I miss my oppas ...

Oppa, stay.

hihi (: how was the last chapter ? :P By request, i am going to add in Jungminminminnnn ~ :33 okay; i also need ideas :PP 

my friend Shweyee is going to co-author this chapter ;  + thankyou subscribers ! (: i will thank you all individually enjoy x


Finally, school is finished. I was currently waiting outside for YoungMin oppa.  5 minutes passed. i got bored and eventually started walking around. A black van stopped me in my tracks & out popped out Boyfriend. My old school friends. I miss them.


"MinLee-ah! Annyeong ; Boyfriend imnida~ ^^" They introduced themselves.


"O-Oppa" I felt weak. I didn't realize i was slowly falling. YoungMin oppa caught me. "Gomawo Oppa (:"


"YAH ! Baek MinLee ; we helped you too !" JungMin Oppa exclaimed.


"ahukhukhuk" I chuckled "I'm sure yo-"


"Aish neomu neomu kiopta " JungMin Oppa recalled


"YAH! i wanna go Lotte World !" Kwangmin looked pissed


"Miahne oppa (: Youngmin oppa ; kajja!" I was tugging on Youngmin's arm.


"JJinjja neomu neomu kioptta !" KwangMin exclaimed. "I KNOW RIGHT!" MinWoo said. They were hold each other & skipping in a chuckle. The same people as i knew them. 


"Yah ! You guys have 5 seconds to jump into the van or me & MinLee ssi will go. 1....-" Youngmin threatened. He was about to say 2 & they all jumped straight in the van. 


"YAH ! Babo, we jumped in the van while you were still trying to finish the sentence." Kwangmin said.


And off we were to Lotte World. I used to go all the time with them before they debuted. This would be the first time i would go with them somewhere after their debut. Aigoo, i miss them :( I remember when they got discovered. They were only flower boys then, not Boyfriend. I never had much friends. Alot of people hated me because i got to hang with them. Alot of people -up to me. I had no friends because my heart was only for Boyfriend. No wonder i was hated. I was hanging with the most beautiful boys in the world perhaps.


We arrived at Lotte World. 


"YAAH !" KwangMin & Minwoo were embracing again. YoungMin rolled hs eyes & came over to hold my hand.


"YAH ~ Baek Min-" MinWoo yelled out & saw me holding YoungMin's hand. He went red & skipped over to hold my other hand. Why do i have the feeling im going to get bashed soon ? Aigo. YoungMin & MinWoo Oppa are REALLY trying to kill me ==;


"Baek MinLee you two timer !" KwangMin said as he laughed hysterically. 


"YAH ! Mworago." I recalled back. 


FInally ; another chapter ! I hope you likey likey ; this is so hard ; im literally writing what i want to happen to me ==; big dreams ey ? :P 


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lov4ever #1
update soon
rena_95 #2
^_^ this story is interesting <br />
hwiting! <br />
Ke ke ke (: nice nice update soon (:
Woah so mean >.<<br />
Update soon~ <3<br />
oh know i understand her umma, but she doesn't have to be like that to minlee.<br />
n e ways update soon!<br />
pls put jungmin here the curly-hair-one that chews bublle gum.<br />
i like him too.<br />
i love your story....
wow..mean Umma hhmmff.<br />
update soon!!!<br />