When he confess to you he is gay

When he confess to you he is gay [ Myungsoo/ AU]

Myungsoo brown color eyes avoid your eyes and his hand was shaking nervously. You took hold of his hands and patted it gently. He made eye contact with you and gulped loosening his nervous in an instant. He adjusted his posture and clears his throat.

“I’m gay” he confessed softly, the tone that you could only hear in the midst of the noise in the café you both are residing in. Your eyes widened at his confession. Your face might have displayed confusion as he repeat again. The words he was saying was going in your ears and going out back. As if, you were frozen into place while everyone was not.

All other voices was muted, you could only auscultate your heart breaking into pieces and  the word gay echoed through your mind. Myungsoo nudges your hand for attention.

“Huh? What?” you said blankly.

Myungsoo sighed.

“I want you to meet him, Sungyeol, my boyfriend” exclaimed Myungsoo; his smile plastered on his face was evident that he was indeed happy with this guy he had been telling you. You couldn’t help but feel jealous. How the guy who he knew for several months managed to steal his heart away while you have been striving for his attention for years.

Your emotions went down for a moment but looking at your best friend opposite you smiling when looking at his mobile phone. Your mouth twitch to a smile and you mustered up a happy expression on your face.

“I’m happy for you, Myungsoo-ah. When can I meet this guy who stole my best friend heart away?” you asked, taking a sip of your coffee that tastes even bitter than earlier.

Myungsoo smiled at your reaction.

“One of your days off if that is possible…” he said, you nodded for him to continue, “I will be meeting him tonight for a date”

You raised your eyebrow. He completely forgets it didn’t him, you thought.

“Myungsoo-ah, do you remember what tonight is?” you asked, your mind was praying that he remembers about tonight’s event.

He tilted his head obviously had no idea about tonight’s plan.

“Dinner! My place! TONIGHT!” you exclaimed, neither those words you say refreshed his memories until you finally said, “My dad’s birthday!”

Myungsoo gave you an apologetic face as he forgotten about the plans he had with you. He felt guilty all of a sudden and told you that he will make it up to you before leaving the café for a phone call. You exhale angrily feeling exasperated at how forgetful Myungsoo could be. You jumped when someone banged on the window glass.

Myungsoo pointed to his phone. You frowned at his actions when your phone rang loudly. Myungsoo name displayed on your phone screen and you answered it straightaway.

“I have to go! I’m sorry for tonight! I’ll make it up to you!” those were the words he says before he hanged up his call.

After that day, you didn’t hear much from your best friend. Before, both of you would stick to each other, he will always have dinner at your house on weekends. When the weather permits you and he would always have a photography expedition, sharing the same interest in photography was the one that bought you into this relationship.

Now, you stared into the view of the beach in front of you your hands holding onto your Canon 5D. It just wasn’t the same anymore without him by your side. Reminiscing the memories of him, you remember how he would always annoy you by taking candid photos of you every time he caught you off guard.

You missed how Myungsoo would always be by your side even if you do not tell him that you need him. Especially during the monsoon period, your phobia of lighting and thunders would gave you nightmares. Before you could even called him for company, he would already be knocking on your door.

Myungsoo will pluck in music to your ears muting the sounds from outside and hugged you to sleep. It never fails to calm you down and your body succumbs to sleep after that.

The feelings of love have always been known to you but you were simply afraid to declare it to him. Fearful of what his reaction would be and you wouldn’t want to risk breaking the relationship with him. Moreover, you didn’t have any experience in the love department. You have these scenarios playing through your mind if you would ever confess to him. How he would react to your confession, but now, you regret those times that you wish you could tell him.

The buzzing sound of your vibrating phone awakens you from your daydream. Myungsoo was calling you.


“_____-ah, can we meet up tonight?  I want you to meet up with Sungyeol!” exclaimed Myungsoo. You hesitate to answer him. You wanted to meet him; it’s been weeks since you have seen him. The feelings of endearment were present. You agreed to meeting him that night at a fancy restaurant that his boyfriend decides to dine in.

You arrived early and seated there in the fancy restaurant was making you absolutely nervous. It was as you’re meeting your love rival. What if he is much prettier than you, even if he is a man?

A gentleman wearing a button white top suit accompanied with black jeans walk towards the table you were seating. Your eyes perked at how flawless his skin was and the vibe he was carrying as he walks.

His gaze fall upon you and gave you a warm smile that would kill any woman in the restaurant. As he walks towards you, you could feel pair of eyes staring at you. Those eyes of the woman in the restaurant filled with envy on how a charming man like him is taking the seat opposite you. Your smile faded abruptly when he introduced himself.

“Annyeonghaseyo, _______-ah! I have heard a lot about you, I’m Sungyeol” offering his hand to shake, you took it unwillingly but in a form of respect you shook it. Your eyes searched for Myungsoo but he wasn’t anywhere at sight. Sungyeol notices that.

“Myungsoo went to the restroom for a moment. It might be his way of giving us time to get comfortable” assured Sungyeol, browsing through the menu on the table. It was an awkward silence after a second.

You took that time to survey the man in front of you. His features were exceptionally flawless, from his sharp pointy nose to his silk hair styled perfectly.

“Do you love Myungsoo?”

Your hands stop flipping the pages of the menu and looked up to him. Sungyeol stared onto your eyes that are filled with shocked.

“Don’t you love him?” you avoided his question.

“Yes. I love him” he replied confidently. Sungyeol pointed at you, “You?”

“Yes, but he has you. What does it matters now?” feeling aggravated that a stranger knows you better than your own best friend.

“Everything matters, _____-shi. Why didn’t you tell him?” he put down the menu on the table and folded his arms.

You frowned at his question.

“I believe that will be none of your concern, Sungyeol-shi”

“It is my concern if it is about Myungsoo” said Sungyeol sternly.

Sungyeol waited for your answer but you refused to tell him.

“I’m waiting for your answer, ______shi.” He said, you can depict a slight tone of impatience in his voice.

“I can’t” you answered, standing up from your seat and sliding yourself out, “Sungyeol-shi, I will leave Myungsoo to you”

Sungyeol grab your hands halting your steps.

You glared at his grasp. He stood up and faced you.

“________-shi, I am giving you an opportunity. When I love someone, I won’t ever give it to anyone even if it is you” you frowned at his warning. You shake his grasp away from you and started walking out from his presence.

But, your steps were interrupted for a moment when you saw Myungsoo standing a table away from you. His eyes shift from you to Sungyeol, worry displayed on her face. You shake your head at the disruption and walked off from the restaurant.

“_______-ah! ______-ah! STOP!” shouted Myungsoo, running after you.

“What do you want, MYUNGSOO!” you yelled, scowling at him

He gasped for breathe before closing the distance between you two.

“What happened?” he said in between breathe.

“Nothing! Nothing happened, just go back to Sungyeol” pushing him away.

“You’re lying. When you lie you always avert your eyes away from me” said Myungsoo scanning your face. “Stop being stubborn and just tell me what’s going on damn it!”

You stared into his eyes. Is now or never.

“You really want to know?”

Myungsoo nodded.

“FINE! The moment I saw you at the lecture room, I fall in love with you at the first sight. When you shared the same interests as me I felt like screaming to you how this isn’t a coincidence. I felt that it was fated when we moved to the same neighborhood. When you told me you’re gay it was as if my life went crashing down. I couldn’t brace this truth and I have sworn how many times I had given the chance to confess. But, I was scared, Myungsoo-ah. I’m scared that all of this that we build would be gone by just three words. But, now, I simply don’t care, I love you, Myungsoo-ah! I really love y-“

Your words got broken off by Myungsoo when he pulled you close, his lips hovering to yours. You breathe at a hitch, his slender fingers touched your cheeks. You flinch at the sudden coldness of his hands. He cupped your cheeks as he went in for a kiss. It was a slow and tender kiss, your hands traveled to his neck and there he deepens in the kiss. Sensational and addictive was what you felt thorough out. He bit your lips seeking for entrance, you surrender to him.

Myungsoo broke the kiss off with you gasping for air. His hands never leave yours as you entwined your fingers with his.

“You took such a long time to say that, _______ah!” complained Myungsoo, caressing your soft hands.

“How about Sungyeol?” you asked, a sense of worry went to him.

“Don’t worry about him, he’ll understand” he glanced at you before bringing you into a hug, “You are worth it”

“I love you” said Myungsoo, tightening his hold of you.

“I love you too” you replied.

Sungyeol observe the couple from a far with a warm smile displayed on his face…

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Chapter 1: Aaaawww so cute <3