Sensation poster request shop~





Want a captivating poster to accompany your awesome story? Feel free to request for a beautiful poster for your wonderful fanfiction! 


1. Must be subscribed to request! Also, subscribe and check up on chapters to know if your poster was made.

2. Must credit back to the shop! 

3. Leave a comment once you've submitted your form and another after you've picked up your poster! ^__^

4. Failure to follow the rules will result in an automatic rejection. Your request will not be completed. 

5. The maximum time I will take is 2 weeks, come on I have a life too...

6. I don't do animated posters.

7. NO REDOS (unless I say so)

8. Exception: If you have got a poster from me before/ Your fanfiction is about my bias(es) or my bias(es)'s band. [ Every once in a while I would change the poster to suit my bias list at that time so yea~]

9. If you are kind enough, give me some karma ( message me when I am online)


DISCLAIMER: If you can't read rules and follow directions...your request will be declined. I do not need to explain my reason for declining, but if you're really curious just ask ^^ Also I will not be informing you if you've been decline. It is your job to check the "request |  rejected" chapter to see if you're on the pending list!!! Happy Requesting! =]


Request here



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WondeReDaisy #1
Chapter 17: Seriously thanks cause I dont do well making posters. Seeing the poster makes me excited to write :)
WondeReDaisy #2
Chapter 17: I realized I might of given more detail. It actually works since the story basically a love rectangle. So the character surrounding the heart fits cause they have to find who heart really belongs to them. Thanks so much
banaBO #3
Chapter 16: It's fine~ and it looks good! thankyou~^^
Chapter 13: Thank you very much! ^^
banaBO #5
I submitted a request >.<
Hello! I'm back! I just submitted a request :)