pretty brown eyes crashing my darker ones, though I can't see his eyes that full since those were still filled with tears that hiding me from the preview of his soul.




"No, don't be. I'm just... Feeling a little ty now. And sorry for saying you're stupid or something. Also, for yelling. Just, always look at the stoplight whenever you're crossing street. So that you won't get into accident. Okay? Hush now."




Funny, he nodded but his tears were still as crazy as him, drastically falling as if falls will soon be permanent on his cheeks. And second thoughts barged in my head, is he really a guy? I mean, he has these delicate features of a girl and if his bulge wasn't that evident, I will really think he's a woman.




My lips unknowingly lifted the corners and this was the first time I smiled today and it was already seventeen hours midnight ago. Exactly in the middle of the night when she threw the love I barely offer to anyone. Bom, of all the people was worth only for my every love, was now gone.




I don't know, but my mind says I needed to draw that handsome grin including my dimples bracketing it so that I can somehow soothe whatever he was feeling because right now, from my point of view, he was like a fragile kid who faced death two times in a row and smiling was the only thing I can do to comfort him, since he was a total stranger to me, and it will be weired if I hug him - and he's a boy, obviously.




"I'll go ahead," I bowed my head before turning my back. Hoping that angels will guide him and bring him safe to wherever he'll be going because I don't think I can eat anymore if I saw his bloody face splattered all over the news for being caught into accident.




I walked faster than I usually do as soon as I remembered I was already a handful minutes late and it was freezing here. Snowflakes trapped on my sepia tendrills melt on its own and I know I'll soon get cold if I stay longer here in the open street. My gloves were also forgotten and my hands were now ambushed by the biting cold as I rubbed it against each other, convincing myself that it will help since my last cigarette was dropped because of that careless little man.




Not so far from the intersection, I heard a screeched from where I left the person I almost had a heart attack with. "W-wait! Seunghyun!"








My name echoed inside my head, contemplating if I heard him right. If I heard him saying my name in the sweetest sound possible, or am I imagining things. I gasped for air because I felt like I was losing some.




He knows my name? I didn't introduce myself yet, did I?









A/N: this will be a short story. I mean, maybe five chaps only. But I'll try to give you guys the as much fluffiness as possible. Thank you for subscribing and appreciating my first ever gtop fic because I basically  write tons of daragon and tabisan stories (which I’ll be happy if you’ll read some of it).


Have a nice day, I love you all VIPs! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ


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youngforever #1
Chapter 1: OHHH IS SO GOOD ^^
yukilovesgtop #2
Chapter 1: wahh...this is so good...pls update soon (^.^)
SunnyKid #3
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl this is so cute! And interesting. I'm guessing Ji remembers Seunghyun from school?
Chapter 1: can't wait till the next chapter(s) >,<
ehehe keep going~
I'm excited for this one! <3
mariamolekun #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^